
Veeky Forums
I made a bet with my friends
The first person to get defined Abs win, an the losers have to pay 200 bucks

We have two months
How do I achieve Abs?

Eat less and train abs.
Or just eat less.

only drink water

You -literally- get abs from having a low bf%.

But if you really need to know, squats.

Can you even see your abdominal wall? If not starvation is probably the only way to get visible abs in two months

>Just lift and abs will come
Maybe the craziest meme of all time.

Cutting lean is hard as fuck if you know how to eat (aka have some size).

>huuurrrr duuurrr compounds will give you abs
dont fall for that meme

compounds ALONG with ab work 2-3 times per week and do plenty of standing exercises and then yeah eat less after all that.

They're a muscle just like anything else

do put-downs

put your fork down
push the plate away

ez abs

Plz just stahp. If it takes you 2 months to cut to a low bf% you don't know what you are doing at all.

Is low bf abs a meme?
I mean, if that's true where are they abs?

This contest sounds really homoerotic

Will you all have to inspect the winner?

You've already lost.

This. People who only exercise abs via compunds are the same weaklings that can't even do a basic planche

>people are this new

Man I swear every month a new wave of shit washes up on the shore.

Pretty sure starvation eats away your muscles you retard

>We have two months
>How do I achieve Abs?
how long is a piece of string?

gimme your stats/weight/time lifting/current routine etc

Is there something you faggots wont twist

This is why we cant have nice things

train abs, clenbuterol, cardio, eat clean

>Summerfag detected

just don't eat

I'm pretty sure Nazi gain gobblins took away their gains

Knowing Veeky Forums, the inspection will be performed from a dick sucking position

Most people with abs, especially in modern society, arent living under extremely stressful conditions with food deprivation.

bro just do 10 situps a day and you'll be JACKED in no time

>don't eat
>do ab workouts twice a week
>1 day high reps, body workout
>1 day low reps using weights

Jews don't have abs

n-no homo, right?

Post starting picture. No homo

Op here
No homo

min 3L of water evr. day
eat less
do 600 sit ups a day (4x150)
1 week if ur lucky


or souls

They have gold bags

>Leg raises and twists for a V line
>Vacuums for bulked abs
>Squats for everything else

None of these will be visible/help unless you have a low body fat percentage, and potentially never visible if your genetics are shit

As everyone is saying, fork putdowns are most important

yeah so how else do you cut bf% in such a short time

Not really a meme, it worked for me.

Then again, I actually stuck to a program for more than 2 weeks.

Depends how far you're willing to take it.

Honestly, I'd be running Masteron, Test and Tren while training 6 times a week, including cardio and eating about 1800 calories a day.

If you're actually serious though, there's always DNP. Although you gotta be careful on that shit.

Stop eating.

Planks don't do shit.


get an app on your phone which has your workout everynight at home and eat well and less. literally all you need to do

>Plz just stahp. If it takes you 2 months to cut to a low bf% you don't know what you are doing at all.

Yeah because everyone starts from the same spot right? Dont trip anymore

I am considering trying this but I can't get my head around when/how to do them.
Time like planks?
3xF? more, less?
How many days a week on top of the 1 day I work core?

starve yourself and do weighted decline sit-ups.

Also, you'd better set the standard for what constitutes "defined abs" because i know my shithead friends would say "oh i have abs look at me" when the top two are barely starting to poke through.

Not OP but does starving yourself really works?
Won't you end like this kikes?


Come on dude. Don't be fucking stupid. Think about the conditions they're living in.

Do abs typically reveal themselves from top to bottom? Because my top abs are starting to show.

Cuz they actually lizards

>Not OP but does starving yourself really works?
No, don't be purposefully retarded.

Develop muscles and low bodyfat so you can see those muscles. How fucking difficult is that to understand?

only eat carbs after workout
increase protein intake by at least 25%
do planks everyday
concentrate on maintaining a vacuum as much as possible throughout the day everyday
do weighed abs till failure routine twice a week



Oh boy.

Beat yourself violently on the stomach everyday.

Makes sense

>spending $400 on drugs to potentially win $200

>Weighted sit ups
>Calorie deficit
>Dehydrate yourself for deadline day

Srs. If you even slightly can see your abs after two months, then if you google how to do a "weight cut" then you'll win. You just need to buy electrolytes for the dehydration so you don't have a seizure

Literally do a 1k deficit and lift weights, include shitloads of ab exercise. Done

Really lol?