Why didnt Nazi Deutschland just paradropped soldiers into the Moscow, Leningrad and Stalingrad?
It wouldn't have helped, according to that map Germany didn't even know where those cities actually were
Soviet Unions flak was markedly better and more numerous than any of the allies. one large reason why none of the cities really saw any bombing, attrition rates were simply too high.
>what is Operation Market Garden
Better question: why wasn't the primary objective of Army Group Center to cover and support the flanks of Groups North and South, with Moscow as a secondary (post winter) target?
Because them niggas down with Beyonce
expandingintellectbrain.jpg question: Why didn't Germany deliberate manufacture evidence that they were planning on arming an uprising by the German minority in the Soviet Union, knowing Stalin would take the bait and order a violent crackdown on ethnic Germans, and use that as a pretext to attack the Soviet Union, to "protect" the German minority?
>inb4 they already tried that in Poland and it didn't work
A lot more likely to work against Stalin given his known penchant for brutality.
What the fuck are you talking about? What does op market garden have to do with anything?
Why waste time fabricating such a hoax when you also just, well.... attack.
Because Germany had terrible intelligence services.
It's a shame the Germans didn't paratroop into Moscow and Leningrad - it's always fun to see the Wehrmacht get btfo. They'd be hanging from every lamp post the Soviets could find.
>stalin's undustrialisation and electrification programme was just to lynch nazis
I imagine an invasion of Britain would've produced the same result - German paratroopers being lynched by angry civilians, or beaten to death the moment they hit the ground.
>what does an operation involving dropping paratroopers deep behind enemy lines and hoping ground troops advance fast enough to support them, have to so with a plan involving dropping paratroopers and hoping ground troops advance fast enough to support them?
What ethnic German minority?
What the fuck does operation market garden have to do with op's question?
If you can't see the similarities between Market Garden and OPs plan, you're too dumb to breathe.
I quess you'll have explain it to me then. What does market garden have to do with germany not paradropping on the ussr's cities?
Market Garden failed because it was a small scale implementation of the plan advocated by OP, which resulted in the paratroopers getting slaughtered because they were trapped behind enemy lines with no support
well with the children all evacuated why not
the Volga-Germans
because why
nobody internationally would be impressed and the nazis already had popular support for attacking the USSR
kek did stalingrad travel south?
Because they were allies at time.
Because German intelligence were fucking terrible.
Because doing stuff like that could actually make Stalin suspicious and he would prepare to def instead of reforming army and Germans would lose element of surprise.
Why would they need a pretext?
Because the retarded Germans had researched Transport Plane '41 tech, they didn't bother researching Airborne 38' tech, fucking idiots. They used their TRA for fucking supplying only. Could've easily gotten the USSR collapse even via paratroopers, could've landed them on britain too desu.
>Dropping troops on cities instead of droping them around it and cutting off viable supply and transportation hubs
Brainlet. 12-18 paratrooper divisions is all you need to paralyze USSR
Because germans couldn't provide enough cover and couldn't be fast enough to reach the cities in time.
>. one large reason why none of the cities really saw any bombing, attrition rates were simply too high.
To be honest, they couldn't provide enough cover for Stalingrad, but that's probably the only flaw of soviet AA system.
Bad weather conditions in the eastern front