What went wrong?
What went wrong?
so much this
how many scientific or cultural achievements has Italy had after unification?
Superficial linguistic nationalism that was rampant in the late 19th century. Backed by capitalists, elites, and financiers to create an industrial nation by homogenizing very different peoples into one identity.
Ironically the South would lead the way for Italian unification only to be fucked over when Northern interests. Industry was concentrated in north and central Italy and land reforms were enacted to cripple the already poor farmers by putting public and church land into the hands of Aristocrats.
Better examples of how multi cultural European countries ought to be run are Russia, Austro-Hungary, Great Britain, and Spain where there’s a certain degree of autonomy for minorities but there’s a clear dominant culture/people.
Wow, what an intriguing and profound post, user.
Fake country
Shit military and a unification that happened way too late
no Corsica
Austro-Hungary seems like an awful exmaple, but GB/Russia/Spain (less so with Catalonian faggots) seems pretty good.
It gets worse
Mussolini died
Literally nothing. Italy pre-unification was a worthless backwater of statelets dominated by foreign powers that hadn't achieved anything for hundreds of years. Together they're the #7 largest economy on the planet, bigger than Russia, and solidly first world, with a national identity and common language.
>economy and accomplishments are more important than losing your ways and freedom
Wow, why are western europeans and americans such degenerates?
this. pre-united italy was a puppet of foreiign powers
The Jews
Austria-Hungary was one of the best countries in Europe in regards to the treatments of its minorities, certainly better than Britain (Ireland) or Spain (there's a reason the Carlist Wars happened).
A lot. Your argument is a meme. Italy's industrial output is incredibly prestigious (cars, fashion, wine...)
inability to progress beyond traditional values without regressing to raw hedonism
Well OP you see, it's pretty simple.
GOOD times created WEAK men, and WEAK men created BAD times.
Think a little longer before asking questions like these
do you mean this ironically or unironically
Do I look like an ironically person?
What is that map even supposed to mean? If you want to separate cultural areas you might as well find new colours for Friuli, Trentino, Aosta, Toscana and Sicily. Arguably even Puglia, Emilia and Piemonte.
The Nordic race became less numerous. This is why they are so shit now in comparison to the Nordic Roman times...
He doesn't look nordic at all
>Removes Corsica.
>Adds the uninhabited Sardinia.
Shit map user.
This post is absolute garbage. Almost nothing or what you say about Italy is true, and the bit about looking at russia, A-H, GB and Spain in how to run multicultural empires got me questioning your sanity.
A-H was too much a mess to even talk about, and eventually (inevitably, I should add) imploded.
Russia genocided, deported and substituted with ethnic russians the better part of the peoples it subjugated.
If you're gonna say "the end justifies the means", then you might even agree with pic related.
Great Britain doesnt have enough landmass on its own to speak of a multicultural empire (although it still managed to genocide its own kind -the irish), so let's talk about the colonies: the British Empire sistematically exploited any colony or oversea territory it had (american revolution anyone?), while maintaining any caste system already in place when it suited them -india-, and dismantling it when it risked forming an independant ethnic society -zulu-.
Spain (i'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you werent referring to the colonies) does indeed present some degree of ethnic difference within the peninsula, mostly owing to the umayyad caliphate and its successors, and obviously the basque country. How did Spain deal with them? You guessed it: deportation (expulsion of the morsicos), suppression (rebellion of las alpujarras), usual stuff. Even today, Spain struggles to stay an unified country.
Corsica is way less inhabited than Sardinia
They couldn't stop fucking these long enough to make an empire
>Russia, Austro-Hungary
>economy and accomplishments are more important than losing your ways and freedom
>(cars, fashion, wine...)
These aren't real cultural achievements.
Italy seems to be doing fine to me. Yeah, it kinda sucks that their GDP is only the size of Russia's, but they're doing ok on the whole.
From an American point of view every European is Nordic.
>What went wrong?
What with?
Culturally? Nothing. They have consistently been hitting well above their demographic and economic weight in this regard. You can't really expect them to outproduce larger and wealthier nations, considering modern cultural production relies on audience size and Italy's is pretty small at just 60mln.
Economically? Same issue as the rest of southern Europe, only actually worse: no fucking industrial resources whatsoever, bad terrain for anything other than farming, and far from the main trade routes. This meant a late and costly industrialization and growth propped up by original developments, which is something that petered out as research becomes progressively more budget dependent, making it hard for small and individual efforts like what characterized Italy's economic boom to compete. Currently, Italy's only viable avenue of growth is tourism, but that's about as shit and unreliable as sectors get.
Socially? Nothing that doesn't happen everywhere else too, only made a bit worse by the bad economy.
It all goes back to making Cisalpine Gauls part of Italy. Everything north of the Rubicon is not real Italy and poisoned by C*ltic and G*rman heritage that has made them screw over the rest of Italy while sucking Franco-Austrian cock.
Nothing. It may not be as good as Scandinavia but it's still one of the best countries in the world
Garibaldi didn't know when to stop.
>tfw you will never live in the universe where the Italic League worked and led to earlier unification
Kill me
every sentence of this post is just awful
The eternal flame was allowed to burn out.
There's nothing wrong with Bacchus
Fucking them is how you create an empire. Also planes, tankettes and accusations against the red cross.
You sound like a filthy Samnite.
None of its Rightful Balkan and North African territory.
Germany,always finding a way to destroy Europe since 476 A.D.