Going to a sports bar for the first time tonight. Do I have to wear team clothing and cheer? Can I talk shit when my team scores? Also should I eat before I know bar food is pricey, I looked at the menu. And should I do shots before in the parking lot?
Also can you just sit there and not talk? If you want? Any other tips would help thanks
Logan Powell
are you going with friends? Team clothing optional, but cheer, do follow the reactions of others. Eat beforehand and buy a drink there. Pre-drinking is always good. Have fun user, try and talk to people mostly about the game.
Adam Collins
Didn't you make this exact thread on /r9k/ five minutes ago? How the fuck are Veeky Forums and /r9k/, the most autistic boards on this entire fucking site, supposed to help you fit in and seem normal.
Tell you what. Listen to what people tell you, and do the opposite.
Jacob Ross
yea I wanted both perspectives, I mean maybe mend the 2 and get a good idea? And yes im going alone
Wyatt Reed
Watching sports is for boring idiots, if you need to watch sports to bond with your "friends", get new friends.
Kayden Powell
Are you going to order drinks? If not, definitely buy food there.
Grayson Richardson
This is the first I've heard that sport enthusiasts are boring idiots.
You're going alone? Why? Do whatever the fuck you want. In the end, you will probably never see anyone there ever again. You're probably watching hockey right? Go sharks!
Hunter Evans
Yeas hockey, and I dont know anyone around here my 2 friends recently moved
Luis James
Not fitness, fuck off to /adv/.
Christopher Lee
>Do I have to wear team clothing and cheer?
>Can I talk shit when my team scores?
> Also should I eat before I know bar food is pricey, I looked at the menu.
Probably, but it's up to you.
>And should I do shots before in the parking lot?
If you're really that hard up for money, sure.
>Also can you just sit there and not talk? If you want?
You can, but some fatty will probably come over and try to "cheer you up".
Wyatt Long
hahaha im glad im not that autistic holy shit
i thought being nervous around girls was bad but holy fuck OP is fucked in life
Asher Anderson
*tips fedora*
Jace Rogers
Honestly I don't understand why everyone on Veeky Forums is so socially inept. Just be enthusiastic. If you don't know something don't fake it. Just admit you don't know it shrug your shoulders and someone will probably crack a joke about you at which point you laugh and just say okay now explain dickhead. Order shitty bar bites if someone else orders. Don't be the only clown to order, always get a bromo to split or order with you, unless you proclaim "I'm fucking starving I am getting something", in which case someone always jumps in and orders too. Don't get hammered. You don't need to be shitfaced to enjoy a night out with friends at a sports bar. Two Beers and one Bar Appetizer will not run you more than 20$ if you cant afford that you shouldn't be going out in the first place. Talk shit but do so with a smile and a cheeky laugh. Talking shit is the only time its okay to laugh at your own jokes. Just don't make your insults personal or distasteful. And if youre a faggot who sits there not talking. Your friends will think you're a piece of shit or upset. What is literally the point of going out to be social and then acting anti social>???????????
Juan Long
Sports enthusiasts are people who play sports, I'm talking about people who consider sitting on your ass for two hours, stuffing your face with junk food with your eyes glued to a TV screen watching men better than you doing something that you should be doing yourself to a be a very special activity, boring idiots.
Blake Wright
>Not understanding sports on TV at a bar is an excuse to hang out with your friends.
Pls stop being so negative
Ian Sullivan
when I was 22 I got drug out with my cousins, my parents insisted on me going "to get out" I ended up playing my nintendo ds the whole night, got into a fight with my cousins and had to have my parents pick me up
Luis Allen
I'm sorry dad never threw a football around with you
Christopher Baker
see >What is literally the point of going out to be social and then acting anti social>???????????
Eli Lee
It's an excuse to sit at the same table with your supposed friends without having to talk to each other. I have real friends and real responsibilities in my life, so I can never get enough of them and that's why staring at a screen watching some dudes chase a ball instead of updating each other on what's going on in our lives, exchanging ideas and observations etc. seems moronic. If you need something to distract you from interacting with your friends when you hang out with them, your friends suck.
Wyatt Carter
This is the whiniest shit i've ever heard. Watching sports and having a few beers is a fun way to let loose for those of us that work for a living.
Nolan Bell
>without having to talk to eachother bro have you ever been to a sports bar? or watched a sport with friends ever? People aren't just sitting there staring at the screen not talking to anyone.
Jace Bell
are ur friends faggots like you?
Jason Robinson
Admit it, you like it because it doesn't require anything of you other than to drink beer and make loud noises when prompted. Every boring idiot can do it spledidly.
Camden Lopez
what the fuck can u please go back to r9k u fucking loser holy shit
Ayden Brooks
What is wrong with that? That's literally why I said it's good for letting loose.
Alexander Green
They're not sitting in silence, obviously, they're commenting on the game maybe making some small talk when there's nothing happening, but nothing resembling a meaningful conversation takes place.
Jayden Lee
There's more to sports than watching the athletes shoot or throw stuff around.
Caleb Gomez
If you want to just let lose and aren't opposed to intoxicating yourself, dropping some MDMA and going to a concert of your choosing is an infinitely more interesting option.
Easton Ortiz
It can if you want it to, you dumb fuck.
Daniel Cook
You're so autistic that it hurts me
Kevin Stewart
So every conversation has to be intellectually stimulating or else you're wasting your life? What does that say about you shitposting on Veeky Forums?
Carson Gray
Do you know what it's like to have fun?
Owen Morris
>MDMA how's high school?
now i get why you don't go to sports bars. you aren't old enough to drink!
Jack Jackson
Not every conversation has to be intellectualy stimulating, but meeting your friends to watch a game is like making sure it doesn't get that way, which is sad. The match in the background which can break up the conversation at any moment is like an insurance policy that it never gets too deep, too intimate, that people who don't like each other don't interact too much, that the elephant in the room never gets mentioned etc. That's why watching sports together is such a great activity for bros/lads who don't really like each other, but like to belong in one group.
>What does that say about you shitposting on Veeky Forums?
I'm feeling mildly intellectualy stimulated right now. You see, we wouldn't get nearly as deep into this topic in a sports bar.
Landon Gonzalez
>deep into this topic >deep if you think this is a deep intellectual conversation you're delusional.
this is a spat between a socially functional human being and an pseudo-intellectual aspie.
Jordan Perry
I hope this is bait, but sports are as interesting and complex as politics to talk about, and talking about sports makes friends instead of breaks them
Colton Walker
jesus christ dude
Jack Jackson
Going to watch sports with friends doesn't mean they're avoiding "intellectually stimulating" conversations, you autist.
Chase Murphy
I said we're deep into the topic, not that the topic is deep itself. You can get deep into the topic of techniques of ass scratching if you want to. >if you think this is a deep intellectual conversation you're delusional.
Of course it isn't, but it's an argument on interpersonal relationships and that's always at least somewhat interesting to me.
>this is a spat between a socially functional human being and an pseudo-intellectual aspie
All you dumb fucks assuming that me not watching games with my friends must mean I'm some neckbeard shut-in. I've been to more parties, concerts, trips etc. than I'm guessing 95% of you, it's just too fucking boring for me.
Do me a favour, will you?
Next time you go out to see a game with your friends, take a good, long look at them when you'll be coming back from the toilets and ask yourself "Does this look like the most fun I could be having right now?", if the answer is yes, I pity you.