what doe /biz think is going to happen here ?
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link moon rip rip
ARAB money looking at ripple
soon Arabs will pump RIpple
im thinking there might be fast win? any one in on this ?
bought $12k, I believe
iam new as fuck. i dont know wtf is going on in that pic. or what each line means
Google and you tube are your friends
thats a 10 15 and 50 period moving average
and volume indicators
these are for technical analysis, for guessing with better accuracy, the trends of a given financial product.
The arrows in the last image point to information needed for said analysis.
The first points to a strong buy sell trend holding a trade range over the last 2 ish hours.
the second points to an ichimoku prediction of a raising support line and strong possibility of a bull into the night.
are those useful?
do you really look at the average of 50 units of trading and 10 units of trading at the same time?
I do yes, you might want to look on youtube for videos from trading 212 and read how to use ichimoku, the 212 videos give excellent examples of things and how it all works, and ichimoku rarely fails me.
all this really works cause its what a vast majority of traders use to pick their trade positions. so a sort of self fulfilling prophecy
also I started trading with 28 bucks a week ago, having never traded before. after reading how to use ichimoku and a few other little things I am up to nearly 200 bucks.
BUMP BUMP BUMP IT UP for advise and thoughts from the more experienced of Veeky Forums
only a few minutes and look the ichimoku jap mojo is again looking correct.
Discuss ? ThoughtS?
so did you use the sell at 5%higher and buy at 5%lower daily trading method? else i dont see how you went up so fast
I trailing stop at 5 points and buy at confirmation of breakouts.
big buyers make it go UP
sorry thats a hard sentence to process can you reformulate that
the arrow is pointing at a confirmation point, That is in this chart, 15 minute periods, the price closed above the resistance line, and then open above the previous periods closing.
each candle stick is one 15 minutes spam of time.
this indicates an upward trend, especially when combined with the buy order influ
this is the current order book./
Im holding 41k XRP
Im not selling until its $2
show portfolio i dont belieb you
big green numbers means big buys big buys means thee price SHOULD ( key word There) go up. this is also not always right, could be a false breakout. so I set a tight trailing stop.
a trailing stop is when I set a max loss of value. if its worth .20 and I set a loss max of .01 it will auto sell at .19 BUT the trailing part is if it jumps to .25 and then to .24 it will auto sell at .24. The STOP of my losses will trail by the decided distance value
This is a trailing stop set up for example.
How to do that method? I saw the thread on it but didn't save it.
.01 is currently 5% the value of 1 xrp give or take a fraction of a penny. so I am now infact using .01 as a trailing stoppppppper
this is the point where YOUTUBE is your best friend. so is opening a trading account on a site that lets you "TRADE" with Fictitious money in fourx or something to learn so you can play a bit, not take a loss, and learn.
see here the indicators were good to me this time. I made .6%
FYI 1-3% is what most day traders make a week.
here we see a small sell off, this is a retracement.
its when people sell short and then the normal forces driving the price up (or Down ) resume their work.
this time the forces that drive over powered the sell and it still went UP
2.16% in 45 minutes
Sell around 1$ then rebuy below it, because XRP will be worth at least 100$ in the next 5 years.
Anyone holding at least 10k is potential future millionaire.
t. 35k XRP holder
so Veeky Forums
Buy xrp
the volume is 25.621 million
thats a lot
and its GOING UP
with real breakout.
>new Forbes article about Ripple and XRP this month
>new video explaining Ripple benefits youtube.com
Yeah, we are going past the 10k sats this time.
3.24% and still going !@!!!
>been accumulating for a month
>expecting it to do nothing for 5 years
>jumps 10% in a day
I'm okay with this
this close 4.09% up and growing/ like my dick its raising to the occasion
now is the time to buy if you havent already.
if you get this excited over a 1-2 cent move, go check out SONM it's been up 30-100% for the past few days....12 cents to 20+ cents. very small market cap.
XRP looks expensive in the billions marketcap. No thanks. With jews, you lose.
Fucking hell sometimes Veeky Forums calls it, just made 50$ in 30 min lol
bought in like 3 days ago when it was at its lowest
cheers mate.
0x497aa281f80c8198bee42ad2c90ddd1d7626da33 for ETH donations as thanks on the hot tip./
here is a prime example of retracement
buying now as it about to return to an upward trend would be profitable.
Pretty much the same
Fuck off
Also. No
It gonna falls one more time before it reach some x2 at 10k.
Big spender.
It's the same thing they are doing to BAT right now, prepump and dump
looks like it'll drop based on indicators though
Just wondering how soon
W-we Finna moon?
Depends on how much XRP you're holding