So its come to this Veeky Forums

So its come to this Veeky Forums

Why you can't lose weight

Typical liberals

show boi vagina

Buzzfeed is fucking cancer.


>everyone has a friend that eats nothing but fruits and salads but is still fat

problem is, thats not all theyre eating. Fuck this video. Fat people eat like shit. Simple as that.

That bitch's face triggers the shit out of me.

Bunch of bullshit
>working out isn't proven to help you lose weight

The fuck are they on?

>Still dating white women



>still dating women

kekking @ your life

>watch half the video

ok i'll stay calm and read the "citations" they provide

>their citations have nothing to do with what the video claims, nor do they somehow disprove kcals in vs kcals out

i don't even hate buzzfeed, i mean i do hate them in the broader sense that i hate capitalism, but if you support capitalism like many here do, they are just a company catering to uneducated easily impressionable young adults in denial. what i hate is the 12.376 people that liked this, indulging further in their delusion about their health and body weight

but in the end, when they are dying or getting some disease due to their fat in their 40s, you know reality will just shatter their bubble and leave them in acknowledgement of how much they'd been deluding themselves

So the point of this is that losing weight is impossible? What the fuck?

>i hate capitalism

>still dating

>classcuck confirmed

unless you own factories in china of course

Good. Let them be fat. Let all he susceptible, weak-minded, 9-5 office workers that actually watch buzzfeed and those stupid clickbait shows be fat, I want them to be fat, I hope they marry spectacled beta losers in ironic sweaters and red boots, I hope they have fat, beta children who marry off with other betas.

Let the betas and the fats pair off, with their lower than average life expectancies and their low-paying jobs, shifty ramped apartments in the "west-end" filled with framed celebrity tweets and cat-themed cushions and entire walls filled with Judd Apatow box sets, and fridges filled with Buzzfeed food suggestions and Instagram-ready photogenic plastic meals.

I can't wait until all the fat girls are married to their retro-indie boy and looking metrosexual husbands, then I don't have to see them in every bar and club, squeezing themselves into tube dresses like oversized sausages, standing on the fringe of every conversation, unable to really socialise because they secretly know how fucking ugly they look, you think I want them near me? Have you ever actually danced with a fat girl? They smell like a Kenyan warehouse full of rotting salmon, you ever fucked a fat girl? I hope you have experience in shifting pianos.

I don't want to see them, I don't want to hear them, I want them all off getting married so I can go out in peace and look at a dance floor full of attractive, physically fit women, without some Loch Ness monster in Iggy Azaleas old MTV Awards outfit rolling into my field of view.

Fuck off fat girl I'm trying to live here.

>but if you support capitalism like many here do, they are just a company catering to uneducated easily impressionable young adults in denial

So your claim is in a capitalist society people aren't allowed to form opinions on organizations or businesses that they many disapprove of as long as they generate a profit?

Because no one in the real world thinks like that

>Well I don't like tobacco companies selling cigarettes to kids claiming it's healthy, but they are a company catering to a demographic!

Capitalism is simply a system of production, you are free to criticize the practices and beliefs of members within that system

eh i live in seattle and wish i didnt

fuck this progressive liberal ass city. Barely any hot chicks either


Videos like these seriously depress me. Is there really an entire faction of people out there that believe losing weight is genetically impossible and that your body immediately starts shutting your metabolism off and flooding you with emergency hunger hormones as soon as you start burning calories? Jesus christ this is really the end times isn't it?

>using cuck as an insult

a true revolutionary should embrace cuckolding

Monogomous relationships are patriarchal and reinforce traditional capitalist family structures

Who are you to dictate what a woman does with her vagina? For example: there was this one degenrate chick who couldn't keep her hands off me, but I refused to touch her because she had a boyfriend. But then I found out she was a leftist so I fucked her in every hole because by cuckolding him, I was helping them rebel against the capitalist superstructure

No, there is just a faction of people out there that don't want to change their shitty habits and put in some effort. So they make excuses.

>Not lifting with your qt gf and get all the mires

Manlets never learn do they?

>an hour of cardio
>328 cals
what the fuck

it states the right facts though.
Exercise only makes up a small portion of your caloric expenditure. You are more hungry after exercising.
Yo-Yo effect is real too.

Only the subtext of "don't even bother" is obviously a shit mentality.
I don't really care though, the more fatties walk around, the more impressive I look.

theses Jewish companys such as buzzfeed want fattys to love being fat in order to keep pushing that good good lard down their thorats. Fat fucking dykes.

>Diets dont work
>Sushi and beer everyday
>Im curvey, its ok

Holy fuck im triggerd.

>still living

>live in irvine
>skinny asian QTs everywhere
>the only white girls that are here go to law school so they come from money
>rich white girls are never fat

come visit, user


But if you workout, you get hungry and then eat even more gainin more weight!

do you think companies should have the right to do these things? if you don't then you don't support capitalism, because in capitalism profit pretty much justifies everything and what's "fair game" can't be defined by your personal opinions. you either support that people are allowed to manipulate and exploit others for profit, or you don't.

>cancerous tripfags on Veeky Forums

i see this is still a thing

Pretty much this. These people are choosing to be brainwashed. It would be great if there where better sites to combat this stupidity but if none of them ever go mainstream these people will just learn the hard whey.

>It's scientifically proven that eating less makes you hungrier
thanks Buzzfeed?

>It would be great if there where better sites to combat this stupidit

wouldn't really matter, people will just look wherever they hear what they want to hear in order to rationalize their way of life. in this day and age, anyone that want's to truly change his lifestyle and has access to all the information available on the internet has no excuse really

You don't know how much you're embarrassing yourself desu

Cringey ass posts like these are a result of political shitposting on a fitness subsection of a icelandic fishing hole forum.

They don't say calories in/calories out is wrong. Neither do they say that exercise is not proven to help lose weight.

They just say that there is a certain genetic predisposition for how many calories your body needs (2 people with the same weigh will most likely not have the same n(cals) to maintain their weight) and that exercise is not the biggest part of your calories out (everyone who tracked his work out knows that too).

They explain why it's HARD to lose weight, not that it is IMPOSSIBLE.

Come on people, don't get your jimmies rustled by something they didn't even say.
I don't like buzzfeed either but it's just stupid to argue against something no one said.

just ignore him, the best way to deal with cancerous tripfags

dude the thumbnail says "diets don't work"

>They don't say calories in/calories out is wrong.
They describe it as "a load of hooey". That's exactly what they're saying. And they're wrong.

Good point. It doesnt help that nowadays a lot of groups can easily make some BS research and manipulate it to fit their agenda. That goes for vegans/haes/insert politcal agendas you dont like here and everyone else.

The subtext in the video is that attempting to lose weight via changing your diet and eating fewer calories is too difficult to try and that you should just learn to love being fat instead. Don't defend them.

>getting worked up about a click bait thumbnail

All this rationalizing man.

Every time I hear this typical "Well, science says calories in=calories out, buuut..."
I can only think of one thing.
For hundreds of years scientists searched for and tried to develop a system which:
A. Manages to keep a state infinetly without energy intake (Perpetuum mobile: type 1)
B. Manages to completely convert the resulting warmth back into usable exergy (Perpetuum mobile: type 2)
There are huge databanks with all the attempts to make something like this, more or less scientifical, none of them obviously work. There are some science fiction works which can not be taken seriously because of the sole fact that they use this kind of hypothetical system.
But today, in the year of 2016, we can finally witness the moment where a bunch of fatasses break all barriers and actually accomplish that the human can be accepted as a perpetuum mobile.
By the year 2030 it should be finally done. Thousands of years of failure have led up to the conclusion that the perfect machine humans have been searching for, was right inside of us all the time. All concepts of Thermodynamics will be thrown overboard, because the 1st and 2nd law are both offensive and undermine positive body images.
Soon enough Earth will see the inverse age of reason. We will all witness the time where people willingly decide to deceive themselves, because beieving the earth is flat can mercifully make you forget you are an ugly blob of meat on another spherical body which is circling an even bigger spherical body with enormous speed.

Not that user, but you are absolutely right. I think the "that's capitalism for you!" comment is more about the fact that, like with tobacco companies, we're rather limited in what we can do about it apart from just criticising. I mean, tobacco can be banned in some places or to certaina ages or just taxed, which limits it - technically it could even be outright banned. But sadly we can't make a law to ban stupidity or requrie people to be 18+ or pay an extra tax in order to partake of stupid shit. So we can just post online about how infuriating this shit is, but as long as someone is willing to pay to drink that particular kool-aid, it'll be around.

The idea behind this, and I cannot for the life of me find any scientific publication that confirms it, is that that the body might increase it's efficiency somewhat when one limits caloric intake, in order to maximise how much it gets from what's avaliable. Supposedly, this is why people will often gain weight on fad diets: they diet for a little while, their metabolism gets more effective, then they stop and go back to eating like they always do; execept now with their more efficent metabolism they're actually getting more calories out, and wind up gaining weight. It's one of those things you read in some "health" magazines, but even so the claim is nowhere near what she is saying, and is more about the importance of sticking to calorie reduction and excercising as well.

Well played.

>click embed
>the same video for the fucking 4th time today

I don't think, when you corner them, that these people are literally arguing that calories in->out is wrong or that somehow they're immune to math and physics. What they're arguing is that for some people, reducing caloric intake doesn't effect them enough because of other factors such as hormonal imbalance and metabolism changes.

Tbqh to me it sounds like these people are using medical buzzwords they heard somewhere else to invent an excuse for their inability to control binge eating. But, you never know. All I know is that losing weight for MY body is completely doable and honestly pretty simple if I counteract hunger with things that cancel it, like drinking coffee.

It is worth mentioning, I think, that most people who complain about their bodies being unable to lose weight are women. Women tend to be smaller and have lower TDEEs by default, so I can understand why (for example) a girl who was 5'2" and had a TDEE of 1200 calories would be frustrated that she was unable to eat anything without gaining weight. I can eat 1200 calories in a single meal. I'm sure most of you do as well. So I do have some sympathy for them because being strapped with that level of dietary requirement is kind of annoying. That being said it just means they can buy less food, waste less time eating, and more easily get jacked. So it has its upsides.

>>tfw your TDEE is 2500

Eating is a fucking chore, especially on a bulk.

>the body might increase it's efficiency somewhat when one limits caloric intake
I gather that this is true in the limited sense that a calorie deficit will prompt the body to remove metabolically active tissue (muscle) that doesn't seem necessary. This is nothing like the sort of magical "muh metabolism" claims people make, but looks similar to idiots searching for excuses.

If you "run" a 20 minute mile maybe

>if you don't then you don't support capitalism, because in capitalism profit pretty much justifies everything and what's "fair game" can't be defined by your personal opinions. you either support that people are allowed to manipulate and exploit others for profit, or you don't.

>hurr durr capitalism equals 1800s style zero regulation factory work and if you don't support that you need to join le revolution

The very basis of your argument is wrong.

You are assuming that proponents of capitalism should all be extreme libertarians.

I am a social democrat, I support capitalism as the basis of economic production with government redistribution and regulation in certain instances. But at its core social democracy is still a capitalist system because the state (or muh worker owned communes for the truly deluded) does not own the means of production.

You really need to brush up on your basic logic skills my man, because arriving at ludicrous conclusions like that out of nowhere just makes you look stupid.

>cries about muh capitalism
>gets BTFO

His argument was that you have no right to complain about a business you don't like because we live in a capitalist society.

Yeah, I know he's a fucking idiot.

Yeah exactly; they're twisting an explanation as to why losing weight is hard (and hence requires deidication over a long time period, even one's whole life, along with plenty of physical excercise) into an excuse. So fuck 'em, they don't care, they just want that excuse. Just makes us all look better by comparison. Personally I just hope this HAES bs cathes on among men; the "dad-bod" trend almost set a precedent so maybe there's hope? Then I'll be among the fit 1% and have my pick of any chick, trap, femboi and sheep I want :).

>His argument was that you have no right to complain about a business you don't like because we live in a capitalist society.
Well you have consumer sovereignty, in theory at least, so complaining about a business and getting people to join you is pretty much the only way to hurt them (by reducing demand for their product).

>You are assuming that proponents of capitalism should all be extreme libertarians.
If I may play devil's advocate: what he describes is pure, unbridled and unrestrained capitalism. If you support THAT then you must indeed accept that some companies will do amoral things. If you don't agree with that then you don't support the pure essence of capitalism; the alternative is however not just anti-capitalism but, as you state, a restrained version of it such as social democracy.

But like I pointed out, restraining stupid shit is hard... so we are left with consumer activism: trying to spread the truth and hopefully influence people to the point where this bs is no longer profitable.

We can restrain when the product has a measurable harmful effect, such as tobacco.

But restraining Buzzfeed becomes a free speech issue, even though I disagree with their message, I wouldn't want the government to ban them (as tempting as it may be sometimes)


fat acceptance please. ...

I am so triggered by this. If you were to capture fatties and lock them in a cage, giving them only carefully controlled meals, they would lose weight, guaranteed. If there was really such a thing as a human being that COULDN'T lose weight, that person would literally die in a matter of hours if they missed even ONE meal.

because what buzzfeed needs is 1000 views from people that hate them

Soooo fat people have special types of bodies that defy physics?

>His body doesn't defy physics


I generally go out of my way to avoid talking shit about people, but her failed attempts at hiding her supafupa failed hard.

And don't even get me started on that face. It really grinds my gears when chicks make that face, fat or not. When a fat chick makes that face though it's somehow worse.

I don't mind prefupa fat chicks. Some of em could get the d. Some of them have. But being trendy is not a good look for them. Bubbly and cute? Hell yeah no problem.

But there's nothing sexy about fupas and fat.

What the fuck is wrong with sushi?

But she's sort of right..

Perfect post. Great use of greentext, humorous use of a question mark, brilliant reaction image. You did good user, you did good.

Not only did I smile but you made me laugh. Hell, I nearly passed on replying to your post but I gotta say my man, it would have left me ridden with regret.

There isn't anything I enjoy more than comical posts that are concise. To the point and packs a punch. I'd probably let you fuck my sister for the chuckles you've induced within me today.

generally the response fat girls get when they damage their ego by not giving a shit about you. hell ill see a dude with a ugly girl and you know hes not getting a boner but man may be they want a community women can go solo.

Yes, well, you should have thought of that before you chose to become fat in the first place.

Not to worry, though. There is surgery for such things nowadays.

Lot of calories hard to track

It's fine as long as you don't eat 6 portions of the fried shrimp kind covered in candied syrups and garbage

>should have thought of that before you chose to become fat in the first place

Like minors dictate what food their parents buy or know what the fuck to eat without being educated
Fat kids become fat adults
It's a problem with upbringing usually

I don't know how to process this response

Also probably drench their salads in dressing and cheese and bacon bits.

And the skinny ones who only eat pizza and pop, that's usually all they'll eat. They have that one meal all day.

Fuck Washington in general bro.

Liberalism in a nutshell

I happen to have a soft spot for butterfaces. I've met plenty of ugly chicks who know they're ugly, but these same girls do everything they can to fix the issue. In my experience fat chicks always resort to fad dieting and walking.

Yeah okay that'll work but 1) not nearly as fast as it would if you'd do a real routine 2) not nearly as fast as it would if you took the time to formulate a real diet instead of following some tumblr bitches advice

Speaking from experience here. Lived with a fat chick once and her life was an endless string of days filled with hiding her flaws instead of actually fixing them. Her self image was so deluded it fucked up MY perception of her the more time I spent around her.

I've dated a butterface or two and they always approached their ugliness with practicality. If their teeth were fucked they made plans to correct it. If they had poor features they took the time to find a haircut they worked best with them and makeup that played off their strongest points.

Idk man maybe I'm just an ignorant fuck but I'd rather be with a butterface than a fat chick, and like I said before, I don't mind fatties as long as they find ways to work with what they've got and try to improve upon their assets. But in my experience the majority of them just want to starvation diet, take miracle pills, or completely conceal their obvious flaws like ops supafupa image.

I make my own so it's actually really easy to track since there's so few ingredients

>mfw I'm rereading your post over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over senpai

yes, losing weight is impossible.

fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.

she's got good taste in anime, at least

How muc hhave you lost? No loose skin either?

~100 pounds, very little loose skin, and only around my navel if i hunch over.

amazing progress man, good work.

Great skin genes bro, now it's time to lift

Please god this can't be real.

generally ugly girls cant do anything with their face. if she was stronger and got out for exercise she would have got good face. would she do it? hell idk may be she wants to eat her burgers or stays in the kitchen like a house wife. i still want to fuck her if she does get a routine and lose that fat but its unlikely lol.

actually conservations are fatter than liberals so they are probably the ones who make these videos

I acknowledge and appreciate your rant user.

>they are probably the ones who make these videos
wow great deduction

Bullshit. Just because some people only burn calories by going to the gym for an hour that doesn't mean shit to anyone who works 9 hours a day doing manual labour.

This video makes me want to be even more fit.

So I can look down on these pieces of garbage.

Thanks for the motivation you lazy fat pieces of sjw trash.

fucking good work dude! Making it!

>Posted comment showing studies that debunked everything that was mentioned in the video, along with criticizing methodology that was used to justify obesity
>The comment got deleted
Go figure. It's perfectly okay to censor others that disagree with you, but they sure as hell better not be censored by you or else you are a bigot racist fat shaming homophone.

They dont want to hear the truth. People who are fat, lazy, and stupid want to remain fat, lazy and stupid.

Use this as motivation to never be like them.

Every time I pose in the mirror it fuels me more.

Every time I see a fat person it motivates me more.

pls explain

>Fat cells
She's not right at all. Lipids aren't cells, lipids are substances. Unless she's talking about adipocytes, by which case, she's still wrong. If you think of adipocytes as balloons that store fat, you definetly can lose weight by, you know, using up the substance they store.

>All those "likes"
>Yet all those negative comments
Yeah, about that BuzzFeed...

No, no, no. I have to keep correcting you idiots on this almost every day.

There are PLENTY of fatties on both sides. However, the whole notion of HAES, fat acceptance, SJWs, "some people just can't lose weight", "everyone is beautiful" and so on, THAT is 100% a liberal invention.

Go into any "fat hate" thread. I 100% GUARANTEE you every single one of these is a hardcore liberal democrat:

wh-where is this gif from?

>some factors are out of your control

jesus fucking christ. the only thing wrong with this video is that it's trying to find reasons to be fat

this. let stupid people be fat if they want

good for them if they like how they look. doesn't mean I have to look as shit as them. while they are trying to find reasons for being inferior, I'll do the best I can to feel great


>there is nothing wrong with loving with you have been given

burger and fries