Why does Veeky Forumspretend to hate Jeff Seid?
Why does Veeky Forumspretend to hate Jeff Seid?
cause he's sexier and fitter than all the DYEL faggots here with 2/10 faces and bacne
Because he's a reminder of Zyzz sans the personality.
cause fagot haircut
Seen him before in a windows of a JCPenny's once. Just standing there, staring blankly. Quiet as shit too.
Don't hate him though, see it as a goal body.
probably cause of how much he acts like a "bro"
i think hes the good kind of bro though not the asshole kind
because squinting eyes
Because he didn't share his cookies with me
cuz hes' 5'7 at BEST and lies about his height
manlet piece of shit
jeff pls go
He wants to be admired for his aesthetics like Zyzz was but lies about his height and being natty
I just wish he could open his eyes more. He always looks so confused. Great body but god damn the eyes just fuck it ruins it for me.
Jeff plz. You made 6 threads in 1 hr you fucking attention seeking manwhore
he's going for that 1000 yard stare look but it's not working.
Same reason everyone loves Jordan and hates Kobe
Everybody loves the original and hates the copycat
Fake naty
The way the whole thing started was someone with a single IP posted a bunch of pro-Jeff stuff, then a mod posted a screenshot showing it was all one person and the >Jeff pls go meme was born
Then you had people like scooby using meme on here and YouTube to shill their shit
He's 6'0". Stop acting like a douchebag from celebrityheight.
His proportions are so off its obvious hes on gear