>What is Chancoin (4CHN)
Chancoin is a community driven digital currency made for imageboards, discord and edgy internet communities across the web, that integrates tipping, gaming and lots of other fancy features.
>Our tipping extentions for Chrome and Firefox are already running at Veeky Forums.org They allows members to tip each other with just a one click of a button.
>We have a tipping bot at our Discord channel. It automatically tips users of 4cnh.org with 4CHN coins.
>Our goals/tasks in the nearest future:
We are working on a minecraft server with chancoin integration and other games such as GTA:VC online.
Million of other things are coming. We just need more time and manpower. Join and contribute to our nice community! Everyone is welcome!(being a cunt is against the rules).Join our discord channel and say hi! JS/Ruby/C/C++ developers are welcome in our core dev team!
>Join our discord and say hi!
>Tipping extension github:
Chrome : github.com
Firefox : github.com
>Where to buy
>How do I earn free coins?
Just reply to this thread with "$4CHN:address" in your name field.
The extension adds a tip button to Veeky Forums posts with the following name format: ':address' where is 4CHN (we are working to implement other prefixes like: $4chn $CHAN $chan).Other posters can also tip you through the use of the browser extensions. Yes, nano, it's really that simple. You too can be rich!
Lambos for everyone!
Chancoin General(4CHN coin)
Other urls found in this thread:
It's not unusual to be loved by anyone
Nice pic;)
Please deposit 2 shekels into my account
Coin hasnt gone above $1000 trade volume since it was dumped.
Give up, the coin is dead, bagholders just write off your loses
1k sat when?
hello hello
go to the moon already
free gibs? okay
I'm tired
>want to make a chancoin shirt
>not a single store close by sells green shirts
Where can I buy 3 BTC of Chancoin?
You can transfer your BTC to me, i'll send you your chancoin
Dont think about falling for this scam.
Lead Dev Goss has been dumping and has not written a single line of code.
You are giving money to a scamming bit of scum.
Was dead the moment andy/goss dumped
Did you try the Eidoo Ethereum mobile wallet? It's great!
I'll sell you all my chancoin for 1btc.
or just go to cryptopia.
think I'll kill myself if I lose money on this coin.
if you buy 3 BTC worth it would probably increase the value by 2000% or something
if you invest any money in it, you have lost it already.
why people doesn't buy on Cryptopia?
because they don/t want to buy it anywhere
would probably put the price up to like 1.5k kek
please do this
> please do this
> please throw away $12,000
If he did this, it would cause a massive buy stresk, as prople saw it mooning. This will happen, eventually. The community is great.
> If he did this,
he won't
> it would cause a massive buy stresk, as prople saw it mooning.
it wouldn't.
> This will happen, eventually.
It won't, this coin will just die and nobody will remember it a year from now.
>The community is great.
It isn't.
The only way this coin can "moon" is if it gets listed on bittrex, because people buy stuff there when it's cheap anyways. And just from that it would have more than $100 daily volume
nobody is expecting that chancoin will moon tommorow. Everybody is aware Chancoin is Shutcoin.
GitHub is active. New Devs are coming in. Without Goss this coin would be death back july. Its october , discord is full. New Tipping Extension New Devs More commited people. So lets see whats next.
And loosing money. Its Crypto you can do 1000x with this coin or loose a 0.5 BTC for 100K.
And really who the fuck are you if you trade with Crypto and cant afford to invest funny playmoney of 0.5 BTC.
to anyone else. Some people FUD because they are accumulating. So dont be so stupid to sell.
>5 posts by this ID
wew lad shouldn't you be taking care of your autism with professionals instead of posting here
Either it is a FUDer who wants to buy Chancoin cheap or it is Andy, who is mad as fuck.