>Diet on point
>Good hygiene
>Still the same greasy faced mess I was at 14, except now I'm 21
Why Veeky Forums
>Diet on point
>Good hygiene
>Still the same greasy faced mess I was at 14, except now I'm 21
Why Veeky Forums
Because you keep touching your face with your greasy fucking hands
user eats PIZZA then RUBS IT ON HIS FACE
do you drink milk?
take 10-20mg accutane a day for 3months and you should have perfect skin
Stress and poor blood circulation contribute to acne too.
In china, we have this thing called "heat". It contributes to acne, yellow instead of transparent piss and also nose bleeding occurances. Try eating less fried and oily foods, go for boiled veggies and more veggies. Hopefully this helps.
>oily foods
Tfw my skin was flawless while I was doing keto, now getting acne with my high carb, low fat bulk.
Underrates post
Kekd hard
A lot of times, acne isn't caused by poor diet or hygiene. Poor diet and hygiene can exacerbate the issue, and an improved diet and hygiene can make things better, but the root cause and ultimate solution isn't in only diet and hygiene.
Seek out medical consultation, and then use whatever your doctor prescribes you in conjunction with continued good diet and good hygiene.
Shit genetics, acne is mostly determined by genes
is that whitfield crane singer of ugly kid joe? wow that takes me back...
Are you doing cardio?
Gotta sweat that shit out
Never, I'm on a bulk. 130lbs right now senpai!
By the way, what are the ideal ratios for a bulk diet, meaning prot / fat / carbs ?
This time it's really Genetics™.
Do you have long hair like the guy in the pic? Because that could do it. Also change your pillow cases more frequently. Like twice a week even. The oil from your face sticks on the sheets when you sleep and then you lay there all night which just rubs it into your skin more.
>tfw ridiculous sebum production
Thanks mom for that great genetical defect
Me? Yeah. Half a a litre every morning and 500 grams of cottage cheese over the course of the day
jesus fucking christ, I am going to vomit
Fucking hell that is buzzing.
Honest, that is disgusting.
I think swallowing the anti baby pill would help keep the hormones in check which produce all this sebum
Whatever, just make sure you eat enough.
You can do cardio even on a bulk. Gotta make it up with food tho.
You need to decide what's more important for you. Clear skin or not doing cardio for easier bulking.
I'm the guy who posted the pictures in this bread. I rode my bicycle 20 kilometers every day for two months with perfect nutrition and lifting heavy. Nothing changed. It's genetics and the only way to influence them are pills and sunshine mixed with salty ocean water
There is the mental side also which is reduces stress by staying calm at all times
For some people medication is literally the only way. Go see a dermatologist.
Use product you dumbass