im so hungover
i threw up 4 times already this morning
i feel so dehydrated
what do?
im so hungover
i threw up 4 times already this morning
i feel so dehydrated
what do?
>he didn't drink water before he went to bed
Slam a coffee or energy drink, pop 2-3 Advil, and keep drinking water
stop posting
This. Sleep when you're not drinking.
i couldnt bring myself to drink water as i was so fucking drunk i thought i was going to pass out any moment. i then proceeded to lay on my bed and wait for the nauseating feeling to make me sick multiple times as i hang over the edge of my bed being sick
always always drink a shitload of water after coming home from the bar
Well, that's all in the past now. Load up on caffeine, water, and ibuprofen
unintelligent amphibianposter
What kind of bullshit ass advice is this
Drink water, make some sunnyside up eggs with some solid food. Eat a meal with iron in it, not load up on pills and caffeine. get some spinach
Advice that works, faggot. DYEP?
Tbh eating some nice eggs and bacon with a nice cinnamon bagel sounds better than caffeine and pills right now
>drink coffee/Advil to kill the headache
>then eat a nice greasy breakfast
What are you, in high school?
i dont have a headache fuck boy I feel nauseous
You're dehydrated, might as well appreciate the extra definition and practice posing.
Stop being a degenerate
Damn I look fucking Shredded . Like Frank Zane my serratus is poking out
Then specify your symptoms ass face, for me I get headaches
It's okay :^)
Gay boy ;)
I just drank like 2 liters of water last time and threw up, then I felt great lol
> Drinking while on road of lifting.
Tell me about how you're not gonna make it.
Big bowl of watery oatmeal with some salt and a cup of coffee. Hangover cure.
I bet you're a lot of fun
pedialyte ASAP
found the virgin
Also some cardio after a night of hard drugs
What's the point of lifting if you can't enjoy drugs while being a Viking?
Milk thistle seed mixed with water, fampai
You are supposed to drink some before you start drinking, and then before you go to bed. Boom, no hangover. Everyone knows this.
Hangovers aren't always hydration issues.
>at a m8's house last night
>pretty drunk
>mdma, ketamine, 2cb and 4fa lying on the table
>we didn't do any drugs (besides alcohol)
dat willpower
Asprin/advil/tylenol is the worst possible thing to take for hangovers. This kills the liver.
Combined with alcohol it is like dropping a nuke on your liver.
I would've googled the RC's and tripped if they aren't too neurotoxic.
op pop 2 ibuprofen/paracetamol and have a fruit smoothie
eat a bit of food if you can (nothing greasy, nothing too big.) small portions. do NOT eat a lot or enjoy your nausea and being able to feel your heartbeat radiate out of your stomach
sleep more, sleep is the only cure desu,
keep drinking and it will get you even more shredded
4fa is GOAT (don't mix it with mdma/xtc though)
i like 2cb too
few months ago i played FIFA on ketamine
i dont like pleb FIFA but that shit was fun
Right you sure got me.
Not until you reach final form
Only if it's Vodka.
I drink and workout on Fridays. I just take a thermos to the gym that's like half whiskey.
>i feel so dehydrated
>what do?
gee I don't know OP this is a really hard one