Has anyone studied the Chinese civil war?

Has anyone studied the Chinese civil war?

Why is it so ignored?

This shit is literally the size of Operation Barbarossa if not bigger, with battles the scale and intensity of Stalingrad and Kursk happening as pretty much a regular occurrence and typical siege.

>Why is it so ignored?
Because it could stimulate people's interest about Chinese history, even paint some positive lights on China/Chinese, also it's heavily involved modern politics directly, and that's the least thing most paranoid, Sinophobic westerners want, because they feel threaten about China's rising/reviving nowadays, they want public in the West stays ignorant and biased in order for them to spread hatred and contempt propaganda against Chinese, as a mean of psychological warfare.

Veeky Forums isn't blocked in China.

You can really blame the communists themselves. They need everyone to believe that there weren't any meaningful resistance against them and that everyone supported them. That's how they can peddle the whole "china was a shithole but communism fixed it" meme.

And if Nationalists win the civil war?they are bad,but better than Mao

>The Chinese civil war is ignored because of communists.
Source: my ass.

The CCP shills the fuck out of two conflicts.
1) The Chinese Civil War
2) The PVA's participation in the Korean War.

You know what's the common theme of CCP propaganda of both? "Holy shit we faced overwhelming odds and won."

The nationalists kind of won and carved out their own state around Nanjing, but then Japanese came to visit and rolepaly hardcore loli gore hentai irl

It didn't help one bit that the generals and leaders of Nanjing ran away and left the city to the "mercy" of the Japs

Its big, alien, lots of confusing names

>bug people clubbing each other to death
>battles the scale and intensity of Stalingrad and Kursk

Names are my biggest problem when it comes to chinese history

>"Holy shit we faced overwhelming odds and won."
Kind of true. On paper, they should have lost the civil war, but apparently Chinese peasants don't like Hakka/Manchu neofeudal warlordism. Ultimately, I think the Nationalists would have just sold out to internationalist interests, and kept most of China a 3rd world backwater. Despite some major fuck-ups from in the 50's and 60's, the CPC has done a better job of securing national sovereignty than the Nationalist ever would have. Also, Mao's fuck-ups gave the right faction in the party the political capital necessary to implement the Dengiist reforms.

At this point, I think most western popular disapproval of the current communist government are mostly a criticism of A E S T H E T I C S rather than policy. Sure, it's a kick in the ass to see a functioning non-democratic state, but I think seeing hammers and sickles at a contemporary official state function freaks a lot of people out more than socialist market economics. A lot of western leftists basically want the west to be a multiracial 'China' with minority rule, progressive multicultural pluralistic values tacked on, and no death penalty.


You drank the koolaid?

I find when you drop the family name, and don't put a space in the middle of the given name, they're easier to remember--kind of like Mortal Kombat characters. Two syllables seem to stick better than 3.

> Communist China trumps Nationalist China.

Look at Taiwan, you mouthbreathing retard. Without Communism China wouldn't have been backwards in the first place.

Taiwan wasn't that great during the military dictatorship period. Today it's a leftist shithole with millennials that are as bad as the average Californian. It's also barely the size of a single Chinese province, and propped up by favorable western trade as a geopolitical strategy to give it enough strength to maintain dynamic tension with the manland--not exactly a challenging governing situation.

The Nationalists would have already lost Tibet and Xinjiang, and been good little pro-human rights bitches to the US.

Also, Korea and Japan would be much poorer because we wouldn't have needed them.

> baseless speculation: the post

Fuck off Communist scum.


>most western popular disapproval of the current communist government are mostly a criticism of A E S T H E T I C S rather than policy.
>seeing hammers and sickles at a contemporary official state function freaks a lot of people out

>Taiwan...Today it's a leftist shithole with millennials that are as bad as the average Californian
>Fuck off Communist Scum

Calling someone who just ripped on leftist millennials a "Communist scum"?? Thanks for proving the point with your reflexive triggered outburst.


>Today it's a leftist shithole with millennials that are as bad as the average Californian.
Jesus christ, at least learn what socialism means before posting on a board for history

Leftism is not limited to socialism. Classical Liberalism is leftist. And not all socialism is left wing. Anyone who tries to simplify politics into a spectrum of freedom/individualism vs. communitarian is admitting pure ideology. At the extreme Left is chaos. At the extreme Right is order. Everything in between, all specific economic programs, or governmental structures are negotiable.

>inb4 some idiot tries to make the libertarian political taxonomy meme happen

more or less is as they can't post without a Veeky Forums pass, which they can't buy as Veeky Forums doesn't accept unionpay cards (what they use in china instead of visa)

>the Chinese civil war
Which one?

I don't need to consume media to dislike the Chinese, I just need to play PUBG

>the left is chaos and the right is order
>he says this after complaining about people simplifying politics into just freedom and individualism

It's the only definition that works with existing and extinct political systems. The original left was about breaking down the existing order and hierarchy. The original right was about preserving it. Destruction/Preservation. That's the origin of left and right. Period.

There is no right wing ideology that is against hierarchy and in favor of disorder. There is no left with ideology that is in favor of hierarchy and against disorder.

*Skins dog while it's alive for a slight nuance in taste*

...also, left/right is by no means the only system of political taxonomy. There are other, better descriptors to get into the details of economic and political theories. I just think that if you use it, you should use it in accordance with its historical context rather than modifying it to fit novel ideologies. To the extent that contemporary politics is still fighting about the implications of the Enlightenment and Modernity, right and left are relevant to that question.

I actually like the older civil wars better. This war seemed pretty one sided.

Thought could learn about history of the war, ended up became another political thread.

*Rampage shooting people to death for no reason on the 32nd floor of casino hotel in America.

the current government holds the nationalists and Chiang Kai Shek in a neutral if not very positive light now

>Look at Taiwan, you mouthbreathing retard. Without Communism China wouldn't have been backwards in the first place.
Taiwan was able to accomplish being successful by being
1) Continuously propped up by the US.
2) Being small as fuck.
3) Eventually getting the corrupt Chiangs off power.

"China would've been better under Chiang" is equally baseless speculation. As it didn't happen.

Now you know why it's ignored, I'm telling you the truth, not bullshit.

Just read some wikipages and watch some documentaries on Youtube if you're interested about it as a start, still better than the shit feast here.

Taiwan was doing fine and it really was an "ideal model" for mainland Chinese(even for Deng Xiaoping) BEFORE "Iwasato Masao" and DPP destroy KMT, now it's fucking in decline and heavily infested by faggy degenerates and anti-Chinese revisionists. It becomes the greatest joke and negative example for mainland China. How deluded can you be, you clueless cuck!

Gommies hate liberals.

It certainly isn't ignored by the CCP but the narrative is fixed and very biased.

I'm studying it now, thats why i made the thread. A 1948 survey showed only 2.7% of Chinese wanted a Communist government, about 60% wanted a coalition modern style democracy, the rest wanted the GMD to wipe the communists out.

Urban survey though, i imagine a rural one would have been very different, but the modern party would not be happy with people knowing that.