I'm going to start telling random guys "nice lats bro" as I walk by from time to time. Give it a week or two and they'll be addicted. Then I'll cut them off.
They'll come to me, practically begging for another compliment, and all I'll do is rub my thumb and fingers together and say, "how much is it worth?" boom I'm a mother fucking drug dealer bro.
Austin Reed
>decline bench >get some pretty decent DOMS because I don't do that exercise very often
Hunter Sanchez
>getting DOMS from something you decline to do
Jaxon Richardson
>tell everyone in 6 feet >I'm actually 5'11.5
Levi Rivera
>"wow user, you're so buff, what's your secret?" >wii fit and activated almonds in the morning
Luis Moore
>Hey man how did you get such big legs? >All I had to do was leg press on leg days >MFW
Jordan Cooper
Charles Lee
Asher Garcia
>Lift a weight my muscles are not used to > wait for them to recover and become stronger, they think I'll lift the same weight again > lift previous weight + 10 pounds
Luke Walker
Zachary Ward
nigga the thread's only 8 replies long, how you know what it's rated yet
Jeremiah Baker
>tell everyone I go to a real gym >I only go to my apartment's small gym to save money
Jaxson Nelson
>post on Veeky Forums >about /fat/ people
Lincoln Edwards
Parker Price
Kevin Jones
severely underrated
Gabriel Rivera
if i get dubs these three will never rate anything ever again
Nolan Roberts
nice try, fag
check my trips of post rating
Xavier Carter
why are we both failures
Alexander Richardson
Underrated :^)
Henry Allen
i don't know, it's 11:20 and i'm posting anonymously on a tunisian nail polish discussion board, eating soup, while trying to get repeating digits at the end of my post number, something i can't even do.
where did itall go wrong?
Zachary Fisher
Maintain fat body while working out 4-5 times a week
Charles Watson
100% of the time someone posts 'underrated', it was the same person who made the original post.
Daniel Myers
i sent naked ass pictures to a canadian transexual even though i'm straight because only gay males (politics aside) seem to appreciate how far my body has come since i started
get fucked im worse
Juan Johnson
muscle confusion?
Jacob Phillips
yeah well whatever my life is just an ironic mess and even i don't know what i'm doing anymore
i just exist, lifting and whatever keeps me with goals and a purpose, but i have nothing else except my cat, i pretty much hate my friends
might be gay, hate the thought of cumming on a dude, but dealing with women is worse
Hunter Garcia
that whole meme about Veeky Forums making you gay
i'm into girls its just that only gay fags seem to like my body
kinda discouraging m8, girls say 'yea u have nice arms' sometimes but gay guys are like 'i want u to fuck me'
Ryan White
i literally think in memes now
Tyler Brown
Austin Sullivan
>subtlety fucking with that one dyel asshole who thinks he's hot shit
change his weights when he's off flexing in front of the mirror, add an extra set of clips to his barbell that already has them, raise the setting on the squat rack so he can't reach it on his second set, call the front desk and have them page him (ask if his treadmill is running, then you better go catch it, etc), swap his big towel with a little one when he goes for water, and so on
Adam Peterson
pics of tranny?
Jonathan James
her face is in all of them and she hides her dong so it's basically just like a slightly masculine woman showing off her ass/tits/lips
she passes extremely well, it's insane
but yea i could crop some for u if u really, really, really wanted
Ryan Ward
Jose Sanders
just makin sure its not my ex ;)
Nicholas Perez
do you know which part of canada ur ex is from
t. autistic
Carson Brooks
>decline bench >do it anyway
Jonathan Carter
the west just post one foo'
Owen Peterson
you mean him right? you realize it's a man with a fucked up penis right
Camden Cruz
>thread devolves into homos begging each other for pics Wow!! Its like I'm really posting on Veeky Forums!!
Xavier Harris
>D E V I L I S H >E >V >I >L >I >S >H
Chase Cruz
>tfw 5'10" King of Manlets >pat all of my manlet minions on the head and call them "buddy" and "pal"
Colton Smith
>didnt want to go to the gym today >went anyway D I A B O L I C I A B O L I C
David Watson
kek'd pretty hard desu senpai
Asher Long
>mfw I trick my muscles into growing larger by consuming more calories than I burn lifting. >mfw I don't actually need all that protien to live but I eat it anyway
Wyatt Edwards
Are you me?
Alexander Mitchell
>they talk about all the exercises that hit every part of their chest shoulders >I do weighted push ups and im done
Brayden Allen
I tell everyone to go for strength and that high volume is bs
>tfw less competition cause they all end up being fat retards obsessed qith 1rm
Jordan Garcia
>5'7 120lbs auschwitz manlet >never lifted a weight in my life and never will >participate with advice on every advice thread I can