Muh asshole

Tfw can't remember the last time my shit didn't have blood in it. 8 out of 10 shits feel like I'm passing a morning star through my rectum. Haemorrhoids perhaps? Or worse? Pic is my latest abomination from 10 mins ago. Apologies if you're in the middle of your rice and chicken.

>8 out of 10 shits feel like I'm passing a morning star through my rectum
That sounds like you don't eat enough fiber and you are shitting real bricks (made of shit).

Drink more water and eat more vegetables, you idiot. You're probably literally rupting your anus with those dryass shits.

Go see a doctor

Dude up the street from me kept shitting blood and did nothing about it for a few years. He died a couple of years ago from stage 4 rectal cancer. You should get yourself checked out user, may save your life

1. Blood in stool = doctor, always, unless you know for a fact it is external blood.

2. See a doctor, advice here is no substitute.

3. Remember to eat a shitload a fiber, especialky when bulking.

4. Be gentle with your asshole when wiping and don't buy cheap toilet paper.

5. See a doctor.

>that is a shitload of blood

srsly, that is NOT normal

Go see a doctor. Also drink more water and eat more fiber, ffs

jesus fucking h christ OP

Maybe cut your nails. Maybe when you wipe your puncturing your asshole and cutting it up

If I was to hazard an uneducated guess it'd be what this guy is sayin'.

If the blood is always fresh like in pic then chances are you're rekking your asshole each time you shit because your diet is fucked or you're squeezing too hard, or both.

OP here, ty for replies all, I think it could be this desu cos my diet really has been appalling over the last few months, barely any fruit or veggies... I'll adjust my diet from now and if it doesn't improve after a week I'll see the doc

holy fuck eat more fiber.

I eat several cups of lettuce and cabbage a day and my morning shits are glorious. My colon practically empties itself.

I've had chrohn's and bleeding insestinal problems my whole life,
if youre an amerifag, go see your primary doctor, tell them you're passing blood and get a ref. to a GI specialist
specifically the fact that theres thick blood ON the feces says youre cut up inside and if blood is coming out, poo poo is going into your bloodstream,
you've got ulcerative colitis or some other bowel disorder

Go see a fucking doctor, jesus christ.
That is nothing to fuck with

How old are you?
Family history of colon cancer, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's Disease?
Is it painful when you bleed or when stool passes through your anus?

If you're older, get a colonoscopy.
If you don't have a lot of fiber in your diet and it doesn't hurt when stool comes out you probably have hemorrhoids. Eat a lot more fiber (veggies, fruits, benefiber supplements, etc)
If it hurts when the poop comes out or when you wipe, you probably have an anal fissure which is a tear in the skin of your butthole.

GO SEE YOUR DOCTOR to be evaluated.

Could be cancer my friend. You should see a doctor ASAP. One of the warning signs for colon cancer is blood in your feces. This is no joke bro, seek help ASAP.

See a doctor asap.
Ignore all other choices.
You MUST see a doctor.

Dont wait, see a doctor coming week. Dont take chances with things like this, if you dont go see a doctor asap you are a fucking retard.


Stop cramming foreign objects up your prison pocket.

OP, I've had gnarly hemorrhoids that bled for days on end and the blood never wound up actually in the toilet like that.

See a doctor.

It looks like the blood came from an external source. If you look closely, the stool is not bloody while the toilet paper looks like a napkin used to clean a murder scene. LOL maybe not a murder scene but it pretty bloody. I'm confident you might have a hemorrhoid or an open cut around the anus. At the end of the day, best bet is to not listen to anyone on here including me. Go see a doctor and get some peace of mind.