>vegans still in charge of being fucking insane


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lmao take a load off this faggot

Disgusting, she ruined herself with that sjw vegan crap.

What the fuck? She looks like an Auschwitz survivor.

Just another case of a snowflake screaming, "I'm vegan!" but in reality, they're getting sub 800 calories a day in the form of shakes.

She's clearly emaciated and I doubt it's because veganism did that to her.

Is somebody here brave enough to fuck some sense into this skeleton?

>thicc cashier
Nigga thats on the skinny size


>anorexic person uses veganism as a good excuse for a low-cal diet, eating 2 salads a day
>"wew vegans are crazy"

literally fucking retarded people, and I'm not even vegan myself

this is not just veganism. this is veganism executed horribly wrong


Veganism is a deadly meme. Don't fall for this depopulation agenda.

Man, I feel bad for this chick. She clearly has some kind of eating disorder and she legitimately seems to think she's healthy.

Does anyone have nudes?

Sure, here you go.


>she "works out" at PF

I would smash m8 she'll be eating meat before you know it

Anyone would look thick next to that ugly skelly

Vegans always look like shit though


He looks better when he did vegan

Every vegan I have met in real life looks like they've got some kind of learning disability.

Like said, 99% of vegans are just doing it for attention and don't know jack shit about their diet and are just chronically malnourished.

Looking good.

Fuck off, OP.

she turned into an ayy lmao

>Becomes vegan
>Eyes turn lighter shade (Lightning cannot account for that much of a visible change, even in the darker photos they are lighter)
>Hair is lighter color as well
>Skin is pasty and pale even by ginger standards

Vegan, not even once.

Lolwtf is this bitch 12 or is that girl just 7ft?

Shes 19 according to her perfil

i fucking hate vegans but i could learn to love someone as ugly as her

she is ugly in a cute way, imo


As someone pointed out, veganism probably wasnt the cause for her going skelly. But veganism is always the excuse to stay on the shitty path.

>veganism is always the excuse to stay on the shitty path


Is this shopped? He looks like a fucking bobblehead

He looks like a bobblehead??? Look at the girl in the OP


it looks like someone copy and pasted a big celebrity's head on a small body

This negroid is fucking hideous. Go hold up a ship in Somalia you filthy fuck.

That's concerning. I was vegan for 12 years and never looked like that. She needs to up her legumes or something. I'm a guy, 5'10", weighed between 150lbs - 165lbs while vegan. I'm not vegan anymore and I weigh 230lbs. ha

Can he even squat 2lmao's?

>'m not vegan anymore and I weigh 230lbs
start cutting fatass


>I'm not vegan anymore
Why not.

From qt3.14 redhead to ginger AYY LMAO
Not even once.

Also she turned gray, like our favorite green/gray gains.

My wife (vegan since before we met) had to go on a super restrictive diet to figure out if she was having a food allergy. The process lasted nearly a year, and for several months the only vegan protein she would've been able to eat as almonds, which is ridiculous. Since I'm the one who cooks I went vegetarian with her.

What vitamin shoppe is that? I work for the company and may have been there.

So the real question is this: Does being a vegan make your head huge or your body small. Looking at the green goblin makes me think that the latter is correct.

This. Veganism is hard to pull off right. Just like any other diet where you heavily restrict your food intake, you have to be SUPER careful to get all the stuff your body needs. Omnivores can just pretty much relax.

My gf is "vegan" but I pretty much convicted here to go vegetarian because she fucken SUCKS at keeping track of her macros and micros and had all sorts of deficiencies she had to go to the doctor for (too little iodine, too little B12, too little vitamin D, too little iron, etc. etc.). I also convinced here to start eating oysters. Meanwhile I'm full vegan and have never had a single deficiency.

(Not getting into a debate about veganism here, bros, just sharing my own perspective on this, which is that veganism just isn't for everybody.)

How long have you been a vegan? Like full vegan, no cheating and having food from animal sources once in a while.

jesus christ, fuck off, england, with your hideous woman

Hm, lets see - about 3 years I think? Vegetarian before that and transitioned slowly so hard to pinpoint when I started. Just started lifting though, so we'll see if my veganism lasts or if I'll have to switch for the gainz lol

>tfw iodine deficiency fucked up her thyroid gland and she has to be on meds for it probably for the rest of her life
>tfw I had no problems cause I ate kelp
>tfw when she gave me shit for constantly snacking on kelp
>tfw when women...

>about 3 years I think?
Like I thought. People who are raised omnivores/vegetarians and convert to veganism later in life don't experience the serious developmental problems that vegan kids do (brain atrophy, retardation, scurvy, tooth decay, etc).

Your B12 stores are probably still good, but you will have to go to a doctor to get your B12 level sorted out in a few years. You will see your health slowly deteriorate in the long run.

Wow... Totally know her.

he is buff... but also batshittcrazy.

I'm not an idiot. Checking all my levels yearly for B12, iron, zinc, vitamin D, magnesium and calcium. Keeping close check on my daily intake of all of these, and eating plenty on B12 fortified foods in order to cover at least 100% of my daily minimum intake. If I start noticing problems, I'll introduce honey and oysters into my diet - if that doesn't fix it, then I go back to being vegetarian. Health first, gainz second, veganism third.

He stopped being a cuck.

And yes, those are real before/after pictures.
She's very nice, but nobody wanted to tell her how unhealthy she looked. She'd say things like "I have a fat allergy" and people would just stare blankly back at her.

If those are the only deficiencies you're testing for that isn't a complete list.

here is an example off the top of my head:

>Taurine occurs naturally in fish and meat. The mean daily intake from omnivore diets was determined to be around 58 mg (range from 9 to 372 mg) and to be low or negligible from a strict vegan diet. In another study, taurine intake was estimated to be generally less than 200 mg/day, even in individuals eating a high-meat diet. According to another study, taurine consumption was estimated to vary between 40 and 400 mg/day.
>Taurine is essential for cardiovascular function, and development and function of skeletal muscle, the retina, and the central nervous system. - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taurine#Nutritional_significance

Is she an anorexic who is using veganism to make it socially acceptable? Why did she get an eating disorder?

Nope, not complete by any means. But the way they do the tests, they have to take a seperate blood-sample for each thing - so already they're draining me dry, no way I'm having them take more! I have to wait like a week before I can lift again... so I test for the most common ones and those that are the easiest to miss, while making sure to include the stuff I can't test for in my diet. The tests are more there to gauge my overall health; I figure if I do well for the stuff that most vegans miss, that's a decent indicator that I'm doing fine for other stuff too. I'm willing to bet that with the amount of thought and planning I'm putting into this, my micronutrient levels are better than for 95% of all omnivores. And like I said; tests be damned - as soon as I notice problems in practice I switch back.

Taurine is a common ingredient in lots of PWOs anyway, and in brewer's yeast, both of which I consume regularly (and supposedly the body make it's own anyway, but I doubt that's enough), so that's not a problem for my part at least.

Also, I notice a lot of anti-vegans make demands of a vegan diet that they would never make of an omnivore one. If you applied the same demands on an omni diet, to get ALL micros and aminoacids and so forth, I bet you 95% of omnivores would fail. Why is it so important to some people that perfect strangers stop being vegan? Why does it matter to them to the point that they'll spend their time and energy doing reseach to "disprove" veganism?

Don't know. Nobody really confronted her as far as I know. I know she is a figure skater, and figure skating is like ballet as far as promoting a shitty body image for girls. It may not even have anything to do with veganism... The diet may just be an easy excuse to explain simply not eating enough.

It seems to me, that if you need to supplement your diet with vitamins to stay healthy, then your diet is neither 'natural' or 'healthy'.

How do you even get an iodine deficiency when it's added to salt specifically to prevent deficiencies? You'd have to try to not eat it in the modern world.

Jeez she's just distressing to look at

Who is this cashier and why is she perfect?


>I'm not an idiot.

The fact that you are willingly risking your health says otherwise. Just look at the amount of complexes and trips to the doctor you have to take.

>If I start noticing problems, I'll introduce honey and oysters into my diet

Do you really have to wait for it? Every next vegan wants to prove they can - be healthy, be morally superior, climb the everest. You will have problems.

>Health first, gainz second, veganism third.

You obsess with your diet. There's no doubt about it. Veganism is your absolutely first.

Meh can't you just leave vegans alone? They are saving the planet and it means less suffering for animals. Why do you have to put down those people? I know that's how human nature is, but in this case you are the one who is doing this for attention.

And don't even bother to come up with some stereotype "crazy vegan" bullshit, i do eat meat but i also understand how it affects the earth and animals.

I first read the link as fit vegan nigger


>lol it says nigger so funneeh xDD

What's her name? Does she have figure skating videos on YouTube?

>hurr durr things die hurr durr im so sad

man the fuck up, suffering and death is part of what you are as a human being

Daily reminder: if you're vegan and you have kids, they will be retards with rotten teeth and rickets. Best case scenario they die to end their suffering.

The brain needs animal fats, and teeth die on carbs alone.

don't be angry tyrone

fuck off

I'm not trying to talk you out of veganism I don't care if you're vegan or not, but you may as well know the risks you're taking. The medical community will in most cases only tell you about the deficiencies which directly kill you and not the ones correlated with higher risk of illness.

>I'm willing to bet that with the amount of thought and planning I'm putting into this, my micronutrient levels are better than for 95% of all omnivores.
All you need to miss to develop serious issues is one micro-nutrient - for example even an uneducated meat-eater will have enough Taurine, and unless a vegan is more educated than the average nutritionist they won't even realise they need to supplement it.

>as soon as I notice problems in practice I switch back
It might be too late by then. I didn't even learn about nutrients like Taurine until I already had fibrotic plaques and abnormal wound healing, and the type I have there is no reliable cure - only reliable prevention, which is eating meat. And I wish I had eaten it - vegans, nutritionists and medical authorities are all handing out information which is not backed up by the evidence. It's hard to believe but look into it.

> I figure if I do well for the stuff that most vegans miss, that's a decent indicator that I'm doing fine for other stuff too.
I understand but health doesn't come all in one piece like that. You can be 99% fit, strong, vital and still develop avoidable conditions.

So what's the problem if i rape your child and prison him until i kill him/her?

>hurr durr things die hurr durr im so sad

Atleast even try m8

So how often would you have to eat meat to get the shit you need? Is once a week enough?


Tis ye olde dispensary of minerale healthalts fellow enthusiast of the humours!

It will vary from person to person, and is something that's even difficult to get an average for because there's so many unknowns in nutrition. There are cultures which eat very little red meat and occasional fish, like Japan, which have high life expectancies, though.

>saving the planet

Farming practices account for only 13% of greenhouse gas emissions, and not the entireity of that 13% is from animals. The energy and transportation sector has a much higher effect on the environment.

>less suffering for animals

Animals suffer all the time, with or without human interference. We eat animal products to survive, why do we have any less of a right to survive than other animals?

If you want to argue that because we're more evolved and can survive without it, why stop at veganism? Farming practices ruin ecological environments and kill billions of animals daily. Why doesn't everyone just start eating Soylent slurry?

How do you feel about
>muh sentient oysters

"Energy and transportation" isn't a sector, it's two. Agriculture has a larger impact than transport, plus is a huge driver of deforestation. I'm not in favour of veganism but come on, don't lie.

> We eat animal products to survive, why do we have any less of a right to survive than other animals?

You can do what you want, its me who wants to be vegan. Do you say that im doing something wrong? I think its just good that there are some people who do more ethical and environment saving choices, no hate needed srsly

And this isn't a religioin for me, i accept hunting for example, and i don't complain if someone drops a piece of meat to my food. I do take multivitamin and few ther supplies (welcome to the year 2016) to be sure, and its not a big deal or a reason i should eat meat again.

>We are the Martians
>The butt ugly Martians

life expectancy isn't everything, there's no sense in living into your 80s if you develop crippling dementia at 70.

It's also possible different ethnicities have different needs - and remember the Japanese have a culture of supplementing too.

>The Japanese drink a lot of nutritional supplement energy drinks, containing royal jelly, ginseng, maka, various vitamins and minerals and their prime effective ingredient: caffine and nicotine. Their effect is I believe, therefore equivalent to the esspresso and cigarette so popular in Italy and France. These drinks are advertised on prime time television, on sale in prime locations even in convenience stores, and can be consumed on the premises of chemists. I think that the Japanese love of energy drinks may be related to the tradition of Eastern medicine and the herbal potions provided by its practioners.

the reason so many vegans are also SJWs is because they're full of self-hatred. They're misanthropes, except they don't have the balls to kill themselves since human existence causes suffering to animals, whether you eat them or not.

The frailty is just due to the stupidity of thinking our guts can fully digest the tiny amount of protein in legumes. They starve themselves essentially.

Atleast post a research about vegans getting zero protein from their protein sources.

I never posted that they get zero. They get insufficient protein because legume protein bio-availability is horrible compared to animal proteins, all you have to do is literally use google to find values. Compare it to egg protein, it's typically around half.

So not only is a lot of it wasted, they aren't getting enough anyway, I highly doubt most vegans even get 50g per day on the plate. They talk bullshit about eating insane amounts of poor protein sources in order to make up the shortfall but it's nonsense which is why they always look malnourished.

As for living longer, this is also nonsense since vegans compare themselves to the average american. Pretty much any random diet that doesn't include fast food will lead to a longer life span than average. What they don't tell you is that people who eat unprocessed diets live just as long and ARE HEALTHIER. Vegans experience a much higher rate of certain illnesses caused by nutritional deficiencies which is why they require far more supplements than someone on say, a paleo diet.

The Japanese are degenerate pedophiles who steal people's moneys and daughters! They dress up in frilly dresses and work factory jobs! Donald Trump will know exactly what to do with them!

My parents are lampshades you fucking antisemite

And just to add to my last post, you would think it would be a huge giveaway that a diet is fucking stupid and unnatural *if your gut can't even fucking digest most of it and it requires using synthetic dietary pills to avoid illness* but no, that goes right over a vegan's head.

Arguing with vegans is a lot like arguing with creationists - they start off invoking pseudo-science and rationalisations, but once those are broken down it always comes back to emotional bullshit. They just NEED to believe in jesus, just like vegans NEED to believe that not eating animals is somehow saving them as though they are in a fucking disney movie.

Dude don't talk like you know how every vegan lives, thats stupid. Some vegans have problems yes, but don't talk like its impossible. My parents have been vegans for 15 years, without a problem. I have been a vegan for 8 years (my parents never forced me to be vegan), and i do sports and have no problems. I do take supplements tho, but its not a reason to stop being a vegan.

You get so much protein from lentils, soy, beans quinoa etc. They are cheap and its easy to eat lots of them. I have to eat more ofc because i compete in weightlifting, and i front squat 190kg for 3 reps (i weight 81.5kg), so yeah im very malnourished.

For example soy and lentils are accepted as full protein (they include all amino acids necessary to human), so that's pretty much about being malnourished.

>You get so much protein from lentils
post body in normal lighting pls

did your parents have any normal kids?

Only my legs and back are big desu, nothing special in arms or other "bodybuilding" areas so you would just call my body shit

> nothing special in arms or other "bodybuilding" areas so you would just call my body shit
time to get on a normal diet and beef up then

Do you call yourself normal while posting on Veeky Forums?

Thanks but i really don't need mass in other places right now, i would just have to switch weight class

I doubt you are doing the full depth on front squats

Stop trying to weasel out of it, post cbt

>post cbt
Nah, i think im just going to weasel out of it because the hate is real in Veeky Forums for all vegans, after all we are destroying the planet and causing more suffer for animals

There's no reason to communicate with you guys, because all you want to do is hate and laugh.
