How can I stop being such a pussy, Veeky Forums?
Is it simply a matter of exposing myself to things that make me uncomfortable?
How can I stop being such a pussy, Veeky Forums?
Is it simply a matter of exposing myself to things that make me uncomfortable?
go out and fight the first black person you happen across. it wont fix all but this is a huge step in the right direction.
In what regards are you a pussy?
Yes. Exposure therapy. Expose yourself to situations that make you anxious constantly. You'll immediately notice the confidence boost and you'll feel like you can do anything
Why does it have to be a black person?
You know you are... You're halfway there to not being one already.
Americans are afraid of black people.
I shy away from conflict and I'm not very assertive in day to day life. If someone tries to subtly insult something I've done I always try to bring the situation back with humour instead of taking a persons words towards me at face value and responding to them accordingly.
I feel as though I lose a fair amount of self-respect doing this.
I can work hard in the gym to the point of near exhaustion, and have no trouble pushing myself further than I think I can take it. However I still don't have the social presence, intelligence and grace to fluidly navigate social pressures, whether that's an argument, or coming across strong in job interviews.
I am doing NoFap and meditating regularly to try and fix this, but I feel as though my standard of self-esteem is much lower than other peoples. I think the residue of this came from having gyno as a kid. It doesn't affect my day to day life half as much anymore, but I really do have difficulty seeing myself as being on the same level as other people.
I'll just keep trucking along and pursue exposure therapy like the user in this thread suggested. What's the worst that could happen?
Simple. You make a habit out of facing things that scare you.
Dont back down user ever...regardless of the circumstances..pain is temporary but shame is forever..
Next time someone does this, get right in their shit face and get aggressive.
This is how you get bitches too man, your Veeky Forums body attracts them but your attitude is what makes them panties come off.
Well maybe it's a joke. Have you considered that?
You of all people need to chill
I just finished words of radiance, life is crazy sometimes
next time your confronted dont back down, now when he starts attacking you ........dont fight back control that explosive urge keep running your mouth. laugh at him spit your teeth. apply to everything.
It's like lifting
The heavy weights become lighter
The uncomfortable things get comfortable
Life before Death Radiant
Yeah I have a pretty great sense of humour which has always been something I can take comfort in and use to my advantage. But you don't always want to be known as the guy who'll make light of himself and a situation, especially when it's done out of fear.
I'm maybe 10% into Way of Kings. Is it this consistently interesting the whole way through?
You sound likę a good man user, hoNestlé Just keep pursuing your goals with as much effort as possible there's no need for drama only if someone gets in your way should there be conflict
Thanks man. I'll heed your words and see if good old elbow grease can't update some of the social programs I use to navigate the world.
Everybody has insecurities and flaws that they are not happy with. It really is coping and accepting those imperfections and not letting them affect your limited time on this wonderful planet.
What you really need to do is work on your self-worth and develop self-efficacy to build your confidence.
When I was in sales management, a corporate trainer used to tell everyone in the sales force a simple mantra that helps with your problems. That mantra was to tell yourself everyday in the mirror" "I like myself, I love myself, I am busy, I am important, and I am in control." Scream it at yourself, say it in accents, and eventually you'll start to believe it. Cogito ergo sum- you think therefore you are.
I highly recommend Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People" too- book changed my life.
The way you deal with conflict is the way everyone should, maybe we wouldn't have wars and needless other folly.
This in itself is a social pressure, because you feel you like if you don't get offended at the smallest slights and bash their skulls in like a mong, then something "is wrong with me?"
What you needs is not more assertiveness or aggressiveness. You need more CONFIDENCE. Work on self esteem and confidence, because when you have confidence, you don't a care how others perceive you because you KNOW who and how you are.
P.S Don't let the pursuit of a more confident and better "You" make you a bitter or selfish person. I've seen it. The modern world is becoming more apathetic and narcissistic than ever before. Don't become a monster while slaying monsters eh?
Damn guys... thank you. These posts are great and I've screencapped them. I guess all I can do is hold fast to the positives of my character and try fill in the weak spots with care and discipline.
Thanks to you both.
sound advice we all can learn from