Why do barbarian languages sound so fucking edgy? German literally sounds like a language made up by 10 year olds who say they fucked your mom online.
Why do barbarian languages sound so fucking edgy...
The German teachers I had in highschool / college were both women, so I always thought german sounded effeminate when spoken normally. I always thought the "German is always shouted and sounds super harsh" was just making fun of Hitler.
English is a germanic language
english is a germanic language that was raped by the french language
modern german doesn't sound anything like what ancient germans spoke. Even old high german sounds like latin
Why do orientals have such edgy naming sense?
>open-gate eight-extremities fist
>Nine Demon Gods School
Got me there
Grammatically yes, but in vocabulary it's mostly French and Latin derived words.
German is kind of relaxing. I've never thought of it as harsh. If the only German you've heard is Hitler speeches then yeah, it's going to sound harsh.
I take German and i think its pretty but whatever.
80s kung-fu films are a treasure.
>rage comic
What year is this?
English west germanic language lmao. You can literally speak english by using german words only. Check out Uncleftish Beholding it is really interesting.
French is just gay sounding Latin
Germanic /=/ German.
Most of those Latin words are meme science words the avarge person will never say out of a school science class.
It sounds hot when a German woman is screaming something while you fuck her in the ass from behind.
The idea that German is a harsh sounding language probably came from German immigrants being very integrated where they settled and most of the exposure to the language being ww2 films
>German is a barbarian language but English is not
Be grateful some people are lucky enough to live in the past even if you aren't.
English is influenced by French so it is not as barbarian as g*rman.
>German is harsh language meme
>Rage comics
Back to the leddit you go
Fucking Germans at it again
French is objectively the most beautiful language
this.. half vocabulary is the same of italian
>tfw i speak finnish
German isn't harsh at all, in normal use
South Slavic languages are far harsher, they literally have words with no vowels
First of all, that is not true, second of all, that is only when counting every single word in the English language. If you look at more "common" speak such as in English literature, the percentage shows that English is indeed a Germanic language.
>Why do barbarian languages sound so fucking edgy?
Because you're an ignorant twat who doesn't know any better and can only spout facebook-tier memes
>because u mean silly poopy head XDDD
Fucking nigger. Try compare the harsh and uncivilized languages like German or Swedish with beautiful languages like French, Italian or Spanish.
>sissy gay guy 'languages' versus languages spoken by real men
All latin based words
ein gar eckiges Mem, werter Herr.
Russian is a slavic language that was raped by french too
can you explain what you mean by "edgy"? Just harsh or something else? German is my native language, so i'm interested to know what it sounds like to speakers of other languages.
>Jogosítvány or vezetői engedély
Get on our level.
This is actually fresh, I likey
demon king?
english was raped by French
>he speaks a girly language
English is influenced by Norman French aka Barbarian French.
The one in the middle should be "permiso de ondear vitalmente"
All latin based words
It is Greek
Illiterate is Latin tho
>proving my point
French sounds like an autist choking on a dick.
>implying this isn't beautiful
German is actually really pleasant to the ear when spoken normally, despite kikes trying to push the meme that it's harsh and angry.
Spanish and French sound horrible. Lispy and nasally
*blocks your tongue*
Is this correct German?
You are in fact proving mine
Because you've never heard any of the musical languages, those redefine what's harsh and what's melodious.
Portuguese and Arabic are the top dogs here, start with those.
it derives from "Kraftfahrzeugführerschein","power-driven vehicle drivers license". "Führer" in this sense doesn't have the meaning "leader" it means "carriage driver" because when the term was coined you still had horse driven vehicles. So it means "mechanical horse drivers license".
high german is fun, but regional german is the shit
Weinberg - Wingert - Vineyard
reden - babbele - to talk
Bastard - Bangert - bastard
Pfurz - Bumbes - fart
Alles klar! - Ajooh! - Allright!
Deutsch - Deitsch - german
Ich - Isch - I
I can say "Ich" correct, i always say "Isch", get a lot of other Germans for it because i sound funny.
Yes, but it doesn't make that much sense in german.
>indoeurooppalaiset ali-ihmis kielet
>puhumisen arvoisia
Valitse yksi.
>thousands upon thousands of homophones
>h aspiré, in fact most of what is written isn't pronounced
>"Chrétien" with no S
French pronunciation is consistent and contextual homophones are no worse than English. You're literally complaining about having to learn and use a set of rules after using a language with none.
Who says I like English?
It's pretty stupid too.
Unironically Turkish is one of the most logical ones, then Spanish and many of the Eastern Euro languages.
>glom of finland :D
>i always say "Isch", get a lot of other Germans for it because i sound funny.
Oh, ein Türke
>Thinks Spanish is more logical than French
Afrikaans is pretty mean sounding.
Afrikaans sounds like Dutch spoken by a retard
what's the nicest sounding language /his
I refuse to believe welsh is a real language. You can't have that are nothing but consonants and expect me to not think you're just having a laugh.
Dutch itself sounds like German spoken by a retard
Spelling of Spanish words is much more logical and efficient than French.
Dutch just sounds like a made up language.
>You can't have that are nothing but consonants
You haven't seen West Slavic languages then.
I used to think Greek based on how it looks on paper. Then I actually heard it spoken, never again. Bunch of lisping beta faggots.
>My set of consistent rules are better than your set of equally consistent rules
t. brainlet
All our verbs and pronouns, the grammatical core of the language, are Germanic in origin. French and Latinate words are just variations on stuff we already had terms for in Old English mostly.
No. You cannot speak English if all you use is French-derived words, but you can speak English just fine using only Germanic origin words. Because that is the core of our language.
You should see semitic languages. Technically, there are no vowels whatsoever.
I'm German, and I have come here today to denounce those speakers of the German language who speak the following dialects:
1) High German
2) Kiezdeutsch
3) Kanackendeutsch
They are traitors to the language.
They are inacceptable.
Vile saxon, the insufferable coastal languages, the intolerable berlinerisch, gay saar or drunk badensian, painful as they are to the ear, are all German, and as such acceptable.
t. Hohenlohian-Franconian Swabian.
If you only use Germanic words, you end sounding like a retard, because Anglo-Saxon was pretty much only for the plebes and was distinctly unrefined.
I guess it's a thing that contemporary western languages sound lispy in their land of origin as opposed to their derived dialects in former colonies. I haven't taken a look at it but I wonder how Dutch, French, and Portuguese elsewhere in the world compare with their European counterparts.
Also earlier form of Greek probably sounded different.
More like 30% each, which adds up to 60%.
Just to add even American English corrects spelling in some Latin loanwords to more closely resemble the classical Latin spelling whereas the British until recent times retained medieval spelling conventions which resemble that of other major western European languages such as French and Spanish.
Oh yes, I unfalteringly am glad that the Foreoned Kingdom is leaving the European Foreoning. It's a shame that we'll have to do without the Onely Handling and the Toll Foreoning, and that we'll have to end free bewaying of boroughers, but it's all worth it. I hear that the British Rulering means to forebring new lawgiving for this outgive in the next sitting of Speakering. Hopefully this ploy won't onsee any againstsetting from the right of the Upsparing Offscything, who want a fullstanding break with Brussels following the 2016 folkbackchoosing.
>all our verbs
Blatant lie
>french and latinate words are just variations
Irrelevant to the fact they make up for a huge chunk of your day to day vocabulary
As a Dane I’m laughing because this looks like an extremely literal translation of a Danish text.
Glad you liked it.
fuck you
t. lindybeige
I actually find German to sound really faggy in normal speech (it only sounds scary from screaming nazi characters in movies/video games) and I find French to sound much cooler in regular speech (it only sounds faggy from gay effeminate europoor comedic french characters in movies)
>I actually find German to sound really faggy in normal speech
This, they can't live up the hype
Ne, Rheinländer, du Schwuggele.
Ist vielleicht auch der Wein...
Südwestdeutsche > Norddeutsche + Ossis
Be honest you never heard a german talk except Hitler right?
Just for the record, "High German" is just just modern everyday German. Swabians on the other hand can be unintelligible to even other Germans.
>modern everyday German
GTFO of here, you hannoverian shill!