Veeky Forums THE MOVIE

Step 3 is too real

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This does not relate to me at all.

I started for girls but quickly found my love for powerlifting and weightlifting.

Where's my story about how I disregarded women and achieved my goal of deadlifting 300kg?


>directing to reddit which means you actually go on reddit

>This does not relate to me at all.
>I started for girls

Are you retarded

This needs more anime and awkward moments getting caught singing along to Taylor Swift.

This is just a normal phase for any average schlub, nothing particularly Veeky Forums about it.

No, this is Veeky Forums the movie.

thank you for this OP. this made my night

this is fit the movie

>amazingly strong guy
>upset with estabilishment of corrupt normies in gotham
>somewhat awkward to talk to
>roid rage
>actually baneposting irl
>friendzoned by talia
>has a monologue about how the weak should fear the strong

am i the only who find the girl in the gym to be a cutie ?

This is sad as fuck


scandinivian are really fucked up people

Nice voice no homo

>implying I lifted at any point for women

Watched it all
Same inane relationship with my mother (except she doesn't blame me to be as my father, I'm more "like her"), living with her at 33
No vagina in the last 5 years, barely talked to females for anything that wasn't required by job or needs
I lie like him and tell that I live alone
I'm not enormous like him, hell no, but in social situations I can hear someone saying "who's that [insert witty comment]"
15 years ago I stopped allowing myself to be in the same situation of Dennis, where people were having fun of himself, rather than with him

I don't sleep with my mom at least
But I don't train the Danish championship, maybe sleeping with your own mom is required

>tfw awkward like Dennis
>tfw will never actually be a big guy though

There's a film about this where he goes to asia to get a wife and it's just as sad


Teddy Bear

ah I found it, it's called teddy bear (2012)

'The 38-year-old bodybuilder Dennis would really like to find true love. He has never had a girlfriend and lives alone with his mother in a suburb of Copenhagen. When his uncle marries a girl from Thailand, Dennis decides to try his own luck on a trip to Pattaya, as it seems that love is easier to find in Thailand.'


thx guys

>teddy bear (2012)
> Dennis (Kim Kold), a thirty-eight-year-old Danish bodybuilder,
>25 August 1965 (age 50)
In 2012 he was 10 years older and maybe still played a credible 38 yo
2bh in 2007 he was 42 and he looked older than that too (at least in the face)
The body is obviously godly superior if compared to the scooby

I'm sad now.

Of course this shit pops up the day after ultimate rejection.

Great video though.


Please add this video to The Sticky. :-)

>1 beer = 100g carbs
stopped watching

wasn't he in fast and furious?


>No beer
Stopped watching


Melissa is coming soon, right?
If I see a Melissa squatting wrong, should I tell her?
Please respond
I would like to maximise my chances of staring aimlessly at the sky off the rooftop with a qt

>tfw no girlfriend
I'm just that autistic guy that lifts buy can't really interact with others. At least my squat is getting heavier

Veeky Forumsizens now unironically share facebook-tier meme videos

Time to leave.

I can't finish this, it hits too close

I actually enjoyed that. I didn't start lifting for girls obviously, but that was pretty sweet.


the sadest shite i ever saw on fit

He's a big guy.

One less faggot to worry about

>2xbw bench
Yeah nah more like this:


Actually pretty good OP. It's not hopelessly pessimistic, or a vicious and sarcastic attack on someone like I was expecting from Veeky Forums.

I actuslly enjoyed watching this

Is that true history?

Veeky Forums please don't tell me I'm the only one that cried ;__;

As a Dane, I watched this in 9th grade, never really was the same after it

jesus christ

im nothing like this guys but it hit me hard anyways.

Worth dying at 50 imo

he's right tho, slayers angel of death is breddy gud song to work out to

>you will never meet Melissa

>tfw when you work with her at your dead end job
>tfw marraige
>tfw is bad
>tfw child
>tfw you contemplate every day

I fucking hate every thing about my life

>tfw peace, silence

Hold me /fit

Because god knows nobody else is

I fucking hate all of you

Women LAUGH at your PHYSIQUE while CHAD eats PIZZA

Gotta run that shit cuh. If you want it to be fun, make it fun. Also, how are you not psyched to have a kid that can
weight lift with you?

Because its not psyched

im holding u bre

I couldn't finish it, it's worse than any horror

nigger what kind of logic is that

Danefag here, why do people from outside Scandinavia think this is so fucked up?


The females in your country act this cynical?
I mean, we have sluts here too but at least they play their devil female games to get what they want from you, I have yet to hear about this blatant objectification of a guy who is not a professional stripper

I am not explaining myself properly. The girls in the film acted too inconsiderate

Like, even if your gf cheats on you she will justify herself by "you were not giving me enough attention" or "I was drinking". She will exercise diplomacy. The girls on Dennis flat out told him "dance and flex for is" and proceeds to laugh at the freakshow as they percieved him.

Not justifying Deniss' severe autism and depression in any case. The movie's "hero" and "villain" were both extreme cases of their usual real life counterparts to make for a more interesting confrontation. It is fiction, after all. These things don't happen irl, do they?

I literally had to watch this in installments...

Why are you thinking that those women were evil? Like I would enjoy a hot girl stripping and posing if it was socially accepted.
You could even see that Dennis enjoyed that too.

1) I did not say "evil", I said "inconsiderate".
Yeah, that's why he stayed long and kept stripping, dancing and flexing
Oh wait.

>no fruit juice

Fuck this shit familiar

It has noting to do with it being in Denmark.
It's because this is cringy and hard to watch.

Females act cynical in every country.

These girls were objectifying him, but they were drunk and he wasn't doing a thing at all.
They tried to interact with him in he easiest way possible: You're a big, muscular guy, show us your muscles.

I'm not defending the girls, they did objectify him and make him feel kind of shitty, but my point is that people will do this regardless of what country their in.

Women are people too and people really suck sometimes.

dear god, not that movie again

Damn...the guy just wants a gf. sad af desu senpai

You're literally trying to analyze the actions of a socially awkward person in a socially stressful situation using normie standards.

He does not do well and may not even, to an extent, enjoy social interaction because of how demanding he thinks it is and how uninteresting he believes himself to be.

He is severely lacking in confidence and does not know how to enjoy himself in a social situation. I'm not saying that he should have enjoyed the stripping , but he should have tried to interact with the girls instead of sitting still and looking at his feet. What are the girls supposed to do with a big rock that just sits there?

>You're literally trying to analyze the actions of a socially awkward person in a socially stressful situation using normie standards.
I am not, read again the last paragraph of >He does not do well and may not even, to an extent, enjoy social interaction because of how demanding he thinks it is and how uninteresting he believes himself to be.
Yes, clearly, that doesn't contradict what I said
>He is severely lacking in confidence and does not know how to enjoy himself in a social situation. I'm not saying that he should have enjoyed the stripping , but he should have tried to interact with the girls instead of sitting still and looking at his feet. What are the girls supposed to do with a big rock that just sits there?
Have YOU ever been axially awkward? The worst thing you can do with such a person is put him on the spotlight
Act normally, talk to everyone, and either don't pay attention to him or talk to him when you have something interesting to say or something to ask that he can easily answer
First crawl, then walk, then run. Definitely don't make him strip or whatever.

>Women are people too and people really suck sometimes.
Well you said yourself that it was kind of fucked up, what the girls made lil' Dennis do.

They could have just been his girlfriends

>tfw no Melissa because home-gym master race

At least your jacked, dennis.

4 u

How can a man fall to such sad levels as this?

How do I avoid Dennis mode, Veeky Forums?

What is wrong with me. I had to pause the video at 4:30 because I get weirded out when people start talking about dates and stuff..... Maybe because I've never been on one and I'm 28yo kv :c

wow his mom is a bit of a bitch.

Geez the mom is such a bitch.

>talking to a girl at the gym

tried it once and got yelled at, never again

anyone else here feel like they don't lift enough to deserve a gf

Train less

unless she gives you signs to initiate the talk, never do it

not just in the gym, but everywhere

This is Veeky Forums the movie you fucking homos:

And here's the full movie but with crappy subtitles in huehue language.

Thank me later.


To sum it up. Dennis is Veeky Forums. He lives with his mother /pol/. He asks his uncle /a/ how to have an average azian qt3.14. /a/ sends him to meet /b/ in Thailand. There he gets to know /hc/, but she's too much for him. Later Veeky Forums meets fellow Veeky Forumsizens and ends up with hooking up with Veeky Forums.

>tfw, as of last night, suddenly no gf
