not a historyfag who is this
Who dis
Bot a primary schoolfag or a common knowledgefag either I assume.
Zappy Dan the Magnet Man
my dad
Ur mum
looks like Vladimir Lenin
Dapper Dan
Lenin after a chin job.
Its a russian depiction of Jesus
That's clearly Vladas Leninaitis, the famous Lithuanian expert on potato dishes and inventor of recreational suicide.
John Lennon
Quentin Tarantino
Propably some nobody idk xD
Colonel Sanders
shut up carlos
Thats Carlitos Marx, small time dealer and rapper back from the 50ies. He killed Sharon Tate in some drug orgy.
John Lennon
John Lennin
John Winston Ilyich Ono Ulyanov Lenin
Paul Stalincartney
Iggy Azalea
Are you fucking retarded? It's Lenin. You don't have to be a historyfag to know some basic history.
> wtf bro, everyone knows basic history
Have I got news for you..
A horrible person and ain't my nigga.
>56% education
Adolf Himmler, leader of the Second Reich and murderer of 6 million Germans
the lead singer of the beatles
stalin - stal - "of steel", makes sense
lenin - len - "lazy", makes no sense
Dis man name Micheal Moore.
That's when Vladimir Lenin arrived on the scene. He said "exploiting the poor is really, really mean!"