>tfw you realize civilization was probably a mistake
>sure lot of people did amazing things but it also brought untold amounts of suffering for generations
>99 people who ever lived after the agricultural revolution had worse lives then people before
>most people have worse life even now
>with modern technology there is a chance to achieve a comfortable life for most people but it probably won't happen because we will sooner destroy the environment and won't be able to sustain our current civilization
>all those previous generations suffered for nothing
Tfw you realize civilization was probably a mistake
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw i just want to be a farmer for my village, have an autistic 8/10 wife who will breed me 15 childre, who will work on the farm with me together and be a happy family.
>instead i have to go to college, pay gigantic loans, after that work in office cube, never marry because i'm not sexually appealing enough for modern female standard, die single while shitposting of a mongolian basket weaving forum...
Such is life in 21st century...
>not getting HYPED for the inevitable collapse
There was a 1930s study in Australia between the white and aboriginal populations. The aboriginals by that point largely led semi-sedentary lives. However they maintained their old diet. One thing that stood out to me was that their teeth were perfect. The absence of sugars made them healthier than the general white population. Low carb diets prevented all sorts of problems including obesity. Some rural populations had to eat grubs to maintain their protein intake but it was still more conducive to physical than the western diets the white man ate.
As you can see they had very lean physiques and a higher degree of muscle mass / lower body fat % than most whites then (and absolutely now)
don't worry user. The elites will launch a space arc with their offspring before total collapse, and the descendants of this small group will go on to have amazing space adventures forever. With all the technology they have hidden away from us, these kids will be virtually immortal, enjoy incredible side-effect-free drugs and have all kinds or robot sex.
It'll all have been worth it.
>i'm not sexually appealing enough for modern female standard
then you should work on that, take care, get and if you need surgery then do it
There is still hope user, we can have a revolution, we can fix society, we can make it back into what it was
Suffering has brought every revelation and insight to Man.
Prove me wrong.
>sleep on dirt and sticks
>grandma gets taken by a leopard
>always hungry
>babies dying all the fucking time
>get an infected cut an die
Yeah fuck off. The costs outweigh the benefits
in the venn diagram there would also be an area of suffering which brings no insight, and an area of insights gained outside of suffering.
people who ever lived after the agricultural revolution had worse lives then people before
Only 99 out of billions? Sounds pretty good.
>tfw you realize there is not a SINGLE frogposter in history that actually made a quality post
>tfw gonna go tear-assing up and down the West Coast plundering and raping Silicon Valley and Encino Hills with my veteran buddies
>tfw gonna create a Warrior Culture tribe with the remnants of the US Marines and Army
Its gonna be so fucking lit guys, we'll finally get payback too
Venn diagrams are bullshit. You can't simultaneously argue civilization was a mistake and everyone suffers without acknowledging that in twain it generated all art, society, philosophy, religion, and culture. Suffering is culture. Culture is just the reaction of human beings to suffering. Mental illness is only still part of society because of the culture it generates, in a recursive loop that leaves its descendents suffering till time Eternal.
Man is suffering, and suffering produced All.
Every society is some form of civilization whether it is the modern west or tribal societies. You are over idealizing primitive living.
This is how it would actually work.
>Spend all of your time doing manual labor resulting in shorter lifespan and injuries.
>When drought or some other catastrophe strikes extreme hardship will occur
>Rampant disease, infant mortality, parasites, emaciation.
Their is a reason people in the Amazon rain forest want to clear land and don't give two shits about rare species, they want the McDonald's and air conditioning that America has. It's easy to idealize a primitive society when you don't live in one.
>Still believing in Malthusianism in the current year.
Technology is neutral and can be used for good or bad, it is not inherently evil. You are going to wish you lived in a modern society when one of your kids gets appendicitis and there are no doctors for hundreds upon hundreds of miles.
Is there a middle ground? All the comforts of modern technology and none of the soullessness of modern society?
super edgy
gotta let it out every now and then brah
First world problems... Grass is always greener on the other side.
You do realize that most primitive tribes vanish, not because we kill them for their land, but because they rush to have access to what our civilizations have to offer, and thus integrate and interbreed themselves out of existence. Nearly any primitive from this "wonderful simpler time" you describe would kill to live as we do (and sometimes they have literally done so).
Besides, without civilization everyone and everything on this world is inevitably doomed. Sure, we might undo ourselves before we reach that point, but at least with civilization, we have some chance to make something of the world and carry it beyond its fragile egg.
I'd like to meet the man who made this