Why can’t Marxist appreciate art?

Why can’t Marxist appreciate art?

b-but postmodernism....

>art is just pretty pictures of fields and buildings

Also Hitler was terrible at perspective.


Ah yes. Only the perspective of the Juden matters

I don’t know about you but art isn’t all about Technique. I’m going into the arts business professionally and I can already tell that most of my peers will be hipster liberal photographers that likes contemporary art. In fact, I might be the only one that aspires to be like the classical masters. But even old fogeys like me know that the old ways have been tried and strangled for centuries.

Look at the oil painting on the third column, second row. You can’t sketch that without learning anatomy first. The color palettes are ditinict from the late Arthurian stuff. It’s pretty well rendered as well. The rest seems pretty shoddy to me.

Anyways, I know it’s a shitpost but I wanted to get this out there. People posed naturalists stuff but in ol’ Europe as well. We just need a little technical reformation in the West and abstract freedom in the east.

Here’s some modern shit you might like.

Ruan Jia, famous chink artist on /ic/

“Rise of the Steppe Nigs.”

This is so stupid.
I even made a ms paint picture trying to show how stupid you are because I'm having a hard time knowing how to express myself in such a way that you truly understand how retarded you are.

Shit I’m too tired I gotta sleep. Maybe I’ll post more eye candies tommorow.


>implying commies made algebra

Lmao kill yourself brainlet marxist

Difference is, most if not all of the other artists could probably copy Hitler's work, flaws and all, but Hitler probably couldn't the same.

Lol no

bottom looks disgusting, learn how to format equations

Apparently the Jews are the only one to understand basic vanishing point concepts

the bottom one is retarded though and you unintentionally showed how pretentious that shit is

>le random lines

Oy vey goyim. Le vanishing point concepts

hes right though. I learned about vanishing points in a shitty highschool art class and I make sure I follow it when Im doodling


You do know those Romantic paintings /pol/acks fap over also have perspective, yes?

I suppose they are jewish now.

>Shitler fanboys will defend this

>Window behind the stairs

Yeah because the stairs are connected to the building

Tbh, Hitler was not a good artist, but fuck he could have been a great architect if he tried out engineering and drafting

That’s what he did until the international Juden destroyed the sovereignty of Germany

isn't the point of going to art school to learn how to do this shit properly? His art seemed to have potential, and just needed guidance. I understand he was reluctant to draw humans which is a big part of the art course but surely that wouldn't have stopped him from learning?

His style (aka Nazi architecture) was mentally grating and physically unimpressive

it's really hit or miss.
I prefer neo-classicism or art nouveau


That was the style he chose.

I personally prefer Brick Gothic, but that's because it's what I think of when I think "cities at home"