I'm with my Uni's barbell club at our Spring Power Lifting comp at Tokyo University campus. Anyone interested...

Just nailed it with one red flag. 255kg

Routines are pretty normal from what I understand. I've been training with then for about 2 weeks now.

Any qt female weight lifters op?

Girls are tomorrow but Japan in strict about taking pictures especially of girls so don't expect much if anything. I'm not looking to get kicked out.

why are they all pervs?

>takes a variety of pictures of the dudes lifting
>cant take a picture of girls lifting

it's not like youre perving on them. it's a fucking sport.

>knee straps
If you don't even know what they are, your opinion really doesn't mean much.

No seriously it's a culture thing. It's totally fine to take pictures of the male athletes but not really for the girls. I don't make the rules. Literally all the cameras on cell phones here have shutter sounds that you can turn off because upskirts are a huge problem.

I don't wear knee straps because I don't cheat. If you do that's ok.

>hangs bar from knees
>everyone's mirin my sweet knee straps
>pull a 9 pl8 diddie
>shit was so cash

clearly your opinion doesn't matter much desu, because me pulling a 9 pl8 with knee straps just removes any of your credibility involving the sport