
Nofap thread. Share experiences, concerns, comments, current progress, etc.

On day 12 and need some support. Just flickered a porn video on my browser and felt a surge of chemicals wash over my body. Tryna be free

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I'm not NoFap but I switched from masturbating 1-2 times a day to 1-2 times a week and it's been good for me. The biggest thing was cutting out porn since that stuff is not only addictive but totally screws with your perception of reality.

To be honest I think NoFap for extended periods of time is stupid but whatever floats your boat man.

Nice edgy shirt cunt

>To be honest I think NoFap for extended periods of time is stupid but whatever floats your boat man.
have you tried? I feel like it's a good test of the will at least, to give up what is for sure at least a compulsion though maybe not a true addiction (maybe). I haven't gotten laid in 8 months so I figure I might as well give it a shot

I have switched too less frequency, too. But still depend on watching porn, which is the core problem.

What are you watching to get in the mood?

>haven't fapped since wednesday
>quite possibly the longest I've gone since I discovered masturbation
>the porn addiction though
>I've looked at porn every day for some masochistic reason
I think it's getting better though. I'm passing the tipping point where the chemical rush from looking at porn isn't worth the blue balls afterwards.
I'd like to get to a place where I'm only doing it once or twice a week, but I feel like I need to just focus on quitting cold turkey for now.

No fap is so old lol

>tfw made it like 54 days in Bootcamp but now I've fallen back into it and been fapping almost daily the past 1 month since I graduated and watching porn

Feels bad man already fapped today but tomorrow starts day 1

Also my skin is the worst it's been in a while.

Inb4 hurr durr fapping doesn't affect skin, for me it does

no visual stimuli, mang. You shouldn't even look at yourself in the mirror

Not really doing nofap but I guess you could call it lessfap. I'm at about once a week now.

I like it because it makes makes me really horny. Like, stick-things-in-my-butt horny. And I just don't get that if I'm jerking it every day.

watching porn is for sure the crux. the flux of hormones and chemicals that wash over your body in a split second of watching porn (you'll only really notice this after a week or more of abstaining) is ridiculous and the compulsion is unfathomably greater when porn is present

hahahah first time here. What is the point of not fapping? What is the benefit? Please tell stories about your achievements and or experiences. virgin here as well.

Impressed by the difference in this guy from nofap


to this


Started on June 1st. Felt my test levels raise yesterday and somehow arranged 4 different dates via Tinder (never had dates before/am kissless virgin). Had to rub one out that night in bed because I started fantasising what I'd do to these girls. I'll try to limit it to 1 fap a week. No porn.

that poor fucking fish

It's called "working toward a goal," dumbass. the simple act of not being an aimless fuck does the same.

Is this guy legit ?

the biggest benefits of nofap is more free time, better sexual experience, and your brains reward system being better regulated

if thats a good enough reason for you then DO NOT FAP
>muh testosterone
it drops after a week, its the reward system that matters
>muh low sex drive
once you get with a girl again your sex drive will shoot through the roof
>where's youre proof!
remember when you first fapped? did you have a great sex drive beforehand? no. now remember after your first fap you started fapping daily. Same shit happens with nofap once you get with a woman finally

I cannot stress how much it improves your reward system

>Girls that wear awful camo pants in urban settings

She's cute but looks almost exactly like my grandma did in her twenties so my boner is confused

Fap a couple times a week, cut out porn completely.

>Like, stick-things-in-my-butt horny.
damn, same

54 days fuck dude how big was your load? N-no homo...

It doesn't screw your perception of reality. Look around you. Iphones and sexual music videos and tanning salons and GQ and Playboy. Being hypersexualized is normal now. We aint in 1916 anymore

tomorrow will be day 1 wish me luck boyos, gonna see if this nofap shit is real or what

Gonna have to respectfully disagree with you senpai, in my experience you need at least two weeks of nofap to experience effects like massive increases in confidence and aggression and voice deepening

haven't fapped this entire year. unclouded my mind and increased energy by a marked amount. helped me lose 60 pounds in the same time frame. there is no benefit to masturbating and only drawbacks any thinking, logical person would cease immediately

>weed shirt

nah m878

Switched to a tantric sex framework that's sort of like NoFap but mainly just involves not ejaculating.

And because I know it will be asked, no, I don't get blueballs. I found a way to eliminate the possibility of that happening.

I'll elaborate more if there's enough interest.

blue balls psychological

Is it ok if I had a wet dream? I'm 26 btw


Cut down from daily / twice a day to semi-weekly, if I feel too tense.

Good thing is that when I come, it's like a ton.

it means you've spent the day having lewd thoughts and should cut that shit out. it's the same as fapping btw
A wet dream is a fucking wet dream.
Don't beat yourself up for having a sex drive you idiotic asshole.

you're wholly uneducated on the subject. a wetdream is identical to jacking off and is just as unnatural and unnecessary. heed my words and you may yet learn something about the matter

>willfully and consciously fucking yourself
>wet dream
>an intense dream of a sexual nature where you ejaculate.
A dream is a dream, you ass-backwards fuckboy. It's rare that you ever realize you're in a dream, and you can't be held accountable for them.
How afraid of your own sexuality are you that you punish yourself for your own subconscious?

the effects on the body and mind are identical it doesn't matter that with one you're asleep and the other you are awake. you're acting as if the dreams are uncontrollable and I'm telling they're not. you only have wet dreams if before bed your mind wonders on sexual subjects or day dreamed about it at some point while awake. they don't just happen, as you seem to be implying. they are a result of deliberate thought

well I just got a GF so I'm gonna be cutting down even more for sure. have you actually seem those benefits yourself or are they a placebo? the voice deepening especially.

I'm on day 12 too! YEAH BOY

Same boat user, I went on a couple dates (my first ever) despite being a kissless virgin and now have a gf and i'm only a virgin which should be changing soon.

You have a chastity fetish, dont you?
Wet dreams happen. If you're looking at porn all day without jacking off, yeah I'd imagine you're more likely to have one, but don't pretend that they don't happen randomly.
They're perfectly natural, and the body can and will do them as a 'systems check' occasionally. Do you think every boner you get is willfull and intentional?
Are you even male? Or a woman that's trolling Veeky Forums?

Yes, my voice is already pretty deep so when I get beyond a certain point in nofap the people around me actually start commenting on how my voice sounded like a famous radio presenter.

As for the personality changes at least in my case they were so jarring that it's impossible to attribute solely to placebo, I basically became a little ultra-focused ball of aggression, confidence and horniness, the only thing I can compare it to is the sort of confident energetic euphoria that you get while fasting or on keto diets. At least in my case nofap seemed to completely change my personality, practically everything about me changed, my favourite foods changed(started eating way more fruit for some reason) and my favourite music and TV shows also changed

wet dreams do happen, if you have sexual thoughts prior to bed and not randomly, as you seem to think. they are a direct result of the thoughts during your day, and especially the ones you have while in bed prior to sleep. your ignorance of the human body is showing itself again when you say nocturnal emissions are a "systems check". your body needs no such systems check and a man can go from birth to death in perfect health without ever ejaculating or needing to for any reason. and again it shows when you equate boners with wet dreams as if they're at all similar

you're completely uneducated on this subject and it astounds me that you have the chutzpah to speak on it as if you're some kind of expert when you don't know the first thing about the sexual functions of the body

plz share

You're really a changed person when you don't fap. At least for me, if I meet a qt who shows interest in me I WILL follow up on her with deliberation. Like a deadly hunter of some sort. It turns you into a machine of intense sexual energy, most of which can be used for good. It doesn't let you stagnate in place because if you can't fap then you need to find the real deal to release yourself.

Pls continue user, I've tried googling tantra but I couldn't find much information

>in a no fap thread

There is no point in doing no fap. You're only torturing yourself.
The only "real" way to play no fap is by actually occupying yourself with something that you don't ever feel the need to fap like having a hobby.

I've tried no-fap a few times and crash after 3ish days. I have no problem staying away from porn, however, and that seems to make somewhat of a difference so far (been maybe 5 days).

Found the underaged phoneposter.

shit man, well I'll probably just ride the streak I'm on now and see if I get any effects from elongated NoFap. I had some slight confidence increase after 3-4 days before.

Starting Day 3. Trying to go the whole summer

>it's torture to not masturbate
that's how you know you have an addiction

>not randomly
That sure as fuck hasn't been my experience little buddy.
>equating boners with wet dreams
To demonstrate that they are both involuntary.
> it astounds me that you have the chutzpah
Isn't the point of the nofap meme to get higher test (ie chutzpah)??
> you don't know the first thing about the sexual functions of the body
I have one. And unless I'm made of sparkling fairydust then I'm fairly certain that wet dreams happen randomly as well to other men, and that since they are dreams, that you cannot be held accountable for them.
tl;dr ur fukn retarded senpai

>taking that statement literally

I don't really need to fap since I have sex with my girlfriend about every other day when she isn't on her period. It's been like this for 1.5 years. Pretty cash m8.

I still fap though.

>random boners
you aren't having random wet dreams. the healthy male body does not produce nocturnal emissions. you're either having lurid thoughts prior to bed or you have a literal inflammation of your sexual organs that you need to have checked
>boners and wetdreams both involuntary
wet dreams are not involuntary as I have already explained
>meme meme high test meme
the point of nofap is to return your body to a state of normalcy and health. an increase in vigor is a natural consequence of health
>blah blah I don't know what I'm talking about blah
I've already explained how wet dreams are not random and how they come about, you can either listen to me and learn, or you can continue to bluster half-cocked about things you obviously know nothing about

The key here is control over the pelvic floor. During orgasms, the kegel muscles are engaged and it is recommended that you work these like you would work any other muscle group.

As men, you can teach yourself how to orgasm without ejaculation. Why does NoFap exist? Collectively people suspect that fapping too much makes them feel like crap. And they'd be right; the chemicals released post-orgasm are meant to make you inactive. With tantra, and through withholding ejaculation, it won't make you as groggy.

I could go on and on, but it would get into some spiritual woo woo stuff, which won't really connect with the userbase. To summarize it as rationally as I can.

>do kegel exercises (normal and reverse)

This muscle can be located by halting the flow of urine. The reverse kegel, more or less, is used to push out shit. Obviously don't do it if you have to take a crap.

>go slowly

The point of no return exists and, if you overstimulate yourself too much, obviously you're going to cum.

But really, kegel exercises are fucking key.

Those are some hot credentials you're flaunting, user. Excellently cited too.
You're a sad, confused man who doesn't know where the line between the things he can and cannot control are.
If you don't want to fap, that's fine. No porn, more power to you. If you're doing it for religious reasons then I am actually, actively rooting for you.
But don't try to shame somebody, or yourself, for having a wet dream. It happens. It's natural. Don't get bent out of shape about it.

I'm not shaming anyone I'm explaining the causes of wet dreams and trying to dispel your misguided notion that they are somehow random, natural, or necessary when they are none of those things. no man in health should ever have a nocturnal emission, if you are, you're doing something wrong in regards to sexual thoughts, or you have a fucking inflammation that you need checking out

A few questions for NoFap Veterans. I started a few days ago, but im still unsure of this system. I watched the "Sex God" Ted Talk and was intrigued about NoFap.

Im 19, so My sex drive remains high, and im still very confident with women able to get them to sleep with me. However, Ive lost the ability to get hard and stay hard, and when I finally do? I can hardly last 2 minutes. I used to go for about 20 and remain solid the entire time.

Will NoFap help with this or not so much? Im very motivated and girls arent the issue. But once it comes time to fuck, Ive lost the ability to get it up, stay up, and last long.

fapping has long been a cause of impotence so I'd say continue not fapping and do kegals

Ive been doing kegels and NoFap! Thanks for the confirmation. Do you know how to contract PC muscle for 5 seconds? Ive been told to do so through various workouts and its impossible. I can only hold for maybe 2 before it automatically realxes

Stop posting.

>reaction image
I take it I've been 'trolled' at least I can go to my workout feeling better that you're not a real retard

Can anyone help me with this? Jerk off pretty regularly (like once a day ish) but recently its taken me near an hour to finish and i have to like POUND IT OUT. When I do orgasm it is always extremely intense and I literally cant move for like a minute after. But the problem is no girl can make me cum. It just doesnt happen and Im getting worried...

Like anything else it comes with practice. You can do inner abdominal work to help out like stomach vacuums and planks since they're right ontop of your sexual organs. That's all I can say aside from doing kegals more often

So is lifting

So basically edging?

Also do you flex your quads when you are stopping the cum

Got the k9 website blocker it works pretty well, you just have to tweak it a bit so that it doesnt block some stuff

>did nofap for nearly 7 months
>uni started again and I found myself fapping and looking at porn again, not even being able to resist the urge for 4 weeks
>start looking at bad porn and realize I need a change
>start fapping to fantasies whenever the urge for porn arises

Holy shit this feels 1000x better than finishing to porn. I've never moaned until now. Anyways, I'm gonna try to get uses to the fantasies to get rid of the porn crave. Then I'm going to start nofap again

>So basically edging?

I'd call it edging just without going overboard. So, takes a lot of conscious attention.

Forgot to stress that it's the reverse kegel (push out, same muscle that pushes out shit) to stop yourself from cumming too soon. Flexing quads may work well too.

any benefits you noticed?

That's the best way to do it, systematically. Start with ridding of porn, stick to imagination, then just be done with it.

>be former 2x daily fapper
>sometimes more especially when abusing Ritalin and weed
>never got any during high school
>go to uni
>meet desperate insecure chick
>date her for 7 months
>break up February 2012
>literally go until September 2015 with no sex, just porn and fapping
>hear about nofap
>by October i had fucked a fatty
>she blackmails me into dating her
>new year rolls around
>this chick is so disgusting
>her Guam tastes like a sweaty wet shoe
>too horny to dump her
>start only using her for sex
>she feels like I "need to start showing passion outside of the bedroom"
>I didn't want her to meet any one of my friends... lmao
>she eventually dumps me
>thank god
>restart cycle
>2 weeks later dating gorgeous Latina who I made sure I could see body pics on her tinder

If you do nofap, make sure the tinder girls you end up with have pics below the neck on their profiles

That awesome I ran 100 days once and have done 14-30 days several times since. Definitely agree porn in the major one to cut. I would recommend doing a long run for a little bit though because it is a unique experience and challenge.

I just want my sensitivity to come back man....

Anytime I get close I fucking ruin it fapping. I just want sex to feel good again.

W-Will nofap help reverse thinning hair?

Use a moisturizing skin cream and cover your dick with it before you go to bed. Stop masturbating and tell your gf (assuming you have one) that you're only going to cum from fucking, so she better get ready. I did those things and it fixed the sensitivity issue for me.

My Experience:

Well I went one week no fap and saw noticeable changes. For some reason I didnt plan to do nofap for a week it just sort of happened. I kept staying up late playing minecraft with my friends for 3 days. By the fourth day i was tired to fap and by the fiftth i just didnt feel like fapping and the sixth and seventh day were just eh and for some reason no urge to fap came up.

But there were changes, When I was in my english class I started to participate more and answer or give opinions to questions raised by the other students. I engaged in conversation more at the gym especially with the cuties that squat at my uni gym. Worked in with a girl for my squats and I held up conversations and even made her laugh and giggle. This has happened with 3 different girls at my uni gym. Generally I look more approachable I guess, maybe the girls saw it in me? I dont know maybe perception change or maybe totally placebo.

On monday I blew a huge fucking load and that morning I went to school and everything felt dull. Almost like my everything went to vibrate to just eh. What I found really weird and crazy and that kinda even spooked me was the second I saw a really pretty sorority girl I got a subliminal message in my head. If you have seen fight club then youll know what I mean. Kind of like a really fast frame of a porn scene quickly appeared in my head and then vanished; I pictured my creamping her beautiful body. After that I knew porn does fuck with a little bit of your perception.

Thats my experience with no fap.

So i went to a strip club last week (first and last time). Was the first time i'd seen a live nude women in the year since i left my GF.
Did absolutely nothing for me, no hard on, no excitement. I was bored the whole time, sober to start and a few drink didn't make it any better.

I think that's how i know i've been watching too much porn. Gonna stop cold turkey for a few months, See if i can build that mystique back for the opposite sex.

>maybe it's placebo
>I had an effect but maybe it was placebo! x1000

gee, maybe after the 100,000th fucking time it's not a fucking placebo and it's a real effect, huh? you ever think about that?

Did it for only a week. Whose to say maybe that week was just really good.

how much evidence for actual tangible effects will you look in the face and brush away as "placebo" before you wake the FUCK up?

Thinking of trying nofap, I spend a ton of time watching porn (2-3 hours a day) although most of that is tame stuff like non nude pics or selfies. I like imagining myself with the girl I'm looking at.

I fear I might be in too deep though because I think about jacking off constantly. Just insanely horny all the time.

idk what's up with you niggaz, i've been without porn for a month and there's no difference.

It's called having healthy testosterone levels.

Why are all you people trying so hard to kill your libido?

your testosterone levels are not "normal" if you're jacking off. your testosterone levels are actually well below normal and decrease with every ejaculation. not jacking off also doesn't "kill the libido" jacking off does, as shown by the growing numbers of young impotent men

Testosterone is directly linked with libido dipshit.

A high libido will make you try to sexually release more often.

Somebody with low testosterone is more likely to not masturbate, as he will have a low sex drive.

I wank twice a day, and can still fuck my gf twice on top of that. If wanking causes such trouble to you lot, get some help.

IMO, unless you're wanking >5 a day, then just stop fapping to porn.

no it wont you're a fucking idiot you know nothing. spread your unscientific anecdotal nonsense some place else not even gonna waste my time


ask literally anyone who has pinned test, and they'll say it makes you horny as a motherfucker

if low test levels = wanking more, then why does it do that?

Lmao I can smell the autism from here

not an argument

That's a fallacy

someone is clearly holding his fap too much. If you dont get laid and dont fap you will eventually develop into a hyper-asshole

typical no-nothing memer. don't even bother replying I'm peacing

one more armchair loser talking out of his ass

What would be a more appropriate setting for a girl to wear camo?