name just one thing christianity did for society that was good
Name just one thing christianity did for society that was good
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It killed a lot of Muslims
destroyed roman empire
romans were killing persians before they were muslims
Laid foundation for islam
Persians were awesome. Sadly, they got taken over by Muslims. The Christians killed a lot of Muslims.
this, it was a radical trojan horse strategy by the Jews, but it worked just beautifully, weakend by the hoax cuck religion the Roman empire was destroyed by the furor teutonicus.
In fact the meme worked a bit too well, Germanics were themselves cristcucked and as a result ucked over Jews. Irony of history. Still great strategy and we all had a hearty laugh now that Chjristcuckery is over.
This and /thread
Charles Milles Manson
You have to go back.
Crusades were essentially a cull, helping to prevent overpopulation.
I don't really understand this jews used christianity meme when they killed jesus and persecuted christians relentlessly with a fervor never before seen. When Rome was still pagan and christianity was illegal, they would cooperate with the romans to kill christians.
Put thots under control for a bit.
Christianity was a hoax religion invented by Jews as revenge for the destruction of their temple by the Romans in 70 AD at that time Saul "Paulus" of Tarent, a Jew living in the Roman empire has ghost-writers write the Gospels and he calls himself an Apostle. All is based on some obscure Jewish zealot named Jehoshua that was nailed like a couple ten thousand others 30 years earlier.
He basically took the jewish holy scriptures fixed some details of Jeshosuas personal details to fix some vague prophecies, added every myth available at the time in oriental mythology and mixed this up with some highly dangerous anti-materialistic and pacifistic theology. By using dogmatic monotheism and self full filling prophecies he weaponized the whole brew.
He had no problems finding brainlets for follower in Rome and the the venom slowly ate trough the very foundations of Roman society. Emperor tried to fight it, but unfortunately not hard enough, 300 years later Rome is officially christcucked, a few decades later the Germanics ripped the Empire to pieces and pissed in the ashes.
Old Saul is laughing in his crypt and rightly deserves the title as best troll ever!
If not for Christianity Europe would still be a collapsed Roman clusterfuck.
Yeah I know, kinda hits you hard first, but then, no written records on Christian anything before Saul. The sly fuck invented the whole thing based on some guy he never met in his entire life.
T. Assblasted /pol/ack sperg
what are your sources
Rather the contrary. Christianity blocked any kind of progress for a good millénary. It was the millstone around the neck of European societies.
in complete shitholes monasteries actually worked as a saving grace for knowledge, and most of monasteries harbored unique cheese, vine, bread, sausage, beer etc recipes. Different music but the same text in churches, traveling people could feel themselves at home in new places. Mosaics are pretty. You feel like you'd gain if there's no Christianity, but that would give as another lookalike because people are lazy (retarded) and always were.
I don't understand this meme. Thomas who gave a real dogmatic reason to harass the scientists and screwed everybody non-pagan over = 13 century and Modern philosophy which is all about mind and experience and fuck religious incites as a source of "information" = 17 century. That's just 400 years of we are honestly tired to divide back and forth this tiny urop land between ourselves but let's keep trying it feels soon it will be too late-stuff.
Comprehensive bible study consensus on gospel dating is that Markus is the oldest gospel and dates to around 70 CE, all other gospels are younger than that, Also Roman sources that mention Christians are all post 70 CE, when Jewish refugees started the cult.
So both Christian and Roman sources are all post 70 and all the Christian gospels point back to Saulus of Tarent or his source material, the so called Q source.
>Roman sources that mention Christians are all post 70 CE
This but unironically
>Jews persecuted Christians
Use citations.
name something that is published pre 70.
There is some known fakes like Tacitus where his Annals published in around 106 CE were later edited by a monk in the 5th century and certain pages about Christians were added.
He's a retard but on this point he's right.
In fact that's rather early; Josephus writes in 90something CE.
Name one source then.
See, 20 years after the destruction of the temple, 60 years after Jesus alleged crucifixion the first Roman source mentions the Christians as a destructive and fanatic sect. Interestingly enough, the first gospels date to that exact time frame and not only that, they were written in Greek and not in Hebrew aramaic. Frist because Sauls ghost writers didn't speak new hebrew just greek and some latin and second because it was intended for a Roman audience. Then he blatantly copies every popular myth at the time and adds some "turn your cheek" and "the meek will inherit the earth" bullshit and you're fit to take it out on Rome. He turned all their children to fucking Hippies, which then in turn were hatefucked to death by Barbarian hordes.
Ending cousin marriage.
>the first Roman source mentions the Christians as a destructive and fanatic sect
What source? I want to read it
Martin Luther translated the Bible into German and encouraged the development of a system of education.
They would've burned frog posters like you at the stake if they could, which is pretty upstanding.
I'm pretty sure drowning was the penalty for frog posting, burning at the stake is for furries & mlp.
some of that could get them a glass of boiling oil down their assholes.
It united Europe
Created Europe
Uh... The entire moral universe we live in?
no Islam is responsible for that
Islam woudn't even exist without Judaism/Christianity.
You know Islam was originally a Christian sect called Arianism before Muhammad OCDONUTSTEEL'd it
They killed scientists.
The only thing not good is that Christians have turned their back on the teachings
It held the US together after the War of 1812 and during the Manifest Destiny Era
I blame Theodosius and his spawn. Literally the worst dynasty there is.
>Old Saul is laughing in his crypt and rightly deserves the title as best troll ever!
I somehow doubt hell is a laughing matter. Just because the Jewish "god" is false doesn't mean God is false. Everyone believed in God long before they had Bibles to tell them to become psychokillers.
Pagan Europe was better
Hurrr muh seeemin!
The problematics in the medieval times appear to be a catalyst for the posterior spirit in the Renaissance. I'm not sure, but I think there couldn't be a enlightening period without these darkness period.
> Jew's popularized a religion that predicted jews would be the sons of the serpent.
made people meek and peaceful for a while until it turned into zealotry
Holy shit people are actually refuting the historical authenticity of Christ, the pesudo-history has completely over taken this board.
>cant prove him wrong
>name just one thing christianity did for society that was good
laid down the theoretical and philosophical groundwork for what would eventually become academia and the sciences, institutions which sprung from Christian monasteries, which themselves sprung from Christian hermitages.
>laid down the theoretical and philosophical groundwork for what would eventually become academia and the sciences, institutions which sprung from Christian monasteries, which themselves sprung from Christian hermitages.
Only after they destroyed the groundwork laid by pagans. Pagans understood that the stupid are to serve the smart - that's just the natural order of things.
"Christians" (Jews who pretend Jesus is important to them) believe the smart should be murdered to preserve the delusions of the stupid so the demagogue can remain in power.
>Only after they destroyed the groundwork laid by pagans.
Pagans did just fine destroying those institutions on their own, well before Christianity was a thing
Besides they were oral traditions whose educational institutions arose in spite of the superstitious masses, not because of them. And these educational institutions were not rigorous and they were not standardized. A single academy where aristocrats learned rhetoric was a very different thing from broad network of universities where anyone could get their license as a doctor or engineer and ply their trade anywhere in Europe. There was never a pagan mandate to provide these sort of educational institutions because homicide and naked conquest were seen as the highest ethical good a pagan could accomplish... not actually doing things which would make their world a better place.
>Pagans understood that the stupid are to serve the smart - that's just the natural order of things.
And this sort of hubris is exactly why people abandoned them. Nobody wanted to fight and die for some egomaniacal general who literally thought he was a god and waged war on his own country to prove it.
> There was never a pagan mandate to provide these sort of educational institutions because homicide and naked conquest were seen as the highest ethical good a pagan could accomplish
This is retarded. Clearly technological advancement hadn't cleared the way yet for the economic conditions necessary for widescale education and that technological advancement happened in spite of Christianity, not because of it.
> Nobody wanted to fight and die for some egomaniacal general who literally thought he was a god and waged war on his own country to prove it.
You're confused, the Emperor/Pharaoh is a god - he doesn't "think" he's a god - he is a god. Also, I don't remember Emperors waging war on Roman citizens. It's "Christians" who waged war on the Roman citizens - and still do to this day - they carry around a book that is a proven fraud and threaten innocent people and children like it gives them some sort of divine authority.
However, the entity that is God despises the followers of the Bible:
Do they ever ban you?
>Do they ever ban you?
Occasionally - being charged with high treason against the Emperor by God is a high price to pay just to keep the Emperor from telling his subjects the truth about the real God though - that's why Pilate is terrified to kill the King of the Jews but nobody else in the gospels is - because Pilate is educated enough to know what "King" means...
>Nobody wanted to fight and die for some egomaniacal general who literally thought he was a god and waged war on his own country to prove it.
You do realize Pharaoh was God thousands of years before the Jews invented their phony terrorist "god" right?
Why do you think the Ancient Egyptians, the Ancient Mayans, the Ancient Japanese and Ancient Romans all believed their King was a god? But only the Jews think burning bushes told them to bludgeon people to death?
You do realize you can't pick who God is right?
It gave Europe a form of unity after the collapse of the WRE.
Lel, as if.
Yeah we totally stone unruly children, have slaves, kill faggots, don't associate with disbelievers and plan for nothing.
no, it wouldve, all it required was mohammed, him going into the desert and going insane was going to happen one way or another
>This is retarded. Clearly technological advancement hadn't cleared the way yet for the economic conditions necessary for widescale education and that technological advancement happened in spite of Christianity, not because of it.
Nonsense, there was plenty need in the sophisticated Roman economy, and most of the time getting your "mark" (stamped document that was the ancient equivalent of a trade license) was a matter of making an offering at the appropriate temple. Romans had need for doctors and engineers as surely as medieval France did.
What wasn't there was the intellectual and philosophical framework that would emphasize reason and naturalistic explanations of real world phenomena. It was only possible to develop this framework in the context of a literary tradition which allowed newer generations of thinkers to study older ones and build off of the work that they had already pioneered. Pagan traditions were oral traditions who spurned literature and authorship, and therefore there was no prior prescedent to build off of. Aristotle was exiled by the Pagan Athenians, Plato was executed by them. Christians rediscovered and built on their work and eventually surpassed them, with the help of ideas exchange from the middle east, of course.
>You're confused, the Emperor/Pharaoh is a god - he doesn't "think" he's a god - he is a god.
As did Juilius Caesar, who was deified, as did Caesar Augustus. Hell, Hadrian deified his dead gay lover. Every usurper saw himself as the next Julius Caesar, and this became an endemic problem long before Christianity was legalized. Endless civil wars crippled the Roman economy.
> It's "Christians" who waged war on the Roman citizens
Yes, by building hospitals and orphanages and teaching them that there is a better way to live than to dedicate their lives to homicide and vengeance slaying. And Christians never fed Pagans to lions as a form of mass entertainment
>The collapse of a regional empire wouldn't happen if people didn't believe in their religion
>You do realize Pharaoh was God thousands of years before the Jews invented their phony terrorist "god" right?
Yes, and by the time of late antiquity, people were getting wise to it. No sensible Italian wanted to join the army in late antiquity because he knew that he stood a very real chance of dying a traitor's death all because his general tried to usurp ultimate authority for himself. The violence gimped these economies and was half the reason why the west was able to pull out ahead of the rest of the world.
>Muh fanfiction is canon.
That's a pretty huge leap you did there user.
People can exists without stories written about them being real.
>Idiot with an agenda-the post
>t. LARPing Neopagan hypocrite
Are you retarded? Islam is obvious fanfiction of the earlier abrahamic faiths.
It provoked the emergence of rationalism and positivism as a reaction against itself
christianity didn't even come about until nearly a century after jesus died
>No sensible Italian wanted to join the army in late antiquity because he knew that he stood a very real chance of dying a traitor's death all because his general tried to usurp ultimate authority for himself.
Don't be fucking retarded user. The italians, like in many other empires, simple came to the conclusion that they rather take a cushy job at home than risk their life serving for decades in some filthy peripheral garrison guarding some poverty-stricken hellhole they cared nothing about. 'Let the colonials do that shit while I worry about my farm or my political career' was pretty much the italian motto.
I'm neither of those things you dingus.
>Pagan traditions were oral traditions who spurned literature and authorship, and therefore there was no prior prescedent to build off of.
That's nonsense - but it's true that most pagans catered to the large swaths of the illiterate peasantry because there was little need for a peasant to read and little way to get him material to read as copying and possessing books was time-consuming and expensive due to a lack of printing presses. But you're wrong to say the pagans didn't produce literature - Christians destroyed tons of their literature in their campaigns of terror against their betters.
> Yes, by building hospitals and orphanages and teaching them that there is a better way to live than to dedicate their lives to homicide and vengeance slaying.
On the contrary - that's all the Christians taught. Rome went from a massive empire to what we have today - over 40+ separate states that have caused massive wars with each other over the past centuries. Conquest for pagans was based on expanding the Empire and establishing a larger governmental body between assimilated tribes which would have been of benefit to all. Instead, corrupt frauds pretending to work for God took over with their phony "holy book" and turned it into their personal torture, rape, extortion, and murder paradise.
The church also banned the common parishioner from reading the Bible because the only thing that made these hucksters seem authoritative was their ability to read a book. Turns out the book is shit and a fraud. Also turns out Christ they've been acting in the name of denounced the book as "devil worship."
Now we can all read how much Jesus despised the Hebrew text and we can all know how irrelevant, corrupt, and fraudulent the clergy is and always has been.
>Yes, and by the time of late antiquity, people were getting wise to it. No sensible Italian wanted to join the army in late antiquity because he knew that he stood a very real chance of dying a traitor's death all because his general tried to usurp ultimate authority for himself. The violence gimped these economies and was half the reason why the west was able to pull out ahead of the rest of the world.
It is true that the later Roman aristocracy was extremely materialistic and had lost all sense of the fact that treason against the Emperor is treason against God and carries an "eternity in damnation" penalty.
Wealthy people are often extremely deluded as to their importance. They think because they are important on Earth their souls are equally as important. Unfortunately God cares about mortals' souls - not wealth. A mortal's lifespan is a trivial sliver of time.
Hold people together in desperate times
Thats fucking bad, The Roman Empire was so fucking based, if it didnt fall we would have colonies in the Outer Solar System by now.
Why do Christfags always want to take credit for everything
>And Christians never fed Pagans to lions as a form of mass entertainment
I'm sorry, I thought the central tenent of "Christianity" was "butcher pagans for taxing us." Rome should have executed all "Christians" for treason against the King of Judea when they decided to take up the Hebrew text as holy - but your lion story doesn't have a shred of evidence backing it up. These people were just traitors playing professional victim like the Hebrew Text taught people to do.
That's what the Jews excelled at according to their text. They were "victimized" by everyone - Queen Jezebel, Pharaoh, King Nebuchadnezzar, King Solomon - everyone except Moses who by all accounts is among the single most cruel and unjust "leaders" in human history.
>illiterate peasantry because there was little need for a peasant to read and little way to get him material to read as copying and possessing books was time-consuming and expensive due to a lack of printing presses
The urban poor was largely literate, and used writing for practical purposes. Scribes and skilled tradesmen and administrators and landed gentry all had use for reading and writing, but they used them for strictly practical purposes, and once the economic incentive for them to be preserving this practical knowledge went away, literacy plummeted and would have died out completely had it not been for cloistered Christian monks meticulously copying the works by hand in their monasteries, the work that pagans started (again, outside the rubric of their religion: true visionaries were rare and they killed thinkers like Archimedes and Plato) and preserved knowledge
>Rome went from a massive empire to what we have today
Their model was unsustainable and Rome imploded under the weight of its own excess once it ran out of people worth conquering and was simply too brittle to handle the pressures of climate change and mass migration
>over 40+ separate states that have caused massive wars with each other over the past centuries.
correlation without causation
>Conquest for pagans was based on expanding the Empire and establishing a larger governmental body between assimilated tribes which would have been of benefit to all.
Bullshit. War for them was about conquest, glory, and slave-taking. They waged war for pure profit.
>These people were just traitors playing professional victim like the Hebrew Text taught people to do.
Have you ever actually seen a lion maul an animal? The way that it rends their flesh and kills them in the most spectacular, horrible, and bloody manner imaginable? You're delusional if you think people actively sought such a violent end.
>"butcher pagans for taxing us.
This is like wehraboos bitching about Red Army soldiers treating Germans harshly.
Because they have this deluded belief that their religion is humanities salvation.
Yes I'd love for you to demonstrate proof of your claim.
Your posts are enough proof.
That's not how proof works, mate. Get back to me when you can grasp basic concepts.