newfag here
I was pretty hyped about starting SS but then I realized i don't fucking want strength, i just want to fuck bitches and dominate normies, so let's say I am completely interested in aesthetics and not in functional strength, would you recommend starting with reddit's PPL? it's pretty convincing and I have everything needed at home to do every exercise except for a few (leg press, leg curl and cable face pull) but i found alternatives for those excercises with BBs and DBs.
what do?
Newfag here
also inb4 >lifting for girls
Lifting won't cure autism
Post stats and how long lifting
of course not, but it will help
I don't lift, I want to start
PPL covers everything that SS does with accessory lifts included. The main lifts are extremely crucial to strength but the accessories help your aesthetics.
Do reg park or greyskull lp for aesthetics
I know how you're feeling bud. But you need to get a strength base before you can get into some aesthetics. Look at all the otter mode curl Bros who have been training for years and years and never got any bigger or stronger. Stick to a strength program for ~6 months and then go to a aesthetics one. Remember to do the right version of SS as well. The one with pull ups and Dips and shit
You need SS to have the strength to lift strong enough for aesthetics you retardrd faggot
>i just want to fuck bitches and dominate normies,
>I am completely interested in aesthetics and not in functional strength
kek, you wont dominate shit
The book doesn't even have a detailed program, it just throws out the exercises out there and doesnt tell you how many reps, etc
where can i get that one?
Just do Stronglifts 5x5 for a few months to build up a strength base then switch over.
Is it okay to workout AND do cardio 4 days a week?
My current plan is to do SS 3 days a week, plus an extra day for accessories. On top of that, 20 minute cycling after each workout.
Not sure how true this is, but me personally I have been doing PPL since the start and though strength gains come slow, they do come, all the while being aesthetic.
What I do is SL every second day with cardio on off days, and on my cardio days I can either just do cardio around home if I'm tired or do it in the gym and work on my accessories too.
Everyone talking about "strength base" doesn't really know what they're talking about. You can easily build strength on a linear PPL program, and I would recommend starting with the reddit one. Everyone here insists that there's only one way to do things.
Is it detrimental to do cardio after lifts? My routine for a day is stretch > lift > stretch > cycle. I'd do cardio on rest days too if it weren't for my work schedule.
Honestly if you can force yourself to do cardio after a 5x5 of squats and 1x5 of diddly I would be surprised, usually I'm pretty beat and my weights aren't high at all.
But realistically it's fine to do it after, just keep in mind you won't be operating at 100% for your cardio.
Okay, thanks. I did 3x5 squats and 1x5 diddy for the first time today and yeah I was breathing pretty hard after. I made the mistake of just doing machines/isolation a when I first started gym.
Just do every core exercise ever, arms, and shoulders. High volume low weight. And do cardio so you stop being a fat shit.
i'm not fat, i'm actually very skinny
i forgot to talk about nutrition in my OP so i'm gonna say it here, i've been eating clean since a month now, I haven't eaten processed bullshit since i started but it's pretty hard since i work from 6 am to 5:30 pm with a 45 min rest at 12:15 pm for lunch, I've been considering packing healthy shit but I don't know what to cook so i end up eating bullshit lunch on week days, but I have oats for breakfast and dine only things cooked at home, my bmi is 18 but i am gaining some weight, i''ve been eating a shitton of eggs lately and gained 2 kg since i started but i still have a long long way to go