Does cardio actually kill gains? I've heard so much conflicting information, I don't know what to believe

Does cardio actually kill gains? I've heard so much conflicting information, I don't know what to believe.

I've heard cardio can make you more aesthetic, I heard it kills gains, I DON'T KNOW WHO TO LISTEN TO

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run, you fucking unathletic wuss

It doesn't, the spergs on Veeky Forums are not a legit source

not eating enough kills gains, not cardio

the type of cardio you do however can have an effect on your physique - HIIT and LISS affect the intensity and the form of cardio (bikes, jogging, swimming, martial arts) will all require different things from you

If you add cardio but don't eat more yes

If you're not a fucking idiot then no

What if you're on a cut? Should you do cardio if cutting?

I like to do cardio but I take a pre workout, so I cant do cardio it sucks.

When you eat at a calorie surplus, you'll grow both bodyfat and muscle mass.
With cardio, you'll burn that bodyfat alone. Eat something in the 30 mins after your cardio to replenish your glycogen and at the end of the day you'll just get lean muscle mass.

cardio can be very good for cutting because it allows you to eat more and still be at a caloric deficit from the added exercise and it also overall improves your health - strength of erections, muscular endurance of the legs (or whatever muscle is being worked by your form of cardio), and the general wellness of your heart - however like it has been stated it can be a detriment to your health if overdone or not replenished correctly through proper nutrition, and poor running form from jogging or being overweight and jogging can cause joint issues in the long run (no pun intended)

Have you ever seen scientific data that states specifically there is a conflict between cardio and strength training?

Is there research showing that a healthy body and mind require some degree of both?
To be fit you need both, but for your own personal goals you can lean one direction or another and change the frequencies to reach the body you want.

I do more cardio, I still take my weight training very seriously. I just add the calories back in if i'm on a bulk.
Only negative seen was my bulks tend to take longer, but my cuts are extremely simple and are usually done by the end of January.

Broscience, well meaning broscience, but still broscience.

If you actually work as hard as you can doing cardio, yes it kills gains. You can not lift to your full potential while also running to your full potential on long distances. Swimming sprints makes you aesthetic as fuck though. I would suggest short as hell intervals, like 30 seconds of any form of cardio.

Cardio doesnt affect your gains. Its just a myth started by fat people.

Cardio is good for muscular endurance and cardiovascular health.

OP you should read this as "if you are approaching your genetic limits of either strength training or endurance sports, you can not improve the other without severe losses in the primary"

unless you're alex viada tier, do more cardio. the vast majority of people who lift don't do enough.

i do agree intervals are remarkably useful. doesn't take much time and yields huge benefits relative to steady state cardio for the same duration.

maintnence = 2000 cals
eat 2200 cals

burn 200 cals w/ cardio, 50 of which come from fat

cals availible for muscle growth = 2050 cals, with 50 cals of fat lost.

without the cardio and just eating at maintenance, there would be 50 less muscle calories

From what I read, cardio only affects your gains if you over do it.
Like, trying to be a marathon runner and muscular at the same time.
There's also some effect if you do cardio before/after lifting.
But doing a decent amount of moderate intensity properly timed cardio shouldn't affect you at all.

lifting heavy weights is pretty much cardio so do that instead. I work up more of a sweat doing squats than wasting time killing gains on a treadmill.

You may as well ask if you need to refill your gas tank once its empty.

You will need to eat more if you are trying to bulk up while doing cardio.

Just stay away from long distance shit and if you do stall, eat more

Is doing SS and C25K at the same time a good idea? If so, when's the best time to do the cardio? Right after lifting? On rest days?