White or black?
Buraku senpai
>inb4 /pol/tards invading
One is black and other one is brown are you seriously this dense
who the fuck doesnt drink black coffee
if you add shit to it it's not coffee anymore
I add cocoa to mine
there is literally nothing wrong with drinking latte
What is it then? What does it become?
I don't really like coffee so I drink it with powdered milk and cinnamon
>starbucks drink is literally 1/3 to 1/4 of your calories for the day
Coffee has a lot of nuances that are fat soluble and tastes totally different with milk.
They are totally different drinks. If you think someone is lesser because they drink black coffee, you're an idiot.
>implying a home made latte isn't like ~100kcal at most
If that is even a dent in your daily caloric intake I'd be more worried about being a DYEL twink than about cutting
Black like my bulls.
>If you think someone is lesser because they drink black coffee, you're an idiot.
Who the fuck is even saying that
Drinking black coffee is the in meme, every cuck here does it
A latte is milk and coffee. 5-10 calories of coffee and milk.
Unless you're saying we shouldn't drink milk on a cut?
(Your retard is showing)
>All lattes are from starbucks
Jesus Christ you guys are retarded
I'm saying if you have a superiority complex because you drink black coffee, you're a faggot.
Like my men please
>no homo
not talking about a latte nigguh there's a lot of starbucks drinks, also checked
>the cummies coming out of her
too bad he's black
He literally said latte you fucking illiterate
You forgot to put a "don't" before "drink" in your other post then
No biggie
I like milk with my coffee, otherwise it's too bitter for my taste buds.
> (You)
>there is literally nothing wrong with drinking latte
>>starbucks drink is literally 1/3 to 1/4 of your calories for the day
The person you responded to literally said latte. So why were you bitching at them about Starbucks
brown is new white, look at europe
go away
a sad mulatto version of its former self with nowhere near the same aroma/taste/punch etc, drink tea instead
its just as bad as racemixing desu
>ah, yes sir you heard me correct. 0 scoops of sugar and exactly 0 servings of cream. Enjoying beverages is exclusively for women and children. Drinking coffee black shows class and builds mental toughness. Perhaps one day you "nu-males" will see things my way. Excuse me, I have a cold shower to continue.
kekked a bit too hard
>tfw i live in germany
Most of the flavors are fat soluble and you're not tasting them.
You're actually an idiot. Congrats.
>with nowhere near the same aroma/taste/punch etc
That's a plus
why would anyone add sugar to his coffee though? It isn't bitter at all if you don't buy some shitty supermarket coffee
Good coffee tastes better black.
hello small man
that's manlet to you
I sometimes like my coffee with milk
Splash of milk only.
I add just enough milk to cool the freshly brewed coffee to an appropriate temperature for drinking, saving precious seconds of not having caffeine coursing through my veins.
No coffee is best.
Have you ever actually needed coffee other than as a prop? It's shit for your digestive track and a mild irritant that could be fucking with your skin etc.
Stop buying into the caffiinated Jew.
small dash of sugar and milk, just for a tad bit of taste
I did black for a summer that I was too lazy to buy sugar and it was fine but it's not as nice
Doesn't matter
but remember, no sugar
Is it ok that I just like the taste of black coffee?
Why exactly can't you just use cold water?
>1/3 to 1/4 of your calories on a cut
Manlet detected
I lyke you.
I drink the caffeinated jew in this form
I used to drink it with milk and sugar, but now I don't add anything because I started loving the taste of coffee
Black tea.
i like my coffee like i like my women
from a third world country and at a reasonable price
Do you still call milk with a ton of chocolate in it milk?
No you call it chocolate milk
Do you call coffee with shit in it coffee?
No you call it Shit Coffee
White like my wife and black like my wife's son amirite guise
Jokes on you, whites are a minority in murrica
pretty much this
I like my coffee brown and my women black.
You people need to get lives lmao, arguing about coffee
No, because now likely the unpopular thing has became too popular for the people in this thread so they hate it now. And now they all only drink sugar filled lattes completely non ironically. Keep up dude