Monero VS Verge. Both sides accuse each other of so much shit...

Oh. Fuck :( Well, I best start researching other coins worth HODLing. I have $700 to play with so they need to be cheap..

>wraith protocol
I am pretty pissed off deadline was missed due to Irma.
Fine, i can accept a alleged '1 week delay', but at least release the fucking white paper about wraith.
>if wraith isnt implemented by end of month, im dropping my whale bags.

nice i just bought 100k

>Tor is compromised

Haha nice FUD

Monero is only good because it has first mover advantage and the private ledger.

Marketcap has already shown who the real winner is. They both have been in the market around the same time, yet Monero blows it out of the water. This is just a verge shill thread lmao.

First time investing in crypto and my largest bag is a bag of fucking memes. But I have somewhat learned how to spot key differences in legit coins vs shitcoins at least.

>monero is only better because it's better.

If Verge were to get private Lester, Monero is technically behind in privacy features.

Verge has tor/I2p
Monero has private ledger

Verge shill here ill answer specific questions

Monero was the standard and is a good coin but its just dated. Adapting it wont be good enough for long, verge is a new privacy token not a frankensteined propped up relic.

Privacy should have higher market share though monero deserves bch spot and price for time being but verge will begin sharing that after wraith and snowball from there.

That is something else that conflicts my decision to get out of Verge. I believe the devs try to keep some things a secret in order to get ahead of the competition. Thats a good move.