redpill me on this shit coin, worth to get some gains short term or dont pay attention to this coin
Redpill me on this shit coin, worth to get some gains short term or dont pay attention to this coin
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Buy some during this dip. Will hit 30c easily soon, and when Mercury is released, probably more.
Don't bother, it's the most boring coin of all time. Just switch around between the Veeky Forums boys (LINK, ODN and WTC)
Will be small but steady gains short term, in the very long term it could beat out all other alt-coins marketcap wise.
It's going to be both a currency used to pay for non-tracking advertising online, as well as a website payment system similar to Patreon. Was announced on the community subreddit BAT will be directly payable to youtube/twitch channels. If there is a crypto that will bring normies into the cryptosphere this is it.
i want to go 2 BTC deep in link not sure yet if im getting burned by biz or if its auctally a good coin.
I'm waiting for Link to fall before buying, wagering the current uptrend isn't going to last for long.
alright thanks user
Why is it crashing?
i can't find a source for BAT being able to be paid directly to Twitch/YouTube channels. can you toss a link
Because the full release is delayed till next week so whales are taking advantage of it
the order book was filled with whale dumps, and it's being botted rn
Its been delayed like two days and people are in turmoil. Why is everyone a snowflake now?
Also, that 24 hour change...
Because a huge proportion of people trading are complete amateurs who either don't have a lot of money, or have enough that they don't want to risk, so they can be easily scared away by someone dumping tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars.
I would even bet a huge portion of people trading BAT right now don't even know what the news is
Just a footnote at the end of a paragraph for now, but the significance of it is huge.
From the link below:
Yeah I've been holding for a few weeks now. Wanna see where this thing goes. Considering the brave browser on android has already had half a million downloads, it has pretty good potential.
Personally using brave too and I love it. I really believe in this thing, it deserves to challenge Google
Sell walls,
Whales want that cheap BAT it seems.
i will be looking and might jump in for mid term
plus there is a huge number of sells from people owning tens of thousands of BAT
Morons who can't tell the difference between Mercury releasing & Mercury releasing in a Brave update. You'll be able to download & use it 10/6. Don't fall for the whale's tricks people!
I think we'll find a support level around 5400 sats. This really does seem like people trading on inside information (dump commenced before the news), and now whales dropping the price to accumulate more.
Selling now is retarded. Buying now is smart.
Dump commenced after the news. There was still smaller green candles at least an hour after the tweet.
I've got around 2.5k. Want more but looking forward to mercury.
Any info about mercury please? Rundown?
Ah, my bad.
Is this one of the easiest coins to profit from? For the last month and a bit I've been buying when it hits support at ~23c, selling at around 28c, and doing so continuously. Right now, major product coming out soon and it dumps. It will go straight back to where it was, either tomorrow or next week, and more than likely higher.
For sure
It's integrating BAT into the brave web browser giving all their users instant access to BAT. It will be used as micropayments to users for allowing adds to be viewed on webpages instead of outright blocked, in turn users can spend BAT to get things from companies such as premium content or early access etc.
bat is basically the new netzero
doubt itll catch on
>Buying now is smart.
yeah, if i had any free capital i would buy more and just set a sell order for an easy 10% gain in the next couple of days.
10% damn that's playing it safe af... nothing wrong with that but I'd do at least 20% they're still supposed to announce partnerships Friday.