Neck training

Does Veeky Forums train neck?

What exercises do you do?

neck bridges famo

Aw ye, this ya lil nigga

Malky niggers 4 x F

I do some for BJJ every day.

Lay on your back
touch your chin to your chest x 10
ear to shoulder x5 each
chin to shoulder x5 each

That's just one part of the warm ups before class. You can do more / more frequently yourself.
It does help a lot in building neck muscle. Outside that, do share if you got anything.

Deadlifts and shrugs


>hanging myself x F

Sucking dicks i train my neck

Anyone use the Spud?

That looks kinda dangerous desu

i got one of these but i only use 6.25kgs at the moment

I do 4 sets of 50

pretty decent senpai ive made half an inch of neck gains

for real? post pic

Neck muscles are extremely strong senpai, any time you've ever done a headstand you've essentially been supporting your entire bodyweight using your neck

post pic of what? my neck or me using the thing?

Your neck. Before and after.

There's this old asian lady at my gym that uses the ankle cuff attachment on the cable machine, she wraps it around her head and kneels down on the ground and does head bows.

Please video this, and send it to me so I can get that sweet adsense money.



I have one, but don't use it anymore. I currently do band walkouts. Isometric. Easier on the spine. Have had neck problems from grappling.

That has more to do with your spinal column and the muscles in your wrist.

Sometimes i do some isometrics but is boring as fuck...

Ill start doing some neck bridges but i dont feel like they do nothing for my neck...

some dude posted this a few months ago. done it a few times, feels good and you get a good neck pump afterwards :)