How Much Ya Bench Veeky Forums?
>me: 285lbs at 195 bw. I rarely max out, stick mostly to triples and sets of 5-6. I think I have 295 in me.
How Much Ya Bench Veeky Forums?
Most recently did 5x5 of 255. Last rep of the last set was real grindy. Never bothered to max out.
>I used to bench twice that back in high school
5x5 140 lbs.
I need either more test or swift death
>my dad benched as much as you at my weight and age. I dont even bench what you do ratio-wise.
How to increase strength but not weight..
Dad go away
I hurt my chest earlier this year so im about to get to 2pl8 tomorrow
Hopefully i can do it
like 90 pounds
finally 2pl8 club my bench has always been weak squat and dead are 4pl8 and 5pl8 so it sucks
>sets of 3-5
For what purpose
im hitting 55kg tomorrow for 5x5
I just did 115 3x5. It was my third workout. I dunno if I'm gonna make it, bruhs.
Best I can do is 180pounds for 3 reps. Been lifting 5 months. Be honest, will I make it?
year and a half for a 225 bench for one you have more probability of making it than me
Everyone who posts in this thread will make it.
That's my goal to get by the end of the year. My noob gains have worn off so progress is slow but hopefully I'll get there
it took me 3 months to reach that benching 2x a week, eating and sleeping properly. hope that encourages you
185x4 @ 5'8" 134
235lbs at 190bw
I do sets of 5s,8s 10s and even 20s
225 at 3x315 no single rm pls
180x4 @ 182lb 6'
Wasn't that hard but that's what I was I was scheduled to do. I've been lifting almost a year now. Can finally rep out bodyweight bench, feels good.
Thanks, it does, I think I bought too much into the BS of people lifting heavy straight away.
Just did lolrofllmaodyelpotg1pl8 the other day. hold me Veeky Forums
445. Hit a 4pl8 triple for the first time saturday.
Feels good man.
Weigh 175 pounds, benching 240.
Wait really? Thats pretty alright man, youre doing great! Keep it up.
1.) Are you natty or not?
2.) How much protein do you get a day?
>tfw fat ever since i was little
>no moar
>eat and lift my way to 335 bench, 445 squat, 505 diddly1RM
>start the never ending cut because i cant stand the fat
>315 is hard as fuck, 275 5x5 is hard as fuck
losing gains hurts so much but my hate for fat is stronger
>tfw cutting for 2 months before I started lifting
>tfw still cutting and can only bench lmao1pl8x3 after lifting for 3 months
At least I've lost 45 lbs since new years and my squat just passed 2pl8
155 lbs body weight
205 bench
im currently doing 5 sets of 10 at 1pl8.
I used to be doing 225 for reps, but I went full retard and went on some sort of near-starvation diet, gains started to stagnate but not drop, but once I got sick and couldn't work out for a week I lost everything.
Pretty much all my weights are shit now, especially my squats thanks to surgery.