Can we discuss this man's work?
Both the Decadence of the West and Man and technique seem interesting writings
Also his influence on Evola's work
Can we discuss this man's work?
Both the Decadence of the West and Man and technique seem interesting writings
Also his influence on Evola's work
Other urls found in this thread:
Nobody knew german socialism better than him but the ''spirit of times'' stuff i'm not much into
I think his greatest work being able to tell us the spirit of early 20th century and how everything was already lost even before WW1
The prussian military expansion had pagan roots, he was right
Spengler is one of those people people don’t like to debate because he’s basically unanswerable.
A sign of drilling down to truth, IMO, is this unanswerable quality.
>Spengler is one of those people people don’t like to debate because he’s basically unfalsifiable.
fixed it for you.
Why was he so angry Veeky Forums
More like he has seen some shit
What did he see
Nigga looks sad af
>Why was he so angry Veeky Forums
Because he was denied his doctorate due to an insufficiently sourced thesis
In other words, because he couldn't hack it as a real historian so he had to settle on being a teacher
>only social scientist who can predict anything
This is like how social science was offered IQ and rapidly rejected it
>>only social scientist who can predict anything
yup, I'm sure the collapse into Caesarism will happen any day now, just like it has been for the last 100 years or so.
>b-but muh anecdote
>This is like how social science was offered IQ and rapidly rejected it
Because IQ is a shitty measure of human intelligence, measuring one's ability to solve logic puzzles while ignoring things like creativity, social intelligence, out-of-the-box thinking, etc, and in practice is really more a measure of education than actual intelligence and only plebs think that it has relevance
>and only plebs think that it has relevance
ruined that quality bait by adding this
Nibba he said about 2000 afaik
Which is when the US went full aggressive war what are human rights lol
Now we have “god emperor” trump and a surge of socialism and antisemitism, along with aggressive realpolitik, money becoming a meme etc
It’s not a perfect measure but it’s a relatively good predictor (better than race) of how well someone will do economically
>measure of education
Specifically designed to not be that
Holy shiz the ignorance of the “”””””””””””””intellectual””””””””””””””” class 焚書坑儒 when?
Literally nothing about this post is accurate
>muh god emperor
Trump is a neocon marketed with memes. His brand of know-nothingism makes him a modern day Martin Van Buren, and he will be lucky if he lasts a single term.
He was nazi. No wonder why present day nazis like to quote him so much.
Approval of universities has plummeted under him
People voted populistically for change for him (kinda like obama) at the same time as Bernie did pretty well. At the same time, in bongistan, Corbyn nearly won at the same time as Brexit, all in defiance of the chattering classes.
Liberals warmonger and talk in realpolitik about Russia the way Trump talks about taking the oil and outcompeting China. Science is rejected when it comes to climate and differences between human groups. People critique trump on the grounds that he refuses to lead the world /enough/ (as in a video that went viral in Australia from the state broadcaster [as far as I know]). Obama did a lot of executive orders after Bush smashed through prior limits on power.
Face it m80, Caesar has almost assumed the throne. The alt-right is explicitly anti capitalist now. The turn away from the individual and towards war has commenced. It’s 2l8
>Approval of universities has plummeted
Due primarily to tuition bloat, a fixable problem
> Trump talks about taking the oil and outcompeting China.
Trump sucks Xi Jinping's micropenis. All that bluster about him getting tough on China was to get the backwoods rubes in line while he blatantly does the opposite of everything he promised knowing that they're just too stupid to notice.
>Science is rejected when it comes to climate
By a fracturing and fading remnant of society, albeit the one that oil cartels are clinging too.
>People critique trump on the grounds that he refuses to lead the world /enough/
No, people critique Trump for being a massive liar talking about getting America back to its isolationist roots while launching cruise missiles at Syria while having "beautiful health care plans for everybody on day one" and giving the ""middle"" class a tax cut and building a wall too somehow keep migrant workers from flying in on planes.
>Obama did a lot of executive orders after Bush smashed through prior limits on power.
Because he was dealing with the single most obstructionist and unproductive congress in U.S history, primarily the result of Republicans allying with the uber-wealthy by promising them tax cuts and working white rubes by scaring them with brown boogeymen.
>The alt-right is explicitly anti capitalist now.
They are the useful idiots of right-wing billionaires who want a tax cut. They have no relevance in government or basically anywhere outside of Veeky Forums and get BTFO any time they try to hold a rally by an avalanche of counter-protesters.
>The turn away from the individual and towards war has commenced
Shit like this is why legitimate historians don't take Spencer seriously.
His works were banned in nazi germany if I remember correctly
The future
>his influence on Evola's work
Easy, Evola is the Italian translator of Decline of the West.
So? They also killed the SA.
Prolly bait, but he told Hitler not to do it to em, called Hitler a “heroic tenor” as opposed to a real hero, and said he though the 1000yr reich would be a 10 year reich
So? Even Himmler betrayed Hitler at the end. Stop making excuses for alt nazis, fascist just because they were not approved by the NSDAP.
He supported the Nazis at first and voted for Hitler, but later on he became disillusioned with them, mainly because he thought they weren't elitist enough
So easy to spot the brainlet
>Obama dindu nuffin it wuz da ebil Reptillians
Why thou so mad, though?
Spengler was right - broadly - about the overarching tendencies of large scale civilizations in growth and decline. But there are two mitigating factors to his thesis that need to be considered before people talk him up:
1) He was wrong in applying timeframes to civic decline, as those issues don't align to straightforward temporal intervals, and therefore his prediction about the western European/American system's inevitable decline was way off.
2) He didn't really add anything new to the historiographical consensus of imperial collapse. All he did was look at how Rome fell and extrapolated that to all civilizations. But plenty of historians and philosophers and academics and etc. had already understood that and discussed it, even if they didn't write longform treatises on it.
Spotted the socially autistic mongoloid with shitty taste
>where is Caesar, checkmate Spenglertards
In every thread.
When European fascism was on the rise and he was not desillusioned yet he suggested his Caesar arriving already (!) in the 20th century
Going even lower than creativty?
Jesus christ they're minerals marie!
Maybe if you took a shower, put on some presentable clothing, and worked on your people skills a little bit, you wouldn't be such a sad, lonely sperglord angry at the world for not giving a shit about your supposed superiority because of your "elite white man IQ". You might even learn to appreciate the skill that goes into, say, designing the package which your anime dolls come in, or the sheer level of work that goes into creating the hentai that inspires you to so feverishly and obsessively spank your monkey.
Man why do you write an entire paragraph about shit?
Because it's fun reminding permavirgins that the problem is not society, but their own slovenly lack of self-initiative, and hating on people with skillsets different from theirs isn't going to get them laid any faster
wow epic banter lad and nice pic, can I save it?
Maybe he was right? I mean, I was thinking that Hitler, Franco, Mussolini, Salazar, etc, were all some sort of caesars. But as fascism was defeated in the war, the rise of these Caesars stopped, or to put it in some way, was "delayed."
>Maybe he was right? I mean, I was thinking that Hitler, Franco, Mussolini, Salazar, etc, were all some sort of caesars. But as fascism was defeated in the war, the rise of these Caesars stopped, or to put it in some way, was "delayed."
The leaders listed would be more comparable to the Gracchus brothers (2nd century BC) in some ways. They didn't hold the Roman title of dictator, but they were populist leaders who were known for battling the establishment before the Marius-Sulla conflict kicked off.
>TheGracchus brothers,TiberiusandGaius, were Romans who both served astribunesin the late 2nd century BC. They attempted to passland reformlegislation that would redistribute the major aristocratic landholdings among the urban poor and veterans, in addition to other reform measures. After achieving some early success, both were assassinated by enemies of these reforms.
Germany and Iberia (Spain/Portugal) already had fairly authoritarian traditions, so in a way it would have been somewhat natural to "revert". I know that the Italian Fascists were in strong competition with Communists before rising to power. There were obviously quite a few "social/socialist" reforms in post-1945 Anglo countries, too.
Despite appearing far apart on some issues (or left-right spectrum) it's obviously the likes of Trump and Sanders who are currently seen as counter-establishment powers.
My name is Oswald Spengler and you can go fuck yourself
It's you again. Why do you always run off after you get BTFO? Spengler wasn't a historian anyway, more of a philosopher.
There are no "legitimate historians", you spooked imbecile.
>is the man who predicted Western technology entering into the hands of non-Westerners who will eventually usurp the West right?
>All he did was look at how Rome fell and extrapolated that to all civilizations.
I don't think most people understand what he meant by 'decline' or 'downfall'. He calls "imperium" the thing-become of every civilization, and it sounds like he meant everything after that is open-ended. Chinese civilization lasted for a very long time, as did the Egyptian, even though it was run by barbarians most of the time. Rome didn't "have" to collapse when it did, but it was overrun by barbarians who were the bearers of a new High Culture.
>It's you again.
Yes me, the one who doesn't have his head up his ass
>Why do you always run off after you get BTFO?
Because I don't romanticize unfalsifiable poetry and have little patience for those who do?
>Spengler wasn't a historian anyway, more of a philosopher.
Not by choice, mind you, but forced into it by the academia who spurned him for insufficiently sourcing his research.
>stage 1: denial
But there are ones who properly source their arguments according to the rigorous standards of their peers you backwoods mongoloid
Says the guy still holding out for a Caesar to come and be the father figure he always needed
Thanks for the pasta
>academia who spurned him
His works are some of the most studied and cited regarding Western decline, hell the fact someone uneducated as yourself knows of him is sufficient evidence.
>regarding Western decline,
Exactly, by ideologues who actually believe in such hogwash as "western decline" and work backwards from their political beliefs trying to justify their hunches about the way society works.
And someone "uneducated" like me knows about him because I know that he's all the rage among dilettantes and right-wing fatalists who treat history as some sort of teleological rollercoaster which can never be explained in naturalistic terms like economics or ecology but is inevitable lurching from one unfalsifiable abstract to the next
Spengler stated that technology developed by the West would one day be used against it- just look at the world today. Spengler was competely right, but morons like yourself can only see anything through the lens of "what the right wing likes is BAD and UNTRUE", this any lessons to be gleaned are lost on you.
Sup Nazis.
Still looking for ways to complain about not living in a world where all problems are no longer resolved through genocide and ethnic cleansing?
Spergler's books were banned in nazi germany...
Sup Israelis.
Still looking for ways to complain about not living in a world where all problems are no longer resolved through genocide and ethnic cleansing?
Sup Turks.
Still looking for ways to complain about not living in a world where all problems are no longer resolved through genocide and ethnic cleansing?
Sup pre-1900 Americans.
Still looking for ways to complain about not living in a world where all problems are no longer resolved through genocide and ethnic cleansing?
Sup Bolsheviks.
Still looking for ways to complain about not living in a world where all problems are no longer resolved through genocide and ethnic cleansing?
Sup Colonial Spain.
Still looking for ways to complain about not living in a world where all problems are no longer resolved through genocide and ethnic cleansing?
Sup pre-1945 Japan.
Still looking for ways to complain about not living in a world where all problems are no longer resolved through genocide and ethnic cleansing?
Sup Mughals.
Still looking for ways to complain about not living in a world where all problems are no longer resolved through genocide and ethnic cleansing?
>Spengler stated that technology developed by the West would one day be used against it
well no shit, that's how technology always words. Even the Bible touches on this concept with the "beat their plowshares into swords" motif.
>just look at the world today.
appeal to intuition.
> the lens of "what the right wing likes is BAD and UNTRUE"
Nonsense, I actually consider myself a capitalist, and recognize that the free market represents an ideal towards which our society should strive towards. I'm just not a fatalist who puts stock in obsolete historical models
> Nonsense, I actually consider myself a capitalist, and recognize that the free market represents an ideal towards which our society should strive towards
Opinions discarded
sorry sweetheart, no matter how much you cry about it, National Socialism isn't coming back, nor will Spengler ever be relevant outside of a small cloister of reactionaries
Spengler wasn't a reactionary, he was a member of the "Conservative revolution" movement, they found reactionaries to be naive idiots. Evola wrote a great book about them after he toured Germany in the 1930s.
Michael Ironside for the biopic/cameo in another biopic?
He himself called himself a poet (Dichter).
'Nuff said.
Decline is a good read, though flawed. No wonder it pissed off the autist Toynbee, with its epicness.
But read Glubb's 20+ pages instead if you can't handle the grandeur of the Decline.
Is Adorno a reactionary now?
Spengler triggers ideologues
Because his name is Asack Schrader, and you can go fuck yourself
>Asack Schrader
>and said he though the 1000yr reich would be a 10 year reich
went pretty accurate i guess there is something to look into him
aaand it seems it hit the spot
Glad I'm not the only one who sees it.
Adorno is unironically more of a reactionary than Spengler.
>everything I don't like is reddit
>Because IQ is a shitty measure of human intelligence,
>measuring one's ability to solve logic puzzles
It's not just that.
>while ignoring things like creativity
If someone is creative, do you say he's smart or do you say he's creative? Probably the latter. Anyway, give me any soldi measure of creativity and it's going to correlate with g.
>social intelligence
Things don't become real just by putting two words together.
>in practice is really more a measure of education
Then why can you tell how smart kids are when they're 6 and that score is going to be highgly linked to their score when they're 18? And why do people's IQ stay the same before and after college if it's just education?
>and only plebs think that it has relevance
It's the polar opposite. Only plebs think it's not relevant, the people actually researching it think it's close to the best measurement there exist in psychology.
Only americans are retarded enough to believe this
I'm not american, and that's the opinion of any researcher who has done relevant work in cognitive psychology. IQ has literally passed through every replication crisis without any issues, unlike stuff like IATs or stereotype threat.
> I'm not american
Worse then, they have the excuse of being american. You're plain retarded
t. 89 IQ
Love all those arguments you're making.
Love all those arguments you're making.
You mean here? Because you didn't refute any of that.