>women are never dressing like this again
Why did western women stop covering their heads?
>women are never dressing like this again
Why did western women stop covering their heads?
user we should be able to solve this by ourselves without sources
old parasols were bad against it but the current umbrellas got us covered;
hats can crook the whole hairdo and make it unfixable, due to the properties of the current hair products;
hats add age (because old ladies are cold due to their age and actually need them);
hats are still around as status clothing but it looks like middle class women can't be bothered. Even jewellery watches are dying out currently and women really love jewellery.
not even on cgl?
You missed the most basic reason.
>men wear hair shorter than women durning this time period.
>long flowing hair of women is sexual stimuli for men
>Victorian area puritan values
>cover that sexy hair up! Cover those fucking sexy bitch ankles up too! I best only be able to see your face or I'm going to have impure thoughts about your nubile young body.
>Why did western women stop covering their heads?
Don't worry, it wont be long until they start doing it again
Men stopped preferring women who covered their heads.
The chador makes women look DANGEROUS more than anything else.
>the main muslim target to convert is actually women
just how does it work
Salam Alaykum brother
cause Islam literally means 'submission' and women are naturally submissive
mA Western l*beralism will be destroyed in our lifetime
Because having a tan stopped being seen as unfashionable.
Although the presence of a muff in your picture indicates that in this particular instance it's winter and they're simply trying to keep warm.
Irrelevant, social and religious convention as well as fashion dictates women cover their heads basically all the time.
you know what women still cover there heads
muslim women
why aren't you in Saudi Arabia yet OP?
I genuinely wonder what strange complexes you need to have about sex and women to be upset that they don't dress like umbrellas with frilled cones on their heads
Look at literally any fashion plate from the era OP's picture is from or even well over a century earlier, you won't find women wearing substantial headwear indoors.
>They look like a really pretty gift box. Looks fun to unwrap.
Or something.
>fell for the “permissive society is good” meme
Exterminating children is basically the most important thing a late-industrial society can do.
Over the next generation, there will be a 40% to 60% reduction in available jobs due to automation. We need drastic population contraction to avoid mass unemployment and civil unrest.
or we can better organize our population so that no one can be aborted and society and individuals don't have to suffer
but that would be SOCIALIST
>jobs have nothing to do with consumption
>Killing off 60% of consumers will not have any negative effects on the economy at all
This is your brain on marxism
Better start in Africa first
Considering the top 1% have more money than the rest of the world combined, it probably wouldn't have that much impact.
>infanticide is good.
how did it ever come to this?
how could we have debased ourselves so?
Abandonment of Christianity and replacement with secular, (((modern))) forms of thought
We don't need infanticide per se, we need gynocide.
Native born US, European, and Japanese population isn't a problem. The problem is China, India, immigrants and Christian charity causing artificially high populations in shit holes such as Africa.
>Over the next generation, there will be a 40% to 60% reduction in available jobs due to automation.
I love these predictions that are so sure of themselves.
Change one letter and you've got the real solution.