For how long people has gone to the beach as a form of recreation
For how long people has gone to the beach as a form of recreation
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The Romans did it.
Some cavemen probably liked to play on a beach.
>tfw Anne and Margot didn't live in France
>tfw they'll never be the first civilians to greet US troops coming ashore at Normandy
Do you have more Anne Frank swimsuit shot? For educational purpose.
Beaches are a fairly modern phenomena. The sandy beaches didn't exist 200-300 years ago, the fine sand was shipped from Arabia and dumped all over the world to create the nice beaches you see today.
I have this of Margot
and also this but they are not wearing swimsuits
nnngh, in the name of education, thank you.
200-300 years ago? Ships couldn't travel to Sardinia let alone Arabia at this point...right?
Dude you're fucking retarded. Look at any of the sand you see on the beach almost anywhere and it'll contain fine grains of rocks found in the path of the river that delivers the water.
Lol no sand is a thing specific to the middle east, created there due to fraction of tectonic plates. All the "sand" you see in rivers is either gravel, or was imported there for better stability, supporting plantlife, or recreational purposes
>sand is a thing specific to the middle east
Screencapping for posterity
If you're a drawfag, I encourage you to illustrate every word of it.
Is this your first thread on Veeky Forums or something?
No, but this is so beautiful, that a record of it must be kept.
ive thought of this since i live in a "beach town," and since ive been here through the years ive thought 'how long have (we) been here?" who know, if we cme from evolution, then, a few "millions" of years. think of the dinosaurs at a beach as we know of it, then millions of years a hominind at a beach. then a "humanoid". its weird to think of but its just because we're curious. and even so there are preditorial animal that feed off of the coasts. its funny that we come here for pleasure. who really knows
>"Something wonderful has happened, user."
this is only partially correct. you see only saudi sand nowadays because the spanish overmined (and terribly mismanaged) chilean sand mines in the 1700s with such inefficient methods that saudies gained a monopoly on sand mining by 1800s. this also accounts for british interest in the middle east from this period onward. some parts of britain are indeed oversanded because some villages and landowners would devote significant expenditure for beach sanding. sanded beaches were not only highly prestigious status symbols but they were also good for local tourism and turtle egg industry. this is why you can always tell a poor area by how rough the beaches are. growing up, my grandad only had a glass of beach sand he kept on his book shelf and he had to hide it when relatives came over cause its value and because there was a hefty prison sentence.
How did Revenge of the Sith become conflated with pregnant Anne Frank again?
Tell me you're just trolling please. Artificial beaches are an anecdotal exception (and a bad idea).
>tfw they'll never be the first civilians to greet US troops coming ashore at Normandy
>posted a photo of US Marines landing in Lebanon 38 years later
Finally the mods have started to delete the Anne Frank porn. Two pics just got 404'd
>Finally the mods have started to delete the Anne Frank porn
Day of the rope when?
>tfw they'll never be the first civilians to be raped by amerinegroes
>implying mods can or ever will stop us
The more mods tighten their grip, the pregnant Anne Frank porn will slip through their fingers.
I just realized I made a bunch of grammatical errors, let me post the new and improved version and you can screencap that.
>Anne Frank will never be nine months pregnant
>Anne will never find that her breasts have become so engorged that none of her bras or bikinis fit her anymore
>Anne will never decide to go topless because fuck it, he’s horny, hormonal, and uncomfortable enough as it is
>Anne will never arrive at the beach with you and the kids, wearing a dress thin enough to make her nipples visible
>Anne will never tell the kids to go make sand castles, but warn them not to go too far out into the ocean, knowing it will keep them occupied for the next hour at least
>Anne will never lead you toward a rock formation that’s out of sight of the kids and other beachgoers
>it’s next to an abandoned German minefield, but you both know the way, you’ve done this before
>Anne will never tear her dress off immediately the moment she’s out of view, ripping the buttons out, but she doesn’t care
>ywn become instantly rock hard at the sight of Anne and the weight distending her stomach and engorging her breasts, and yet, so beautiful
>there’s no need for foreplay, the constant slosh of a womb strained to the very limit of its capacity and well beyond that against her organs is enough for Anne, and just seeing that naked swell of a middle full of your child gets you the rest of the way
>you and Anne will never fuck cowgirl style, right there in the sand, to the sound of the laughter of your children, NATO jets flown by Europe’s new protectors, the Confeder-err I mean United States thundering by, and the forever moving sea
>ywn feel the exhilaration of expelling your hot and sticky load inside of your beautiful, nearly ready to burst Anne
>Anne will never cover her mouth to avoid screaming with pleasure, a reflex, like she did all those years ago when you and her were in hiding together and your first was conceived in the Annexe
>ywn lie, facing each other in pure exhaustion and content for the longest time
>ywn look at your watch
>ywn realize you’ve been lying there for almost two hours
>Anne will never grab the beach towel from next to you and use it to clean up your oozing jizz
>ywn yell Anne as you feel the tingling of the rag and her hand pressing up against your cock, as if she’s trying to get you hard again for a handjob, that it’s time to collect the little ones and head home
>Anne will never realize that she’s ripped out the buttons on her dress and it’s impossible for her to pull it around her gravid frame
>ywn tell her what does it matter if others get a glance? You’re both happily married and every one of your children was fed from those breasts anyway
>ywn stroll down the beach with Anne, holding hands, her Khazar milkers proudly on display for all the world to see
>ywn call your children’s names
>ywn listen to them innocently giggle at the sight of their mother with her favorite dress popped open, comically flowing with the ocean breeze
>ywn put them int the car and drive off with the setting sun
>ywn put your hand on Anne naked belly and feel the new baby kick responsively
>ywn feel the greatest sense of happiness and contentment that a man can
Screencapping for posterity
Revised screencap is done, ignore the other one and use this whenever you're shitposting on the other boards/uploading Veeky Forums screenshots to facebook
/k/ loves you Anne
Used my powers of photoshop to fix a very minor typo I spotted (tell is misspelled as yell in the second post). Hope y'all enjoy it.
Might've supposed to have been yell, but he needed 'at' or 'for' after it for it to make sense. You can't fit 'at' or 'for' in without copying out the post and adding it though.
It's the line ">ywn yell Anne as you feel the tingling of the rag and her hand pressing up against your cock, as if she’s trying to get you hard again for a handjob, that it’s time to collect the little ones and head home", I'm pretty sure that was supposed to be "tell"
Didn't notice that, thanks.
He's right, I mean to say tell. I would've waited for mods to delete it again to repost it, but I guess a little bit of photoshop never hurt.
That's the one I'm commenting on. I'm not sure that 'tell' conveys the intended meaning. 'Yell' certainly doesn't. I'm thinking he left out a word somewhere. "ywn yell out for Anne..." would make sense I think.
Fuck it, this whole conversation is worthy of a screencap of it's own.
Normally I don't screencap my own shit but this is an exception
were ancient Meds into swimming?
>you and Anne will never fuck cowgirl style, right there in the sand, to the sound of the laughter of your children, NATO jets flown by Europe’s new protectors, the Confeder-err I mean United States thundering by, and the forever moving sea
Nice try, Johnny Reb. Not today.
Nice to see someone noticed
*handrubbing Confederate soldier intensifies*
What is this thread even?
Veeky Forums at peak performance
It's a thread about the history of recreational beachgoing. Contribute or fuck off.
It could have been interesting without the Anne Franck trolls and the total retards.
>OP uses a photo of Anne Frank as b8
>surprised when Veeky Forums takes the b8
It's almost as if actions have consequences
Tourism was not really a thing until mass transit and consumer economics, and coasts werent too populated during agrarian period of history as the soil eroded more easily, there was half as much arable space within same distance and fish is much more limited source of nutrition over mammals.
>coasts werent too populated during agrarian period of history
That's a pretty alien thought for me, as most of the people in my country lives by the coast. Where the hell did people live by then?
Farms and manors. Most of the labor force was tied up growing food for most of civilization's history.
How did they get water though?
Streams, springs, wells, and rain. Regions that were generally stable would build irrigation systems, too.
Not from the fucking ocean you dunce.
U wot?
baka desu senpai
Jungle Asian? Until recently people lived mainly on the agricultural lands more productive than the fishing coasts. Only the ports area were populated.
The sand beaches were very poor areas, they were recreative only for the few people living there, when they had free time. They became a destination for aristocracy in Europe starting from the 18th century only.
I'm Brazilian
I'm so sorry
How did that bikini top stay on without straps? The Romans didn't have elastic, did they?
Tied with a string on top?
I have never worn a bikina before, but I don't think they need straps over the top
You just need them around the back iirc
Well, you're in a jungle land too, they're not profitable without modern means, that why your population is concentrated on the coasts.
Sand simply refers to a grain size for rocks. Almost any environment on Earth with any kind of erosion has at least a bit of sand. That's like claiming mud is only found in one part if the world.
its just cloth wrapped around the upper body
It's almost as OP is the one posting those pictures
Anne Frank jewposters pretending they belong and spamming their shit everywhere.
just your friendly neighborhood /pol/ repellant.
(((mods))), amIrite?
>literally proving them right as to the existence of an actual JIDF
lol nigga u really think JIDF is distributing cartoon porn pictures of a pregnant Anne Frank getting railed by confederate hosses? Half the reason it works so well is because of how offensive it is to the sensitivities of normies.
Normies don't visit Veeky Forums, and you were complaining about /pol/
>just your friendly neighborhood /pol/ repellant.
>how do you do fellow Veeky Forums memers
Fuck off already
as of app. 10,000 years ago most (say 70%) of the world's population live within 100 miles of a marine coast, major river or lake.
>pregnant Anne Frank getting railed by confederate hosses
We need an artfag to make that meme official. Pregnant Anne Frank passionately kissing a Confederate officer and tugging at his belt, trying to yank the brass buckle right off so she can get ahold of the BSC (Big Southern Cock).
>Normies don't visit Veeky Forums
It will eventually leak into the normiesphere eventually. It always does.
>its /pol/ repellant
>no wai its normie repellant
>but eventually (it will) leak into the normiesphere eventually
pure fucking cancer, and disingenuous lying cancer at that
>implying /pol/ hasn't become normie-tier thanks to /r/The_Donald
Even on /pol/, they complain about normies taking over on a daily basis.
I'm not discussing them, I'm discussing you faggot, this meme was never funny or intelligent. It has become so stale its growing mold now, maybe it's your brainchild and pride and joy but for everyone else its a pathetic clinging onto some forced attention.
>this meme was never funny or intelligent
Speak for yourself. I think it's goddamn hilarious. The best part is just how many people it manages to piss off. Jews hate it, Nazis hate it, Leftists hate it, Yankees hate it, and Southerners love it.
Major rivers and lakes likely made up the most of those people, and 100 miles isn't that close when all you have are horses and your own two feet.
>That's like claiming mud is only found in one part if the world.
>He doesn't know
Everyone is ambivalent beyond annoyance, you're living out some warped fantasy posing as something you're not.
>no wai its normie repellant
>but eventually (it will) leak into the normiesphere eventually
What I mean is that normies will eventually find out about it and watching them blow their collective gasket at some /trash/-tier Gone With the Wind fanfiction about Anne Frank being pregnant with Rhett Butler's child will be hilarious.
>>its /pol/ repellant
>>no wai its normie repellant
the beautiful thing is that it is both. Normies are driven away by the fact that it is the sexualization of a 12 year old girl who died horribly in a concentration camp, and it drives away /pol/niggers because it forces them to experience an emotional reaction towards a Jew who suffered horribly at the hands of their ideology
>pure fucking cancer, and disingenuous lying cancer at that
Your tears aren't going to make it go away
>12 year old girl
She was 16
I'm just pointing out how you're contradicting yourself at every post.
You're not talking to the same user
>experience an emotional reaction towards a Jew who suffered horribly at the hands of their ideology
A young Anne Frank is merely an undeveloped Betty Frieden or Rosa Luxemburg
Or maybe she's the next Betsy Ross, Florence Nightingale, Audrey Hepburn, or just another wife and mother of no particular historical importance.
Point is that it doesn't justify what the Germans did to her.
Nice list of non-Jews there, why not choose Jewish examples such as Ayn Rand, or Ruth First, or maybe Gloria Steinem?
>a bunch of entertainers and the precursor of all nurses
Wasting my time.
>Nice list of non-Jews there
Not an argument.
My grandmother was 13 when we invaded on D-Day, and her family farm is in Normandy. Their house was partially collapsed by Allied shelling, and the barn demolished. Her mother and her were both raped during the liberation of France by Allied Soldiers (both Americans and Brittish). The farm was looted by Americans.
you're not funny faggot