ITT we post moments in history we would kill to see in person
>tfw when the winged hussars arrived
ITT we post moments in history we would kill to see in person
>tfw when the winged hussars arrived
Hiroshima ofc
Good choice OP: can't go wrong with the biggest cavalry charge of all time/Siege of Vienna.
My pick
almost any decent sized pre gunpowder battle really
Nice choice OP, makes me think of the charge in Return of the King, but seeing it in the flesh.
My pick
I'd like to see pic related give a speech.
for me it would either be operation Barbarossa (pic related) or the french stand at fort de vaux in ww1.
The US attack at Midway
some hitler speech
when the asteroid hit the yucatan
I'm sure there's more but that's probably my top 5
thought of some more
battle of zama
battle of agincort
great fire of rome
surprised nobody mentioned it
sack of rome
Fallador massacre
Nobody has mentioned the holocaust yet.
Wouldn't you like to know the truth?
>implying deniers actually want to know
>implying it's not just a political game
anyone else doesn't need the nightmares
The air battles during the Battle of Britain
Battle of Gettysburg
Which one?
the first of course
Ghandi's speech
Why would you want to be in a room where a bunch of authors were writing fiction?
Construction of the pyramids
Could I see if Jesus existed?
Would I be saved if I became a Christian only on knowledge and how I afterwards live my life?
>Would I be saved if I became a Christian only on knowledge
No, you'd need faith as well. Even the disciples needed faith, and they saw Jesus and his miracles in person.
Not necessarily moments, but I'd love to see the earliest Mesopotamian civilizations, Tenochtitlan, Maya cities, pre-Columbian North American Indians, ancient Rome etc
The signing of the decleration of independence
Winston Churchill being a badass
Seeing the D-day landings
>watching based brennus seige rome
true that has to be sight
Why would I need faith if I saw Jesus? I've got personal evidence.
>nobody has said tenochtitlan yet
how does it feel to be a massive faggot
I'd choose this actually. The Spaniards' description made it sound like something out of a fantasy movie. I need to see it with my own eyes.
The Trojan War
Pompeii. Before, during, after.
A successfull kamikaze strike
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>tfw 9/11 was 16 years ago.
The best visual recreations of the city i've seen from a person's view on the ground is the art by stuart and scott gentling, which another user on Veeky Forums introduced me to.
I was working with him on a mega full of documents and resources and images for the library of alexandria threads, but due to IRL stuff I wasn'e able to email him for like 2 months and I guess he stopped checking the throw away email address he gave me by then, sadly.
Still hoping I run into him again
Siege of Constantinople
Anywhere in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Bronze age.
Battle of Berlin
Siege of Baghdad
The end of the Yamato (good fireworks show)
Time-hop throught the Cenozoic, going on safaris to see the megafauna.
Visit a Cambrian beach with a snorkel and flippers.
Battle of Kursk easily
it's like both Germany and Soviet Union were edging their cocks for 2 years and this is the moment when they both cum together in the biggest battle in history. All the other battles, like Stalingrad, were happening for months, Kursk happened in only a couple of weeks.
actually I have a higher res of this one
>Planet hell starts playing
A fucking explosive orgasm of blood and steel indeed
Siege of Vienna
assasination of Franz Ferdinant
one of Hitler's speeches
>one of hitler's speeches
>Wasting your opportunity to see a historical event irl on something documented with video footage freely accessible on youtube and even colorized
unless youve got some good spiritual energy to use on hitler in his presence, it's a lame desire
I'd want to hear Einstein's last words
well consider you are already familiar with the chistian canon before meeting jesus
I would say you already have faith that "If you believe Jesus Chist to be your lord and saviour" and also "don't sin" and "golden rule" and stuff.
So if you see Jesus it may
:reaffirm your faith
:God getting really pissed off at you becuase you couldn't just go off of faith alone and needed physical proof.
So now you know some dude named Jesus really existed
but maybe you werten't able to witness his miracles or anything that would lend creedence to him being the son of god. SO you would still have faith.
Or maybe you did witness one of his miracles
and now you are like Satan
knowing full well the truth of reality
but also knowing now that you can never be a part of it becuase you no longer have faith to support you but hard evidence. I'm kinda basing this off of WIlliam James' argument from miracles, where like that one poster said faith is really the most important part of believing in god. And thats why god doesn't just show up at your door telling you to believe in him becuase "look what I can do"
I know makes a point. However Jesus when he was alive with his disciples. His disciples still needed to have faith that he was the son of god, becuase there was a bunch of jews and others that called him a charlatan, and a liar.
Christmas truce
Jesus making any of his miraccles. (or not performing, just want to be sure if he was god)
Bombing of dresden.
Nuking nagasaki
Siege of Constantinople (both of them)
Mongol Conquest of Baghdad
French revolution
Bronze age collapse
That one greek dude who laughed so hard at a donkey trying to eat a fig that he died.
or maybe that one king who shat himself to death
or putting a long dead pope on trial.
The red army entering Berlin
The ottomans entering Constantinople
Odacer ending Rome
The last hours of any empire really, I think they'd all be incredibly powerful and emotional experiences for a magnitude of different reasons
>implying dresden wasn't a hoax
I would watch the battle of changping when the state of Qin buries 400k Zhao soldiers alive.
Sorry got distracted
Can't believe nobody mentioned Caesar's Triumph
I would say rising the flag over the Reichstags, but I would mean nothing if I would just be teleport there, I would need to be teleport to the 22 june of 1941 and be a russian infantry man and somehow survived until I manage to see our glorious flag waving over the fascist lair
Moses seperating the red sea
Nile turning to blood
Locuts falling from the sky
14/? ; though I don't think this one is of Tenochtitlan
Also, while these are the best recreations i've seen from an on the ground view, there's ovehead maps by a dude named tomas flinger or something that are the best of those. I'd dump them but I've got other shit to do right now, if the thread is still up later i'll dump what I have of his, though I know i'm missing a lot
- hitler giving a speech
- fall of jerusalem
- invasion of france
- the arrival of the winged hussars
- a daily life in ancient civilizations
- jfk assasination
-napoleon escaping from elba
-fall of Constantinople
dumb, barbarossa was over a huge front it wouldnt be that impressive.
forgot image
I bet you're one of those guys who thinks going to see live music is a rip off.
Seeing the fall of Tenochtitlan would be even Mrs epic. Imagine, watching one of the last great civilisations to rise without interference from the outside world, go down in an orgy of blood and steel.
*even more epic.
I'd actually like to see some really ancient battle like those involving the Hittites or Ancient Egyptians. Just think that because of the few sources and how far in time it happened it would be a cool sight.
Any major biblical event(Moses splitting the red sea, plagues of Egypt, the entire life of Christ) or just experiencing daily life in any of the Sumerian city states
Any one of Napoleon's battles. How the order of battle actually operated in real time, how close infantrymen got in a firefight, the cavalry charges, the melee, the routs. It's too bad we can never capture this stuff on film
The Second Battle of Adrianople.
I'd be down for Tencohtitlan, but I'd want to see Gaugamela first.
Never heard of it, shill me on it
This, all my choices would be to see the great cities of which we have little imagery about. Uruk, Tenochtitlan, Samarkand, Cahokia. Like, of course Ancient Rome or Chang'an, but I can imagine those. I want my mind to be fucking blown. Also, nice pics.
>art by stuart and scott gentling
Where did you find these, broski?
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. let those Japs get microwaved.
Battle of Jena-Auerstadt.
To watch Napoleon and Davout destroy the Old Prussian army.
Or the Battle of Actium, which made Octavius Master of the Mediterranean world and ended Egypt's time as a power.
First battle of the Piave river.
I would go see jesus to tell him about the great schism and the protestant schism and how he must warn against the spilt of the faith, explain his nature to his followers, and explain how a preist should act
-First time mankind made fire by themselves
-War between homo sapiens and neanderthalensis
-The invention of the wheel
-Battle of Alesia
-Crucifixion of J. Christ
-Gladiators fighting in the Colloseum/chariot race in the Circus Maximus
-The trial of Jeanne d'Arc
-A look in daily life in Amsterdam during Dutch Golden Age