Steroids general.
FL is a big boy now and we're all still sitting around talking about 2D girls.
Never thought I'd see the day.
Steroids general.
FL is a big boy now and we're all still sitting around talking about 2D girls.
Never thought I'd see the day.
Other urls found in this thread:
what happaned to SST? cant see any posts
Yo, SAK. I read Equipoise strips your brain of some GABA. So it might not be good for people with anxiety. Did you notice this? And could GABA be supplemented while on? Thanks, dude.
Works fine for me.
this should have been the OP pic to be honest
steroids are for manlet faggots
You don't literally go to /r/sst, you moron.
I didnt get anxiety from EQ
as for the GABA mechanism, thats entirely possible but AFAIK theres nothing substantiating this besides broscientist theorizing.
its also hard to really discern what is causing what, and this is the problem with guys running large amounts of multiple compounds. When guys report anxiety on EQ, it could very well be from the ridiculous amount of testosterone they are almost always running with it.
For example, on high-test high-tren i got very anxious in about week 6, but on low-test high-tren it was relatively smooth sailing.
As for supplementing GABA, as far as im aware its a waste because it cant penetrate the brain blood barrier and the half life is too short for anything meaningful to happen. Thats why people are prescribed SSRIs not just straight gaba
I think you will be fine if you keep the test low dude, if not you can always discontinue the EQ, a little bit of anxiety as it clears won't kill you. Just keep busy, tren anxiety was always manageable for me as long as i was actually doing stuff.
thats what iv always done and its worked, whats the procedure now?
O/ evenin'.
Know anything indepth on partydrugs or do I have to wait for chem to come back to life ¿
Yeah, low test with anything has worked great.
Fall/school cycle will be:
Test 175mg
EQ 500mg and increase 100mg monthly
300mg mast-e
30mg MK677
cant say i do mate, my party drug days are over.
>Do hookers count
Yes but I hope you haven't slept with a hooker. Sorry if you have, that is hella lame and I would love to give you some advice on meeting a genuine girl if that is the case.
On an unrelated note did my waifu ESTP over dose on heroin finally? Haven't seen her recently.
Steroids are for manlet faggots
sounds great to be honest, like the monthly eq increase, way more sensible than the LOL I DIDNT GAIN 10LBS ALREADY, INCREASE EVERY WEEK
Is it time to come off?
6 weeks test/tren/mast 400/350/350. .5 adex 2xweek
Felt like GOD for the 1st 4 weeks now Im a tired bag of shit and have to force myself to workout every day. Other than the lethargy, no other sides.
What do you want to know about party drugs? In a general sense I would advise that you avoid cocaine and heavy stimulants while on cycle as well as alcohol. I suppose some mdma is alright in moderation and I am not opposed to weed at all if you can still keep your shit together.
Forgot to mention 500 TUDCA every night
>now Im a tired bag of shit
What are your current estrogen levels? Your e2 is probably crashed right now assuming your diet and sleep are in check.
I included an image of bloods. Estrogen was actually high, 74.5, Range 7.6-42.6
Anyone have recent pics of Fatlifts? Haven't been on here since he first started out.
Is sst dying?
How much MK677 have you run before and why do you like 30mg dose?
Flying witch
Takatsu dj
Hero acadamia
5 of them now
2 of them trannies
anecdotal, but 400 test 600 eq gave me anxiety.
15mg and 30mg and I'm running it until I can afford GH, if it's ever even needed for me.
I like 30mg because I don't get sides and I get all the benefits. Maybe slight water retention and tightness in hands but it's very worth it.
>I included an image of bloods.
Sorry I did not click on your link my bad.
Your estrogen is high and you also need to get total estrogen AND e2 measured, not just total estrogen.
In other news you absolutely need to work on your liver enzyme values at 57 and 73 respectively this is pretty bad. I have never had liver values this high and to be quite frank I consider myself a heavy drinker (5+ days a week of drinking.) I have never used oral steroids because of this.
Only other bad thing is your cholesterol levels which are often directly related into estrogen problems.
Look into GW501516 to rectify your cholesterol and possibly liver issues as well. Best of luck.
>5 of them now
>2 of them trannies
Are you serious?
lightweight. I've fucked 34 hookers, three bareback. Two let me cum in their pussy on the reg. Shit was so cash. advice is welcome senpai, I've stopped seeing hookers. Last time I saw one was four months ago.
I'm literally talking about work, not the Sunday outing. And sneakers are a no-no for anything they aren't actually designed to do. Ugh.
Last cap of DNP tomorrow. Reintroduced 30mcg clen today, usual 10mg yohimbine in the morning. Blood pressure is slightly elevated but within normal range (thanks PSMF)
Pic is me. Former fat ass. Still look like shit. Eternal plateau and almost no matches on tinder. My lifts (and my life) are a joke.
I'm ready to roid but unsure what to start with. Thinking 500mg test for 10 weeks. Anyone have any suggestions/advice?
I need non-work fashion advice too senpai
What do you look like now?
>I'm ready to roid but unsure what to start with. Thinking 500mg test for 10 weeks.
Sounds solid. Shoot 250mg test every three days and enjoy the gains. Be sure to have something for estrogen on hand. I would recommend 12.5mg exemestane once a week. May the Zyzz watch over you.
What's you tinder profile look like bro? Screen shot it and blank out your eyes. I fraud but I got bitches before frauding.
like an asshole
Thank you sir! Never heard of GW501516 but will look into it
Sounds good. Now I just gonna find a source. Gonna be a pain since I just moved state
That better not be some punisher-esque tattoo on your wrist faget
Don't take this the wrong way, but frauding will cause you to lose what little hair you have left. That said, you look decent. Don't fraud for the bitches, that doesn't work, man. I'm telling you from personal experience. I fraud to push myself and be the biggest motherfucker in the room. If you wanna pull slags, just have visible abs.
What's your height + weight + lifts?
What are some early symptoms of HPTA suppression? Wanna try out some SARMs, and most people say they don't get HPTA suppression, but apparently a relatively small minority do.
What are some early signs to watch out for?
Cant find on SST or Alphabay. Any clues?
Grow a beard
Its the only card you have i suggest you play it
Research peps and shit
lol whats up billy zane
> tinder
i never got this. Every guy I know who turns to stone around women and doesnt get laid uses tinder.
if you have problems meeting women in real life (an alarming amount of guys do now - and they blame women not their own behavior) how exactly do you think its going to work over tinder? Aside from the massive amounts of flaky chicks on there just looking for a ego boost, suppose you get a match and shes keen to meet up - what then?
you look fine btw, but frauding is not going to magically attract chicks. You know how many faggots jump on roids just to attract women and it doesnt work out? thousands of those dudes in australia, you can tell because they all look like some imitation of zyzz and they go rigid and flinty eyed when women are around but never talk to them.
But have you touched a real woman?
worse, it's Quake III
no, I haven't touched a woman without paying for it.
Damn I am a lightweight
Trannies are better, just fyi
I'm sure someday we'll meet the anime girl of our dreams
>made me remember my first date
>gazing into her eyes all night as she talked
>ask her back to my place to watch a movie under the stars on my projector setup
>sitting next to her talking, neither of us watching the movie one bit
>finally get up the nerve to hold her hand
>that + looking into her blue eyes as she talks legit the most joyous feeling I've had yet
so this is the type of person who resorts to steroids, huh, really makes you think...
Yeah, height face frame, isn't a meme. It's fact. You can miss one but not too. But the one you miss can't be too fucked up. Like your face can be 5/10, height and frame can make up for it. But you can't have a 3/10 face and expect HFF to work for you.
Jerry is 6', mostly not dyel, and not ugly. Just a giant weeb.
he peepee small tho
I've never seen him post a pic, wtf does he look like?
there's nothing wrong with paying for sex user
my gf suspects she's preggo after I came in her a while ago, having stomach cramps and shit like that and periods weren't normal
i've been bnc with blasts consisting of various compounds (even tren) for close to a year now and apparently still as fertile as ever
i already have anxiety and lack of sleep from my current compounds and i got anxious as fuck waiting for pregnancy test results next week cause i'd feel horribly bad for her if she'd have to do an abortion
hold me bruhs
something wrong with your gf that you wouldnt want to have children with her?
>not wanting to impregnate a girl
cücked t b h
neither of us wants children (within following 5-10 years at least) and we're not as financially stable as we would like to be etc. and so forth
nothing wrong with my gf I'd gladly have children with her if I'd want to have children, it was just a stupid accident and now we probably have to pay for it
i just feel really bad for her as medical abortion will make her feel terrible and in pain for a long time and surgical costs money and also isn't too nice of an option either but the third option isn't even in consideration
>not being able to sleep and hoping she's just having a stomach flu and irregular periods for some other reason
Little Bastards are expensive
Or you find out that you're sterile and got cucked.
that would just give him other problems though
I was just saying that it could be worse
>mfw I will never date a fraud
chances are nonexistent
at least i wouldn't have to feel bad for her
Why do you have your shirt on to pose bruh?
>tfw 2 days of eating so much food I feel like exploding, but no gym
At least I'll be buying more test and Sdrol for the first time this week
Jerrys not bad looking iirc
Didn't some bad shit go down with LnL recently? I need dat dere cheap tren
I'm not sure if you will be let down or over the moon when you finally have sex mr lifts
Am I forgetting anything? I'm sure I am
Sourcing roids IRL? Or order online?
Yeah. A real source
>my source has a RIDICULOUS minimum order of $150
You're a fuckjng pleb
A minimum of one vial of test huh? That's odd.
What the fuck?
yeah I assumed these sites are fake as hell, I'm literally just using this shit as a check list
Be prepared to pay twice as much for bunk if ordering IRL unless you really do know somebody
More tren
More of everything
And some anadrol and maybe masteron if you have money
So source online. Darknets? /r/steroidsourcetalk?
Depends on the circumstance, if it's with someone I've come to care about I don't see how I could feel let down.
...wait, why do you all blast and cruise instead of cycling?
Don't you cycle test to make sure you don't stop producing test by being on it so long?
Never tried darknets. SST seems good but I've only ordered from our boardsources.
Anyone want some extra homebrew NPP
Man i was off for 3 months and i recovered
Sucked for a bit tho
You're fucking lucky then
Yeah exactly 150 isn't even 2 items
Thought source talk wasn't allowed here?
Doesnt mean theres not sources
lurk more m9
Tfw you buy 50g for homebrew and find out you're sensitive to prolactin gyno. Looks like ill never be doing tren or nandrolone boys
for science, how fucked would I be if I did a short cycle at 18
Get some caber
When i run high tren i need it esp with test
Been wondering about prami but ppl been vomiting and shit
Caber has its own boatload of sides though amirite? Thinking im going to just stick to test for life.
Hard to lurk these threads when y'all rarely talk about steroids...
I didnt notice any
Dick game was strong tho lol
Ill pin all that there npp for you though
Least i could do
depends on how much growth you potentially have left.
technically the maturation phase for men actually doesnt complete until 25 years old.
my honest opinion is it isnt worth it, and this isn the typical steroid board elitism attitude, but simply because i have seen so many dudes who are running grams of gear yet have barely grew since their first cycle - they almost always train poorly, using the roids as a crutch.
little wonder the really big guys were making good consistent gains well before they touched a needle.
you want the results now, but the reality is 3-4 years will pass faster than you think, and if you train consistently and focus on improving with each session, you will be in a much better position to utilize roids when you're ready, and you might even grow taller in that time that you definitely will not if you jump on the rons.
You're gonna lose all your natural test, get gyno, bald, and die a faggot
Stick around for the bantz friend. This is the best thread in all of /fit to chill in.