be mexican
>study mexican history
be mexican
>study mexican history
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Tell me about it, I'm mexican and I think mexican history is really fucking boring, while I don't have any problem with other countries history.
Fuck Benito Juarez
Mex-American fag here. After Maximilian's execution we deserved the long nightmare of political and religious violence. Also fuck Juarez and Lincoln/Johnson for supplying that indian piece of shit. Noble savages my ass.
>be american
>study ancient greece
>be american
>study american history
Mexican history is a lot more goddamn interesting than Australian history
t. Aussie
Mexico could have had their own Pedro II.
>call self American
>worship the Confederacy
Lincoln is rolling in his grave
Southerners are incapable of higher cognitive function.
Worshiping the Confederacy is the most un-American thing I can imagine.
What's the little black and white flag?
>I love my country, that's why I have the flag of a state who wanted to secede.
>be argie
>study argi history
fucking perfect, what an impeccable record of perfection
>Yankees calling themselves american
All of my keks, Washington, Adams, and Jefferson especially would role in their graves knowing what you were trying to do to dominate sectional power for your industrialist quasi-European bullshit and two party system that dominated the states.
The Confederacy was the *real* america.
>Fuck Benito Juarez
I thought he was one of the good guys?
Three cheers for the Confederacy
Confederates believed they were preserving the original ideals of the founding fathers, so did the Union.
You sound like you don't know what you're talking about desu.
You may as well say supporting Cesar over the Senate is un-Roman. Those two things don't really follow.
>I love my country
Pffft fuck off, I like my part of the country and don't you dare pretend you give a damn about the South. I like American values whole northerners shit on them. Deal with it yankee
>be American
>study Mexican history
It's not fair bros. Though it might have threatened America's place on the world stage, a competent rival could have allowed us to compete and soar ever-higher. We could have been brothers, whether it be under an Emperador or Presidente. We could have avoided the present-day catastrophe of wage deflation and abuse of workers.
Maximilian was too good for the landowning class he spurned. Mexico was too good for them.
Benito Juarez promised reforms that Maximilian actually wanted to implement. The Mexican conservative upper class cockblocked Maximilian, so when Benito Juarez had him shot everyone on the Liberal/Republican side wanted him to follow through. Turns out that Benito was a ruthless politician and ended up reneging on any promise of land reform, instead pursuing half assed initiatives to satisfy dissenters, while focusing most of his energy on maintaining his power over the political factions he united to overthrow Maximilian. When he died his stupid democracy exploded into warlord-ism like China, and so Mexico never became unfucked after that.
Maximilian died loving Mexico, refusing to abandon his followers despite numerous opportunities to do so. An Austrian gave more shits about this country than a native indian Mexican, a oppressed underclass from the very beginning of Mexico's history post-independence.
Frankly America could nuke the whole country and I'd feel nothing. Maximilian was Mexico's final chance to do something with itself, and instead the people just some indian manlet to lead them into corruption, social rot and factionalism. It'll never recover at this rate.
Good, Lincoln is a fucking traitor
What could make mexico great for the first time ever? My only guess would be a neo-fascistic falangist splinter group secedes from the Mexican government and wages a war against the cartels like Mussolini did in Italy.
I literally cannot see any kind of peaceful solution to just how fucked Mexico is.
There isn't a peaceful solution and there isn't a solution to begin with. Mexico is fucked forever, geopolitics wise it's situated between America and a vast supply region of narcotics. Being the gateway to America means criminal organizations have a strong interest in keep Mexico a crime-ridden shithole. I can't speak for Mexicans since my family moved to the U.S in the late 70's, but I'm too ashamed of Mexican history to bother giving a shit. All my relatives complain about corruption but they fail to realize that their precious political parties are part of the issue.
Don't even get me started on our piece of shit Spanish criollo/castizo upper class parasites. Poor whites, mestizos and indios all have to eat scraps while the "captains" of Mexican industry are too content to sit back and watch the country burn as they play meaningless games of political chess. Even though I'm more proud of my American identity, American seriously fucked Mexico by supplying weapons and aid to Juarez. Then the constant political pressure and NAFTA didn't help either. And fuck the Spaniards for treating us like a dumping ground for their leftists, turning Mexico into an even worse shithole since they vote for crypto-socialists who only collaborate with the cartels and extort the nation even more by cutting up our oil industry and privatizing it.
Fuck this shit.
Technically by the ideals of the Day not following the senate WAS un-Roman
Whole crossing the rubicon and whatnot
If it makes you feel any better, it fucked over American workers too. But yeah, no, Mexico is beyond fucked. There is never going to be the slightest attempt to crack down on American banks laundering cartel money from what I know. At this point the only solution for the cartels is the final one desu. Too bad Mexico is too socioeconomically and ethnically divided to form any kind of immune system to this kind of behavior on a national level
Be Dutch
>Study Dutch History
>Collapse your economy because everyone invested in
>Fucking flowers
Are the Dutch retarded, dutch user?
I'm at peace with Mexico being an eternal shithole worthy only of being nuked. We get what we deserve for throwing our best leaders into the garbage every time. The more I think about it, the more I realize Hidalgo wasn't wrong about turbo-violence to get rid of the old aristocracy. Those retards catalyzed the political shitstorm that plagues Mexico even today.
What really scares me is that America is approaching this rapidly. We're a bunch of races from around the globe thrown into a box and told to like one another and establish some level of cultural consensus, and political civility. I guess I'm part of the problem since I'm not a pure WASP and I'm adding to the pot of minorities and all that. I just think we should be vigilant, Mexico tried to be Atlas holding together all the natives, mutts and pure euro's. Turned to shit almost immediately, and every good period was shut down pretty fast.
Tullipmania didn't hit everyone. The economy continued to be the wealthiest one until the English hit the industrial revolution.
Hey, stop going after our colonies.
Its kinda boring cept for the French Intervention.
Boring in relation to the other major events of the world sure but it has its interesting parts.
Don't beat up Mexico too much. Name a single country without some sort of crippling problem right now. You can't.
We are just living in a turbulent time. The golden age of the 90s in the USA is behind us. These things just happen throughout history.
Be Swiss
>Study Swiss history
>Be Chinese
study Chinese history
Mexico and the United States have long since decayed. The chicano nation will rise.
Porfirio Diaz did what Maximilian I would have done. The Mexican Revolution was inevitable Diaz or no
Precious political parties... Hmmmm, Mexicans are aware of the incessant corruption and their links to narcos. The thing is that most are apathetic or part of it. The ones that care and try to raise too much shit get disappeared sooner or later. I think Mexican journalists have the highest mortality rates.
Madero should of listened to Villa and purged all of Diaz's old followers like good Father Hidalgo intended
You think this of your country? It could be worse, believe me.
Comparing yourself to Brazil isn't anything to be proud of.
The time will soon come my friend.
Seriously man, I think my country (US) should be on the chopping block for causing so much shit around the world ((their)) benefit. Then again I shouldn't let depression get the better of me.
And you chicano nationalist can go fuck yourselves.
>For their
>be irish
>study irish history
Is that Abortion Face!?
If you truly studied Mexican History, do you know these facts?
>the lost treasure of the Confederates was stolen by Juarez and used to finance his revolution
>the lost treasure of Emperor Maximilian was stolen by Che Guevara's Great-Grandfather, and eventually lost again in the middle of some mountains
you can't own humans
>be Australian
>Learn abbo history
>Realise nothing is based on fact.
>the southerner doesn't enjoy labor, but enjoys life instead
>heaven would be dull to the yankee if there was no work to be done
The NEET Confederate vs the Wageslave Yankee
>Be Panamanian
>Study Panamanian history
>be Belgian
>study Belgian history
>peaceful solution
What about forming a terrorist force or would that just bring in American intelligence?
>be venezuelan
>study venezuelan history
I recently read a little about Mexico (aka scrolled through wikipedia).
Actually had no idea that you had a revolution in 1910 and then later on had some conflict between the Catholic Church and the state.
As a non-mexican, shit was confusing to understand.
What the fuck
That motherfucker became Emperor because we were Invaded
be russian
>study russian history
>Be Sub-Saharan African
>Study Sub-Saharan African history
>be hungarian
>study hungarian history
>be New Zealander
>study New Zealand history
I'm sure your goverment wasn't the one that ever wanted a competent rival alongside them.
what kind of borders u want senpai?
>the man who kept the union alive is the traitor
>not the states who literally betrayed the union
Mesoamerican history is rad. Did you know that they boxed with seashells as gloves? And yeah those shells were spiky and hard.
Basically it was 30 years of a "fuck you poor people" goverment which led to some insurgents which all wanted power or wanted to fix something of the country and wanted to do so at the same time. That led to lot of drama and coups about one guy killing the previous one until an intelligent enough guy said let's stop and just deserted the last one which led to some political stability. Which led to 70 years of the same political party ruling the country and which can be partly blamed for the bad run the country had these years. Which wasn't that bad after WW2, but it went to shit in the 70s.
>conflict between the Catholic Church and the state.
>State has been cutting the relationship with the church since Juarez
>Right after the Revolution
>President says final fuck you and places some retarded excessive limitations
>They take weapons and go pew pew against an unironically abusive goverment that was trying to take their freedom from them
>The cristeros btfo the goverment
>Next president makes negotiations as soon as he gets in charge
>Return their rights and some stolen land
>Pretend nothing happened.
It's kinda sad that they barely teach this or don't even teach this at school.
You died a bunch and surrendered. Quit crying about getting btfo you stupid inbred retard.
After the failure that was the Articles of Confederation, I beg to differ.
>study mexican history
>get depressed
Damn, Mexico.
>be Texan
>study Texan history
Yeah bro fuck rebels man.
ehh well i'm not against half measures. diaz wasn't the best or the worst but I think too many people take HUGE skips in time with mexico history. First its french invasion, maximilan and juarez, and next its saying that Mexico has always been an unstable shithole since, totally ignoring that Diaz a decade after took power (and i think that other president gonzalez (?) who ruled one term in between) and presided over three decades of growth and stability. this was puncuated by the revolution, but the PRI presided over huge economic growth from the 1940s to the 70s. Mexico as we know it today arose in the 1980s.
>be American
>study American history
>realize the south is responsible for bringing all the niggers here in the first place
Sherman did nothing wrong
This. Aztlan isn’t just the Southwest anymore, it’s all of North America now.
Secessionists get the bullet too
Feels good man
>be English
>study English history
Strength to strength until 1914, then a rapid descent down the plughole
You perfidious fucks got exactly what you deserved
>american history
Not so fast Sherm
>fucking perf-
No one but the government gives a fuck about those rocks.
Thanks for all the niggers you filthy wannabe aristocrat Dixiefag
>41% white
>panamanian history
Time to resurrect it brother.
you know what they say user
success breeds jealousy
>be hue
>study hue history
You had some great moments buried under greed and populism.
w-why did you guys depose Pedro II? Brazil could've been so comfy
"Fuck Benito Juarez"
I already know you are an idiot who learns alll its history from youtube and meme pages.
>be cucked by spaniards into abandoning your own history/culture/language/religion/identity
Mexican history 101.
Australian history is comfy and not bat shit insane like other countries, I do prefer European history though
t.West Australian
Except he is right. Not a german-fan, but England and France are fucking scum.
>study Canadian history
>muh plains of abraham
>muh railroad unites country
>muh lester pearson invents concept of peace itself and color blue
It's the largest meme imaginable.
>We're a bunch of races from around the globe thrown into a box and told to like one another and establish some level of cultural consensus, and political civility. I guess I'm part of the problem since I'm not a pure WASP and I'm adding to the pot of minorities and all that.
The problem isnt a shit load of races, the problem is that Americans have historically done an incredibly shitty job of indoctrinating new races into American culture. Natives, Blacks, Hispanics, Irish, Catholics, who the fuck ever, there were hardly ever solid attempts to bring them into the fold of the American spirit, thus fostering hate and sowing the seeds for further contention years down the road. doubly so when there was active fuckery involved from both the gov and the citizenry
Literally BTFOd by a bunch of AIDS ridden ostriches