Danton did nothing wrong and Robespierre was a fucking disgusting traitor after the Terror. Who can disagree this?
French Revolution
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OP is a fag
The Terror was necessary and justified, prove me wrong.
tuileries and execution of king were basically danton''s doing. so were september massacres. he tried to frame himself as a gud boi but he had a lot of dirt on his hands
literally terrorism
>provoke massive european reaction
>end result is declaration of an emperor of the french
If this was his intended result, I'm baffled.
Robespierre changed a lot. After his Revolution, he was a sickly that had a frenetic rhythmn of a little quantity of dream hours, little quantity of food (sometimes he ate oranges but nothing else).
And for this change, he can be a traitor of the history. I mean, on the National Convention he was accused of tirany and captured by the Convention with his allies; Louis Saint-Just and Georges Couthon, members of the Committe of Public Safety.
And if the tirany accusation really was because the people realized his truly face, the face of a traitor that have guided the revolution only for personal power ---the thing that happened on the whole Terror period---?
On an old book called "The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte" there's also a part that narrates the happiness of the people in Robespierre's death moment. If he was a "HERO" for France, why do the people felt happines on his death? Probably they knew about the plan.
You can read here ( archive.org
Is there a source on any of this revisionism, comrade?
Of all the bullshit in your comment, it's the "He ate NOTHING BUT ORANGES!!!" that cracks me up the most.
Thank you. Now go to the kitchen and give me an orange
Robespierre has been demonized so much. Read about him because saying stupid shit
Wew, before the Revolution I believe you. But after, he just wanted power. For something he died ON the guillotine, ON his own peoriod and his own people killed him.
Related pic for your comment bro.
>The White Terror was necessary and justified, prove me wrong.
I can
do u have any source? i would thank u
you are the answer why everything is wrong in this world
>Robespierre is a power hungry tyrant
Of all history revisionism, this is the worst. He was unironically called the Incorruptible
>But after, he just wanted power.
only good thing he ever tried to do was kill himself, even then he was such a fuck up he missed and shot off his chin point blank
guillotined by his own people was too good for him desu
>only good thing he ever tried to do was kill himself, even then he was such a fuck up he missed and shot off his chin point blank
how big of a faggot must you be to miss a shot like that, lmao
wikipedia talks about it but they imply that there is little evidence. but reading popkin's short history of the french revolution iirc he states that Danton collaborated with radical journalist and sans coulottes to plan the overthrow of the Monarchy that culminated in the Tuileries Massacre and the subsequent deposition of Louis by the Convention. His role in the september massacres is indeed unclear, but as the wiki states he did nothing against it and if I'm remembering he had some edgy statements saying it was justified (though Valmy seemed to prove it was). As regarding Louis' death, he voted for it and in the following months had no qualms purging the Girondins from the National Assembly (or convention, i get the names mixed). Danton had his strengths but he was a morally dubious character in the personal and political sense.
did robespierre gillotine his oranges like in your pic?
Why do people assert this like its beyond doubt? A lot of eye witnesses said he got shot in the jaw
probably he was a thief of oranges from the town and for that the poor people wanted to kill him
well thats an interesting fact from Danton, but it would be better and more legit if u can have other source, Wikipedia never is enough imo
thx for the information tho
bumupo desu
How does that prove your point?
Do you even know about the history of the "cult of the Supreme Being"? I'm guessing not, because then you'd know that Robespierre did not come up with it.
>this section does not cite any sources
Pr...obably best to use an actual source.