History is Bullshit

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I like These

Columbus Discovered the Earth is Round
Einstein Flunked Math
Washington and the Cherry Tree
Newton and the Apple
Benjamin Franklin, the Kite and the Thunderstorm
Jesus wrote Nothing
Muhammad wrote Nothing


Muhammad, peace be upon him, did not write the Qur'an. He was not able to do so, because he was illiterate. He could neither read nor write and there are many who attested to this fact.


I would give a nut to live in this timeline

Poles saved Europe in 1683
Poles saved Europe in 1920

Lenin and Trotsky were nice guys and Stalin was the only morally questionable Bolshevik

Stalin was an important individual and not the record of a committee decision by a new class elite (Fitzpatrick S, Djilas M)

what a bunch of bullshit that is.
oy, oy. no hope for this planet.

My favourite author is Jesus of Nazereth.
His gospels he wrote are best sellers.
Muhammad of Mecca wrote Qur'an.

Bernie Madoff's Ponzi Scheme

you mean bernie madoff's investments


Peace be upon him?
The guy was a pedofile and promoted violence against women and anyone who wouldn't follow his cult.. no wonder he was an illiterate.

idk bout u but i live in a mudslime country where women overpowered men....even a transgender woman is richer than an average man


nuff said

Muh witch burnings

the earth is FLAT and that's THAT

Jesus rose from the dead.
Jesus died on the cross.
Jesus will come again.

Complete Bullshit

150 year sentence. Not near enough.

>Newton and the Apple
But that actually happened

Really? Isaac? Proof?

Holy fuck, someone who's read Djilas


Its not history.

Perhaps. Could be.