Hi lads. Been doing some front squats and push jerks can I be a cool weightlifter now?
Also if I was going to do a clean and press should I clean with a normal clean grip or my press grip?
Juan Moore
is 6x3 @65kg snatches good for the second time you're doing them, even if you're a big boy like me (117kg)?
Had to press them to lockout quite a lot of times due to missed timing, how to improve this?
Henry Roberts
why do i keep hitting my throat with the bar during cleans?
Charles Cook
clean grip your press grip should also be your clean grip if you ain't a square
why are you worried about if it's good or not it's literally your second time lifting nothing is good and you won't ever be good until you snatch +150 unless you live in a developed country in which case you'll never be good so stop worrying about it and get back to work
you don't know how to pull after extending pull the bar into throat (not actually but just the idea) with elbows pointing up, then sweep elbows around with bar as pivot point this is also how you prevent crashing
Luke Fisher
goddamit what episode is that from?
Nolan Taylor
>elbows pointing up
doesnt china teach elbows back and russia elbows up
when i watch china pulls they always bring the elbows back early compared to russia
Andrew Carter
nope, up it looks like back because most elites immediately sweep elbows as soon as they finish extending but if you look at them do muscle snatches you can see them pulling fully and then sweeping elbows under also russians don't teach sweep afaik they just bend into the bar or something
Hudson Rogers
form check pls
Isaiah Diaz
y dont u get receive the bar lower on ur jerk. u could jerk higher numbers
Justin Thompson
btw not bashing you at all. you probably have the best form here.
Ayden Hall
mirin the jerks
Connor Cooper
commisar is still more explosive. don't let your boipussi get too wet you chink loving twink.
James Gray
Is ilya kill?
Daniel Hall
I was lurking and someone told durkz that his meniscus tear will repair over time
this is false, meniscus tears do not heal. there is no blood flow to the area. It's surgery or nothing.
I did 90kg clean on my first day, but the second time i was there with a coach i was only allowed to touch the barbell due to my form.
David Long
he may not need surgery if it's not painful and not likely to deteriorate as per his physician's recommendations. Non-surgical options increasingly being considered in medical field, esp for knee
Nolan Wilson
Ilin gonna test positive
Roidfags btfo
Dylan Long
>roiding for this
Gavin Cruz
Gabriel Ramirez
I injured my right shoulder by losing a snatch behind me The injury doesn't bother me day-to-day except very rarely from a pressing motion but the pain is sharp when I try to perform the rear hand clasp and it affects my mobility in the snatch. How to fix?
Xavier Rogers
Pay a coach and a health professional
Hunter Adams
Doctor visits are not cheap in Ameristan and the only remotely qualified coaches in the area are XFitters There are hardly even PLers in my area
Hunter Walker
>Doctor visits are not cheap
Jaxon Williams
>Doctor visits are not cheap AMERICA
Charles Wright
>free speech who the hell pays to speak?
Adrian Edwards
basically, costs are artificially inflated for important shit (medication/healthcare/education/infrastructure/housing) due to endemic corruption and lack of oversight in Ameristan. A good example is the Anderson Memorial Bridge in Cambridge, which took less than a year to build in 1912, and yet today took over 5 years and ~$27 million to repair, which is several times its inflation-adjusted original cost.
Blake Green
Its not even really corruption in the case of medical care, its a downward spiral of fighting with the insurance companies.
Big insurance companies refuse to pay the ticket price for services rendered to their insurees. Hospitals retaliate by jacking up the billed amounts so that they're making money even after the insurance company shorts them. And anyone without insurance or belonging to an insurance company without the clout to pull the "we're paying 70%, take it or leave it" stunts gets fucked right in the wallet.
Emergency room stuff is even worse because then you've got to factor in the number of patients the hospital knows damn well it'll never get money from - and that's a lot because the nature of the US medical system throws up a lot more emergency visits than most comparable western countries.
Lucas Morris
I agree with you, though I would consider it falling under the umbrella of 'lack of oversight', which is to say that dysfunctional systems in this country are allowed to fester without effective intervention. In any case, I appreciate your added clarity.
Jack Richardson
People in the Middle East. For example, before one of my friends emigrated to the United States, she was living in Iraq (originally from Pakistan). She made a passing criticism of Saddam Hussein at a party and one of her friends rushed her out the door and into a vehicle to drive to her over the border. What's the big deal? Before long they had Hussein's vehicles chasing them. She made it safely, her friend got her a good head start, but she moved immediately. Some people in the world can pay with their lives to speak, my friend.
Caleb Hughes
Trappy get here pls. I asked about 80-100kg OHP since I don't bench and you said it was pretty possible to reach that in 6 months, I have also looked at strongman forums and have seen quite a few people manage it like that too so doesn't even seem that uncommon.
Why are some people telling me it will take 1-2 years?
Carter Morgan
Fug, didn't realise this was OWG. Why is this appearing when I search PLG? D:
Christopher Flores
Most strongman competitors and wannabe competitors are a) huge bastards and b) on gear. Also strongman has very loose ideas on form.
I'm not saying its impossible to do that increase fast - and if anyone can do it, its strongman trainees since they're the only ones seriously focusing on it - but most people aren't going to PR on their press max every week to get that kind of increase.
John Scott
Prepare to see weightlifting scrapped from the olympics with all the busts lately
Anthony Carter
Grayson Morris
not true there's blood flow everywhere in your body ligaments/tendons just get very little.. it can take a year for protein turnover to occur in that kind of connective tissue
it will heal, it will just take a while. growth hormone and secretatogues and such help a lot i hear.
Lucas Walker
Hunter Gray
Lucas Thomas
Gh can literally regrow tissue so it would
Androdurkz could get some I'm sure
Ipamorelin and other cheaper peptides can help too look at lovchev lol
Aiden Davis
Kayden Myers
my point is the lig. will heal without drugs.
with some gh stuff it will heal an order of magnitude faster though
but fyi none of this is WADA approved :^)
John Lewis
Can we have that in non-kebap?
Logan Jackson
Idk.. Kenya?????
Mason Richardson
Thanks obama
Josiah Jones
I'm gonna buy some Cissus and if that don't work I'm gonna out bench isley by 10kg then by that point I should be able to afford some gh
Chase Gonzalez
>out bench isley by 10kg >tfw low standards
John Lee
Form check?
Zachary Cook
Brody Diaz
165kg bench 365lbs isn't enough bench?
Jaxon Lewis
You're a sensitive guy
Brody Brown
This is some real Olympic level shit right here
Jaxson Allen
Not that bad, be more agressive for your third pull
Eli Cox
You mean pull under harder? FYI those were meant to be power snatches.
Luis Campbell
the future of the IWF and olympics! Jon Norths fed might actually catch steam or another fed like it.
Asher Long
I woke up at 7 because i couldnt breath but that was the only time last night
Noah Nguyen
not everywhere. Deep meniscal tissue is avascular. Par example, >Arthroscopic surgery is the only way to treat the tear since there are currently no medications, braces, or physical therapy treatments that have been shown to promote healing in the avascular tears. orthoassociates.com/SP11B39/
It says that the outer ring of the meniscus, comprising of maybe 20% of total, has blood supply but the rest does not. There is no blood supply in the innermost components
If you have a source that leads you to believe otherwise, then I'd be very curious to read it
Eli Sanders
ur mum
its just like hippocampal neurogenesis >yeah but it only occurs in the hippocampus haha no the generated neurons leak out and go EVERYWHERE dumby
Jacob Harris
m8 the burden of proof is on you if you're disagreeing with virtually the entire medical literature on meniscal tears
Luis Cox
As far as I know most magical tears do not heal on their own... meniscus actually degenerate over time to the contrary... I've already had surgery for one and I put a lot of research into my injury so I think commisar is right.
Cameron Adams
>commisar eh
and yes I've researched them a lot considering I've had 80% of my right meniscus removed
Elijah Gray
i dont remember commenting on the issue
Andrew Miller
no the burden of proof is on you. you are literally the one making the claim in the first place, 99% of tissues in the body heal and have bloodflow if u say this one dont you are going against all the physioloyy papers
also, "le burden of proof"? you shluld return to redit, durkz
Jose Howard
yes, 99% of the body has blood flow that heals. Part of that 1% that doesn't includes the inner 80% of the meniscus. The source I posted above is one of many with identical conclusions.
Ryder Diaz
this is not me
Josiah Hill
juust looked at it now.. >orthoassociates literally run by jews. they can't be trusted. "le lets remove 100% of ur meniscus for $60,000, it wont heal on its own and this will somehow repair it, heheh!"
Colton Gomez
I gathered
Oliver Murphy
Connective tissue usually is highly vascular (has a rich blood supply). Exceptions include cartilage, which is avascular, and tendons, which have a small blood supply. There are three basic elements to connective tissue: cells. Connective tissue usually is highly vascular (has a rich blood supply). Exceptions include cartilage, which is avascular, and tendons, which have a small blood supply. There are three basic elements to connective tissue: cells. Connective tissue usually is highly vascular (has a rich blood supply). Exceptions include cartilage, which is avascular, and tendons, which have a small blood supply. There are three basic elements to connective tissue: cells. Connective tissue usually is highly vascular (has a rich blood supply). Exceptions include cartilage, which is avascular, and tendons, which have a small blood supply. There are three basic elements to connective tissue: cells.
>a little blood supply
Hunter Thomas
Epithelia are avascular, which means “without vessel”. The vessels that supply nutrients and remove wastes are located in the adjacent connective tissue. The exchange of material between epithelium and connective tissue is by diffusion. Epithelia are avascular, which means “without vessel”. The vessels that supply nutrients and remove wastes are located in the adjacent connective tissue. The exchange of material between epithelium and connective tissue is by diffusion. Epithelia are avascular, which means “without vessel”. The vessels that supply nutrients and remove wastes are located in the adjacent connective tissue. The exchange of material between epithelium and connective tissue is by diffusion.
>diffusion, diffusion, diffusion THERE IS STILL A NUTRIENT SUPPLY DUMBY YOU'RE DUMB
Isaac Brown
Cmon, we know commi is pretentiously dumb, but not to this degree Baiting too hard m8
Owen Moore
Still waiting on official confirmation.
Btw I was rewatching the WWC 2010 105 and they mention that Aramnau was suspected of doping and was being tested at that time. Nothing came of it obviously, but I wonder if they're gonna re-test him now again with the new technology. I highly doubt Aramnau would come out negative.
Seems like the Klokov olympic gold medal isn't too far.
Connor Powell
What makes you think your klok isn't gonna come out positive :^) Then he'd be cucked out of every relevant medal Such exciting times
Dylan Peterson
True. They didn't mention non champions... did they?
Blake Scott
He definitely would if he had competed in 2012.
His performance in 2008 was nowhere near the level of his performance on gear though. He only got 230 C&J and 193kg Snatch. I highly doubt he will come out positive.
It can happen though, who knows. But I don't really expect it.
Aramnau got 200kg Snatch and 236kg C&J with ridiculous ease though. No way he's not gonna come out positive if they retest.
Ryder Butler
20 caught overall More tests to come
Wishful thinking
Dylan Taylor
>Wishful thinking agree
Josiah Sanchez
We're all doing nothing but wishful thinking and talking about rumours at this point, isn't it?
I'm not saying he's natty. Just saying his performance in 2008 makes me expect him to be off the gear for long enough.
Brayden Ross
It's all just rumours and games right? Hahahahahahaha. I can't be wrong because we're just speculating hahahahahahahaha!
Eat shit.
Julian Gutierrez
>his performance on gear though
what's his performance on gear like according to your expert opinion?
his best results were only 6kg higher than what he did in beijing
everyone fucking lifts bigger number in training obviously
Dominic Taylor
why do i hate squatting so much? i've been squatting for nearing 2 years and i still dread it. i still haven't even hit 3 plate yet. can power cleans and push press be enough for legs?
Hudson Torres
Not natty lifters. They usually have bugger comp numbers.
Eli Lewis
6kg over was his best performance off gear and you're technically wrong. Jojoba has done 202.5/240 in competition.
Kevin Morris
>being this buttmad about nothing
His performance on gear is exactly 803.26kg total
Luis Bennett
as a superheavy and before injuries ur a idiot 2 durkz
Matthew Torres
>>people getting mad at facts.
Eli Perry
He got 206kg snatch right before the 2012 olympics.
Lincoln Garcia
with straps and as a superheavy in training i already said everyone lifts heavier in training
Ayden Gutierrez
IOC ordered these tests right? I assume theyre looking for reasons to get rid of a sport thats not interesting commercial wise
Henry Price
>everyone lifts heavier in training
No. Ilya Ilyin best numbers are from competition. Xiaojun best numbers are from competition. And this is just citing two well known lifters, there are many more with bigger comp numbers than training numbers.
And Klokov wasn't 120kg in training, he was under 110kg. Probably closer to 105kg as the snatch video was near the olympics.
Bentley Diaz
They both hit higher numbers in training though lad
>he thinks the largest weight class in weightlifting is +120kg back to /plg/ please
Joshua King
You're too new to be posting your opinion. Sorry.
Brayden Johnson
So if ilya gets caught and disqualified the medals will go to russians and iranians, who every knows are super clean, or perhaps they re-test everyone, given half of the A group have already recieved doping bans, until no one is left but south korea and great britain?