Sup Veeky Forums

Sup Veeky Forums,

I've posted on /adv/ for advice in gaining social skills, but haven't had the best of advice. Basically, ive been in New York city for a week, and haven't met any people. Im in a hostel too, Im just autistic. I have no friends and I'm a kissless virgin

I've been going to bars too, but don't know what to even say to people.. So I just have a few drinks and leave

How do I get social skills? There are so many 9/10+ girls here in NYC, how do I make one my gf.

I always hear about people traveling and meeting cool people, but I haven't met anyone...

Tomorrow is my last day here in New York. What can I do to either help my social awkwardness, or to get a gf

Pic related, I see at least one girl like this on the train here every time I get on

Other urls found in this thread:

what muscle group does social increase????

Tongue and brain, sometimes penis

Just naturally ask them to talk about shit they like, everybody just wants to talk about themselves, women especially.

Lmao talking to women in nyc is literally 10x harder then anywhere else.

Join a club or meet up dot com or some shit glhf

Tinder, my negro

Who are these females and why aren't at least one of them my girlfriend?

Never make a Veeky Forums girl like pic related your girlfriend
Trust me

Greentext pls

That's two 8s and a 7 at best.
Readjust your standards.

texting one liners in an attempt to get girls to have sex with you isn't a good way to work on your social skills familia




yeah, i had one, they are cheating stacey whores mang :(

Control your autism

So can I just walk up to a stranger and say:
>hi, what do you like to do for fun?
This doesn't seem like it would turn out well

And what about eye contact, every girl on the street or train is looking at their phone, in front of them or they avert their eyes from mine...

I'm not very attractive
I have no friends, so my profile will be all selfies
And I have no hobbies other than Veeky Forums

I wish I knew Spanish or Italian before coming here.. So many qt3.14 girls here from there

Here's the number one thing you need:
interest in other people. At least fake it, but developing a genuine interest will give you that superpower of walking up to somebody, introducing yourself and making conversation.

Why on earth would anyone date you then

No, you need context to start a conversation. Being in a hostel is the perfect context, though, just say hi to people in the lounge/kitchen and ask them about their travels.

Note that building social skills takes a long time, like any skill, so don't expect to get laid any time soon. Over time, you'll become less awkward as you get more used to interacting with people.

>So can I just walk up to a stranger and say:
>>hi, what do you like to do for fun?
>This doesn't seem like it would turn out well
yep, you definitely have social anxiety and/or lack interest in other people.

That's exactly how you can approach somebody.
>hi i'm user and i'm new in the area
>i like doing X, do you know a nice place in the area to do X?
>What's your favourite place to go out to?
>Where can i get the best burgers/a healthy lunch during work break?
>i used to play Y, is the local team any good?
etc pp

I can ask FORM questions, but I'm boring myself and don't have any thing interesting to say. So the conversations are mostly me asking questions, like an interview

Id say I'm a good listener.. Or at least I'm good at remembering things

But im not good at conversations. Especially starting one with strangers... And I'm worse in group conversations. And also worse if there are other people around, like I would never start talking to someone on the train

Then just accept the fact a 9/10 gf isn't for you

Respecting myself is autistic? Why the fuck are you here?

there has to be something you care about. If you don't talk about yourself it's probably videogames and anime, but you just spent a first week in NY ffs.
There has to be something you can talk about. If not, what the hell have you done in this week. Go see stuff. Go do stuff. Talk about it.

forget about it, you're prolly too autistic and ugly to get a 9/10, lower your standards a bit

>wants a 9/10 gf
>has nothing of value to offer them
lower your standards and start talking to 5/10 girls. because atm you're a 4/10 dude no matter what your parents told you.
>Tomorrow is my last day here in New York.
ask the fucking guy/girl at the hostel if there's anything happening or fuck tell them your situation. whenever I travel I ask the maids or workers any tips on how I can have a good time

1.lower your standards
2,ask people at the hostel
3. lower your standards

You're not respecting yourself
You're being all "pointy elbows would not fuck" on a thread where your opinion isn't even being asked
No one cares about your fantasies

i just remembered the good old days of advanced autism in school when a girl invited me over and all i could think of there was asking if she had picked the furniture herself

kek, u sound like me bro

Yeah? I'm the one being vain by saying I'd like attention from 9s... and posting pics of girls that are my fantasies?
Ok buddy.

Maybe get your head out of your ass, realize his, pursue and achieve a 6-7 like you deserve, then be happier in the long run because there's less chance she'll fuck around behind your back fat.

later senpai

Anna cherri
My favourite nochtlii peralta
Right one i dont know stopped caring after seeing my waifu

Suck a dog ass

I'm not OP you autist
I'm just some user who thinks you're an autist
"Hurrdurr these sluts are 8s at best you need to respect yourself if you think they're hot hurr"

I've just seen the sights mostly, and went to a few restaurants
I tried hiking too (which Ive basically never done before) and went to a place called breackneck ridge
Last night I went to a bar called barcade, it had retro video game arcade machines (like frogger)

I've done stuff here, but I don't think they are that interesting. Don't think I can entertain people with these stories, they're not funny or anything tbqh

And I'm not good at talking about things either, I say things were "good" or not, it's hard for me to put in words why I like or dislike something.. So even if someone asks me about something I did, I wouldn't be good at describing it

Your butthole

Look, an autistic person calling an autistic person autistic.


Shut up you autist

keep going bb


seriously tho if u don't have amazing qualities nor social skills to fake them why do u go for 9s and 10s?

jus b urself xD

You're not going to fix your problems in a day, sorry to say.
You could approach your social problems like fitness problems. Read a book or two, practice on as many people as you have the balls for, and hopefully improve.
I recommend starting with Dale Carnegie's classic How to a Make Friends and Influence People.

4chen advanced autism

>how to acquire skills
practice makes perfect

Maybe I have high standards
Plus I've waited this long for a gf, maybe she should be good looking, so I don't feel like I've settled...

Gtfo virgin


Let's say you wanted to be a professional boxer in the 70s. Should your first opponent be Muhammad Ali?

No what?

Can you elaborate on how lowering my standards will help me get a 9?

I don't think the boxing analogy applies. If I get a 5/10 gf, that doesn't necessarily mean my next gf will be more attractive

Anyways, I don't think my standards are too high, ideally I get a 9, but as long as the grill is thin and has a cute face (around 7/10), I wouldn't mind

he just died so I'm pretty sure I'd beat the crap out of him but u have a point (not op)

so u want a 7 now, good start. Show face and we will see what u can do

If your goal is to get a 9, you have two options.
1) Get a job, buy a high class hooker.
2) Build a fortune, get a trophy wife who puts up with you for access to your money.
If you're boring and socially inept and unattractive, then you need to have something a woman like that might want, and I imagine money is your best bet.

you're easily the bottom of the barrel, get a grip of or kill yourself

So how do I not be bottom of the barrel, that's what I want to know

How do I not be boring and socially inept?


You won't get a 9.

You don't have hobbies "besides Veeky Forums" which isn't even a hobby, it's a shitposting malaysian turkey breeding board, you say you aren't attractive, you are socially inept.

If you were a really hot dude and a girl with those qualities approached, would you be interested?

first and foremost, self-awareness i.e. get a grip

this, improve yourself or settle for someone like you.

Why would you even want a 9? They probably have 0 hobbies or skills and guys are going after them all the time.

this idiot says he isn't attractive, no friends, no hobbies, and complains about how he can't get a 9/10 girl to be his gf

you have nothing to offer and it sounds like you hate yourself. how can you possibly expect a top 10% girl to drop everything and become your gf?

work on improving yourself and confidence will follow. that's it, quit your bitching

Hola, como estas? Mucho gusto, mi nombre es...

Piacere, Io mi chiamo... Come stai?

After that start doing signs like a monkey.

>top 10% girl
It doesn't work like that. Attractiveness is on gaussian curve, I would imagine. So 10s are probably like 2%.

What are the most productive ways to improve my self?

What should I start with? What are the specific things I need to do in order to get a qt3.14 gf.

I need to get friends, but how?
I need hobbies, but which ones should I get so that I'm not wasting my time. Like watching anime isn't a hobby I should pick up, I think

Or like, I'm too old to get good at chess. So I probably shouldn't pick that up

Join a club
Pick up a sport
Learn an instrument
Read everyday

And you don't do it for a girl, idiot. You won't get a girl above 7/10 until you stop caring about getting a girl that is above 7/10

Correct, but the left and right have different sized tails

Getting a girlfriend really isn't that hard. Get in shape and stop caring. Once you stop and caring and stop putting women on pedestals they will come.

I think I'm good at pretending like I don't care though... But anyways, I have no friends and rarely meet new people, which is another reason why I'm alone and don't have a gf

I am thinking of bouldering and guitar (though I can't sing) as hobbies

Start bouldering, then. You might meet some cool girls doing that.

Don't expect meaningful relationships from beautiful western women.


hey man calm down ok

>guitar (though I can't sing)
do you have autism? You don't need to be able to sing to play guitar.
Also learning guitar is cool but is another loner hobby so it won't help you achieve your qt gf goal

Yeah from an objective perspective, but they are still in the top 3 percentiles of the population in terms of attractiveness because of the way they've taken care of themselves. Agree on the ratings though, just giving another perspective.

But singing is more impressive tbqh
True, I was thinking dance. But that might be more of a meme hobby. I only know female coworkers that have dance as their hobby, no males..

Im not good at sports, always picked last, I get tired easily and can't run, throw, kick or catch

used to do hip hop dancing. Shit was pretty cash. You don't have to touch anybody but can still talk to people in rest times. Also many sloots and most of them look pretty good. Could hear them talking about fucking me multiple times but was too autistic to ever talk to them.
I was shit at sports at that time too but managed to sit it off with just a bit of sweating. 8/10 would recommend.

Don't know what ballroom dance classes are like though.

Its not you, its new york. Move to a friendlier place. All people in NYC care about is being as cool and hip as possible, and that means nit talking to people who dont have status or good looks. Move to Colorado or Texas.

I'm traveling, just in nyc for the week. I always hear about people going on vacation and meeting new people and girls.. But I haven't met anyone, guys or girls

read it.

wait what ?
What dont you like on them ?
Nice eyes
Nice smile
Nice boobs
Pretty nice ass (from what we can see)
Very nice body (I dont see fat)

A blonde, brown hair, and dark hair, for every taste.

What do you like, niggers ?

Well that describes 8 and 7 pretty nicely.
They arent 10s because they are womanlets

When you go to a bar, and you see someone ordering a drink you start a conversation with a, "Hi, how are you?" and go from there. It's socially acceptable and will help you break your autismo.

So :
smile = 10%
boobs = 10%
ass = 10%
be lean = 10%
size = 30%

So, you prefer a tall woman with ugly smile and fat, rather than these women, only because they're only 5"50 (1m65) ?

Can you show us your gf with timestamps on the picture, just to be sure this is not a bait lvl 1 ?

For some people, this stuff just comes naturally, For the rest of us, practice practice practice. It's all you can really do.

One "exercise" I've heard about is to just go up and intentionally say the stupidest shit imaginable, just intentionally go out and get rejected on purpose, just to desensitize yourself to it.

Also, I'd have to say, if I was shy (which I am) and moving to a new city to meet people, NYC is probably THE absolute last city I would pick.

My gf is a 6 so im not sure what youre trying to prove.
The girls are nice and have nice bodies but they arent really beautiful or spectacular. They arent 9s.

Holy shit not a single piece of useful advice

OP if you're even moderately Veeky Forums you can do this.

First off, I bet your posture is ass. It's fine, because mine is too. Walk straight-up like you're trying to hold a pencil with your traps, and look forward like you're trying to see into the horizon or some shit. Now, you no longer look like a sad cunt, you look more inviting, and if you aren't butt ugly, you might even catch people checking you out.

There's no universal way to open with any girl unfortunately, but the body and closing should always be the same.

>Get her name
>Ask a few questions about her. Minimum 2, maximum 4
>Internally decide if you want to spend more than a week with this girl
>Say you have something to do so you're going to leave
>Ask for her number
>Leave her
>Text or call several hours to a day later

Basically everything about you should say "I know who I am and my life goes on with or without you".

I've tried that. I don't know what to say next or how to sustain a conversation, and make the conversation interesting

Girls say "good", I ask a couple of FORM questions, then they realize I have no follow up and I'm not fun to talk to, and then walk away with a nice to meet you

Pretty much all my conversations, with guys and girls is like this. The other person always end it with something like "nice talking with you"

Can I do this with any girl? Or just girls in bars? If I see a girl on the street or the train, would this work?

It looks like every girl on the street is staring at her phone, wearing headphones and doesn't even make eye contact with me. Is there a way to talk to these girls?

What if a girl is with her friend(s), (girl or guy friends)?


b urself

This is my problem desu
I'm shy, yes, but with good self esteem. Thing is I don't really give a shit about other people unless they are really captivating, so I have it hard to just start talking about things they care.
It's not out of arrogance either, just indifference.

Focus on the person you're talking to, not yourself and how you look

The person I'm talking to doesn't want to talk to me though it seems, as I mentored, they always want to leave the conversation

then talk to someone else. you're basically oneitis personified. shit.

What does oneitis have to do with anything. Every single person I talk to always finds a reason to end the conversation

ask your friends if you seem creepy and ask if they can tell you what in particular. don't argue with them. just fix that shit.

I mention it in the op, but I have no friends

The sights you've seen or even the hike you went on... what did you like or dislike about them? the smallest details here are what you can talk about. Maybe you really enjoyed being out in nature. What did you enjoy about it? Those are just some things you can think about for yourself before you can conversate about it. While hiking, pay attention to nature and see what you find interesting. That's part of your job in life, discover what brings you pleasure because the same thing may not please someone else.