It's probably safe to assume Atlantis was real, right?
It's probably safe to assume Atlantis was real, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
Beyond the sea
My lover stands
On golden sands
And watches the ships
That go sailing
It was real and full of highly intelligent black people.
It was on the island of Crete that was destroyed by volcanism.
Don't you mean Santorini?
No, fake as shit
We wuz atlanteans n' sheit
And it died from Great Flood.
it still exists
I want to believe. We know there were "advanced" civilizations during the Bronze Age who disappeared and were only described in the form of legends, so why not this one.
it was santorini and mixed up with the sea peoples
atlantis civilization was destroyed by eddorians through their boskonian proxies however the arysians continued to support the shards that were left
Yes, it was Sardinia:
What about the "beyond the Pillars of Hercules" part? Not to mention the name Atlantis referring to the ocean.
Ffs no Atlantis wasn't real. It was literally mentioned once by Plato as an allegory.
There are actual ancient sunken cities. Atlantis wasn't one of them.
The pillars of Hercules were not always considered to be on Gibraltar, they were just the "end of the known world" for the Greeks. So it's possible to assume that anciently they were positioned in the Strict of Sicily, and were "moved" later by Herodotus. "Atlas" and "Ocean" were always two different entities, why would they be interchangeable? Also the route of the travel described by Avienus in the Ora Maritima makes way more sense if the pillars are between Sicily and Tunisia.
You are aware that pre Brown Age Collapse have trade routes reaching British Isles and Scandinavia?
It could be but it also could be truth(distorted one but with some real events as base).
>"Atlas" and "Ocean" were always two different entities, why would they be interchangeable?
What? I was not refering to Ocean the titan, just saying the sea of Atlantis was how the ocean was called.
Anyway thanks for your explanations.
No it fucking isn't. It's a fiction.
Find mention of Atlantis in any historical record or Greek tale. There isn't any.
Check any other Mediterranean civilization for mention of an Atlantis. Doesn't exist.
Again its literally mentioned once as the antithesis of "Ancient Athens", another fictional place that represented Plato's ideal republic.
You know why?
Because all(excluding Egypt) med civilization crash and disappear in Bronze Age Collapse.
Egypt survived but never recover.
Ancient Greeks after were new guys who recolonized Greece mixing with Mycenaean rednecks and remnants who hide in the hills and mountains when their civilizations collapsed and were more interesting in survival than keeping some old records from before 8000 years.
This records only survive in Egypt because only Egypt could maintain their social structure in BAC times.
>Destroyed by a volcano
>Has some of the best ancient Greek sites standing
>but not atlantis
Man.... fuck your mother, you know?
Don't fuck his mother, you don't want to have a retard children.
>Find mention of Atlantis in any historical record or Greek tale.
Plato. (and apparently you know it)
Troy's only reference is Homer's poems too, and we're not even sure of the existence of Homer.
Of course Plato because it's Plato's fucking allegory.
Troy is mentioned in the Epic Cycle, the non-Homeric poems, by Eratosthenes, Herodotus, Aeschylus. And that's not even getting into Rome's claims of Aeneas.
We have enough mention of Troy from various sources to know that while they disagree on minor details, ancient Greeks did at least agree that Troy existed and relatively where it was located.
There is no other mention of Atlantis. Not in poems, not in stories, not in myth. There is one mention of it, briefly, by Plato. That's it.
Atlantis is never mentioned again until the Renaissance when it became popularized as a representation of the lost classics.
>Troy is mentioned in the Epic Cycle, the non-Homeric poems, by Eratosthenes, Herodotus, Aeschylus. And that's not even getting into Rome's claims of Aeneas.
Guess what is their only reference? By your logic I can find plenty texts talking about Atlantis, written after Plato.
The date Plato gives for the sinking of Atlantis is around 9600BC when the ice shields of Europe and North America were melting.
Pic related is what the sea level did around that time
Please provide one. Find me a single mention of Atlantis that come from even remotely close to Plato's time.
I've actually known several people who seperately claim it's the Canary Islands. IIRC it's some kind of power hub for some sheild system, no joke. inb4
No its Socrates
From Proclus’ commentary on Crantor:
>As for the whole of this account of the Atlanteans, some say that it is unadorned history, such as Crantor, the first commentator on Plato. Crantor also says that Plato's contemporaries used to criticize him jokingly for not being the inventor of his Republic but copying the institutions of the Egyptians. Plato took these critics seriously enough to assign to the Egyptians this story about the Athenians and Atlanteans, so as to make them say that the Athenians really once lived according to that system. Crantor adds, that this is testified by the prophets of the Egyptians, who assert that these particulars are written on pillars which are still preserved.
Atlantis = Spain
That is directly criticizing Plato's allegory you idiot.
Crantor is saying that Plato took the story of Atlantis from the Egyptians, not that it was fictional.
>close to Plato's time.
Close like several centuries? Because that's what it took to find authors writing about Troy after Homer. Well there's Strabo:
>the tradition relative to this island may not be pure fiction
And after that the story was forgotten because the world changed, new gods etc, and ancient legends were more or less forbiden.