ctrl+f no fat hate tread? what's wrong with you Veeky Forums?

Get ready for the latest installment from Buzzfeed


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fat women are internally upset because they'll never look like pic related and be able to cook food for their husbands without guiltfully wanting to eat the entire meal themselves

>that pic
I know there's a correlation between fatties and low intelligence, but how do you fuck up a train of logic that badly?

100% wife material

Fatties do that every day

>It's okay to overindulge
>It's okay to be in shit health


What goes on in the minds of these idiots?

How can you so justify something that is literally hurting you? If something was effecting me in a serious way or hampering my ability to do something, I would not defend that fucking thing at the very least.

That'd be like justifying being weak and there's zero way to progress and everything saying otherwise is propaganda. How do people live with themselves when they believe that they cannot better themselves and the reason is everything else but themselves? Gross attitude.

That pic is correct except for the last statement "it's okay to be fat"; it's not dumb fatty logic behind it, but a sort of sadistic and intelligent propaganda to attempt to weaken the resolve of would be dieters.

If you're a politician (or similar scum bag), you'd be applying this sort of snowball argument to lots of things, e.g.:

1. You love your children
2. You want to provide your children with the best environment to grow up
3. You should remove all the things that might irreparably harm your children
4. Cars kill N children every year
5. We should abolish cars

What fucking agenda does buzzfeed have to fill by telling people incorrect information and misrepresented facts?
according to her, if you ate 1,000 calories, to lose weight you need to run off 1,000 calories.

i HAVE that "FRIEND" that eats PIZZA and CHEETOS all DAY while I am BUSTING my ASS in the GYM, he's BUSTING his LOAD in my GF

I'm actually not sure but it fucking fascinates me some of the shit they put up. Sometimes I think it's an algorithm written to shit out the most annoying, moronic drivel possible.

If so it's an incredibly well made algorithm


YOU bust your ASS at the GYM while CHAD eats PIZZA out of YOUR girlfriend's CUNT

pls go

All the "OMG GO VEGAN!!

the same way /fraud/ tries to justify steroids and such.

Deny the evidence as a conspiracy by the powers that be to keep you down, and construct a narrative that says that your habit is healthy post factum

lmao that's hilarious

I love it when fat activists discuss diabetes, pic related, Fat Heffalump gets diabetes a few weeks after proclaiming fat doesn't cause diabetes.


well, presuming that we don't have 100% digestive efficiency, I guess she is correct by coincidence, if not intent

I don't know about you, but I'd rather eat below my tdee than run off 1,000. Her point was that it is the only way to lose weight which is ridiculous.


Thanks OP, I just woke up and I'm already mad.

>not dieting
>eating more low GI foods

is she fucking retarded?

The face of no regrets.




Gotta tune big to get big. COME ON!

It reminds me of Mac.
"But aside from the diabeetus, I'm healthy, right?

baka desu senpai

>Calories are not evil.
>Calories are the energy that keep us alive.
>It's okay to eat.
Of course.
>It's okay to be fat.
No it isn't.


It makes them feel special that they are different from other people even when its not in a good way. So of course if someone insults your only trait you are going to try defending it. It the same way how tumblrinas fetishize mental ilness and self diagnose with things like autism when they dont actually have it, it just makes them feel like a special slowflake.


>3:00 onwards for rage


I live near that kookaburra, wonder if it's still alive

Birds have short lives.

>Somewhere in the region of a 5k calorie surplus every week for three years.


The notice on "trolls''. Bitch needs to grow up. What are they going to do? send me to time out?

>it was like a second workout doing all the lifting and turning her
stop lifting
get a 350lbs gf

where do they find clothes?! my goodness!

did she sue to have a wider door installed?



i like how she puts all her repressed thoughts into the trolls section, like thats a pretty elaborate list. i mean i got the point after the first 2 things, no need to list so many.

>go for a walk
Yeah okay. I think that one crazy aussie kinda nailed this one, "harden the fuck up, mate" times infinity.

I forget her name but she's beautiful and a personal hero of mine. The lack of bullshit is refreshing

>tfw youre so fat you gain unique physical comedy abilities

dude totally knew she wasn't gonna fit through the door before they even turned. camera on point.

her first name is meme not evean joking
meme roth

Her existence is a joke.


Hence the "fuck up a train of logic". Do you even read, bro?

ikr? but it's just a staged photo.


Eat sugar and die then


the filename

Ham planets can literally survive months without any calories at all.

It's called sophism.


> "Being thick is a choice!"

I thought it was genetics?


Fine bitch, then don't come to my fucking hospital when you're having a hyperglycemic crisis and ask for those same doctors to save you. Go to tumblr you whale.

We literally had a 600lb monster in the ER who needed a special bed and 2 guys to just push the bed itself. The burden these creatures put on our resources should be criminal.

>scientific studies
>shows a column article
Holy shit does this piss me off

This id great yo be honest. Veeky Forums should help spreaf thid to thin the herd.

I wish I could see some context to this

I feel bad for her and that she processes things this way

i read in lyle mcdonalds keto book that fatties weighing around 400 lbs can survive for like 6 months on only water and i was fucking speechless

There was a study done on a 400lbs man, cba to dig it up, but they put him on nothing but meat, vitamin supplements and water for a year. He lost the weight and ended up healthier than he was before he'd gained weight

This seems to be based on a study wich got alot of attention in 2011 aperantly if you STARVE mice their brain eats itself but a bunch of magazine wroteit up as "DIETING makes the brain eat itself" so I guess fatties dont understand the diffrence between starving and eating 50 cals less aday

parrots live for like half a centruy my dude


Been waiting far too long for this day. I can finally use pic related

It was a scottish man who lost 200+ pounds

Birds are very important.

Holy shit. What a waste of debate. Everything they said was already refuted before they said it. Might as well have given Meme just the whole ten minutes

What is a bird boot camp?

I know this sounds gay, but it's nice to have someone who's famous, with a medical background and relatively well respected talking about male dysmorphia. You just have to look around Veeky Forums to see how bad it is

This sound dumb and uncultured but in the vast majority of renaissance and pre renaissance art the women are flabby and unathletic while the majority of guys are ottermode, why is this?

imagine being such a gluttonous fat greedy fuck that you kill yourself by consuming too much of the thing you need to keep you alive

The Greeks had a great sense of satire.

He is also openly gay. A totally cool guy tho.

wew lad

>Calories are not evil
>Calories are the energy that keeps us alive
>It's okay to eat
>But, to maintain a stable body weight, you need to consume roughly the same number of calories that you expend
>Thermodynamics trumps genetics
>You fat fuck

And that could have gone so well.

Not totally true
I used to be fat and now I look similar to your pic, even just got a short haircut. I will say spending most my life as fat I never thought I'd get fit for good, but I've been going strong fit for like 5+ years now. I was bitter about not looking like that, but.that's not to say they'll never look like that- it just takes.hard so and self control. Also I hate cooking purely because I hate dishes.

Lots of spandex. Fat people are the biggest abusers of spandex.and stretchy clothes. They think because it didn't straight up.rip.off.of them that it fits.
>Memories shopping with mommy dearest
>never again

Mice are also entirely different than humans user.
Mice can survive on a literal zero calorie diet for over a week until they can find their next meal. They possess the ability to hibernate at any given point if food is so scarce, they are cannibals and will eat nearly anything, anything to continue to the next day. A mouse needs such a small part of it's brain that it can use the rest as a calorie storage.
Cats are the same, the reason they say cats have nine lives is because a cat can be entirely brain dead, and outside stimuli can make it's nervous system still work for days if not weeks after the incident. It can mate after it's brain dead, that's why they are almost an apex animal. Simply because of their ability to survive in almost any environment and still breed.

Humans though, when on a calorie deficit of that magnitude enough to start the calorie burning of their brain. Will die long before that.
You will quite literally lose every muscle and have multiple organ failure before your brain takes itself out. Because we need all portions of our brain as higher developed animals.

Their research isn't wrong because of the calorie difference.
It's wrong because biological it's impossible for our brains to eat itself while alive.



i love his show. i love dudes like him. he's charming and polite and he's actually never rude to the participants, even when he catches people eating terrible food. he's a genuinely nice person that wants people to get better.

love the pic breh

The context is that her sisters are pretty. Im serious, I looked into it before to see if she had chronic depression or something but nope. She's the fat ugly sister so she's triggered.

The fat women were where the cash was.

Fat women are not and were not considered attractive anywhere outside of a few african tribes, and nobody cares about those.




Could you please refrain from posting British people? I'm trying to eat here

This is how fighting crabs in WoW should have been. Imagine walking on the beach when suddenly a dozen crabs swarm and leap on to you.

Can someone please shop /pol/ to /lgbt/ in this pic?

Sweetie, I know you loooove all of those "NOT ALL WOMEN ARE LIKE THAT" and such, but it remains that 95% of people who attempt weight loss fail. And that doesn't even take into account the fatties that don't even try.

Just because a few of you manage to escape, it doesn't make his statement any less true.