Who, in your opinion, is the most important man of the 20th century?
Who, in your opinion, is the most important man of the 20th century?
Other urls found in this thread:
Jesus Christ
Norman Borlaug.
John Maynard Keynes
>20th century
>not him
Albert Einstein
Karl Marx, indisputably.
>karl marx
>20th century
Yeah I guess he could possibly be, but to be fair it was out of pure coincidence that he happened to be the one to kill Franz.
Wrong century
>yeah buddy, that's his own hair
One of these
>Can you smeeeellll what the stone cold is cooking
-Macho Man Randy Savage
>either holding a candle to this
Jesus lives eternally.
Lenin. Hitler. Ayatollah khomeini. Hoover. Roosevelt. Thatcher(not male but hey). The fucking queen. Lennon. Gump.
But really probably Lenin.
you forgot clemenceau
Tool is shit!!!
>All these meme answers
Obvious candidate is Norman Borlaug
Vladimir Lenin.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Ludwig Von Mises
Nikola Tesla
> not Stalin
Why, the collective Jewish people of course. Their suffering at the hands of the evil atrocities committed by the Nazi scum is undoubtedly the worst massacre in all of human history. Their suffering has taught the rest of the world a lesson. The Nazi made the Jewish peoples suffer, and God brought down his fury upon this Earth and annihilated the Nazi filth, for they have attacked the people of God.
>Instrumental in the outcome of WW1
>Caused the rise of Lenin and the Bolsheviks
>Laid the groundwork for Naziism
three memes in a row, tic tac toe
>ywn kill Hitler, Lenin and Princip at the same time before 1914
>industrializes Russia
>prevents Russia from immediately exporting revolution
>defeats Nazi Germany
>reestablishes an intercontinental empire
>upon his death, the Soviet Union is a global superpower with nuclear capabilities
>Stalin's foundation helped redefine the postwar world, and the legacy of his actions are still felt across Eastern Europe
it was all downhill from there
>Who, in your opinion, is the most important man of the 20th century?
>tfw you realise that very soon there will be people lurking on Veeky Forums who weren't born in 20th century
>there aren't people posting on Veeky Forums who weren't born in the 20th century
Th 20th century is a spook
Karl Marx. The most important man of the 21st century is Deng Xiaoping.
All of the unironic Leninposters
back to plebbit you go
That little faggot?
Chuck Berry
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov
fucking commies get out to leftypol
It really depends on who you are.
I would say Ataturk but aside from other turks and a few greeks he would be a footnote.
On the other hand you have people like this who changed the lives of generations for his country.
Literally so what?
Most important man of the 20th century coming through gtfo of the way you fucking shits.
Gavrilo Princip changed the lives of generations of people over the entire planet. Including the one you credit Lenin for.
this legend
Get fucked.
>the lives of generations for his country.
Not only his country, think about the influence the Soviets had in the world stage (and some would say they still have).
Damn it why is Christ-chan so cute?
lmao no
his scientific theory had virtually no impact on the development of any new technology or engineering
GPS, nuclear warheads & reactors, and all the developments attributed to Einstein didn't require his ideas.
that one commie that killed millions, but its ok because it wasnt real communism
Murray Bookchin