If Veeky Forums was deleted tomorrow where would you discuss history on the internet

If Veeky Forums was deleted tomorrow where would you discuss history on the internet

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Probably /pol/ where I can have intelligent conversations with redpilled people well-versed in history and politics.

I want to laugh at this but I'm not entirely sure if you're joking or not.

/k/ for military history, /int/ when possible, /pol/ if I have absolutely no choice, and reddit if I feel like killing myself.


The reactionary shitlords of /pol/ own most of this site.

Press F for Thomas Sankara, a real revolutionary and a real hero


>well versed in history and politics

Pick one.

Not an arguments, redditors.

back to red dit

probably Armchairgeneral

"...and it's beautiful"

Probably /v/. And then I'd swiftly kill myself

Nowhere 'cause History is bullshit.
Fake news. Fake history.


/k/ because I'm mainly interested in military history and most of history involves a weapon at some point.

Too obvious.


Unironically /pol/
Where i will desperately try to educate people about how shit germans are and why National Socialism is a pan-germanic autism which ruined europe and destroyed nationalism forever.... But it won't work on a lot of anons because stormfags are fanatical cocksuckers.

There's barely any actual history discussion on Veeky Forums anyway so I wouldn't really miss it. I find about the same amount of historical discussion here as I randomly found on Veeky Forums in the past, actually. This board is 90% religious debates and /pol/-lite. And the few historical threads that pop up are just endless WW2 wankery.

I consider this board a failure.


>t. bernout high schooler
glad the nigger is dead.

/k/ and Veeky Forums are where I currently discuss history.

Veeky Forums is unironically fucking retarded and knows nothing about history.

Veeky Forums, /int/, /x/, and probably /pol/.

>not Reddit

For all your pregnant Anne Frank fetish needs pregchan.com/b/res/210.html

I don't even discuss history here.
Most of the board is /pol/ shit, blatant inaccuracies, revisionism, and religious debates.

But that`s what everyone thinks over there. Atleast pre Trump

I wouldn't. I've lost interest in debating history

Reddit and I would hate every fucking moment of it.

He's also proof that even with the most capable of leaders communism can't work

bias alert

Back to /twg/

Sankara broke a strike and laid off a ton of proles

general is currently taken over by warhams

Yea, I've seen. I enjoy warhams so I'm not too upset by it but hopefully with the release of the new historical stuff we'll get a decent mix. Or they'll split and I'll just have two generals to follow instead of one.

Im already basically a /tv/fag and a /pol/ack who loves history
I come here because im tired of all the constant nazi larpers, trumptard redditors and shills who spam off topic threads(especially stormfags who spread on other boards).
Veeky Forums is basically a safe haven for actual discussions and memes about history even tho most are sour as fuck.

/int/ honestly

/int/, Veeky Forums, /k/, maybe /twg/ if warhams die down, and /a/ manga threads

Oh, the wonders of dying young as a revolutionary socialist leader in Africa.

Imagine if he had live a few more decades and had become just another dictator like everyone else, like Idi Amin, Mengistu, Ahmed Sekou Touré, Julius Nyerere, etc.

He wouldn't be so praised by edgy socialists nowadays, that's for sure.


>he thinks modern /pol/, which barely even discusses actual politics at this point (while that autistic general is now at 500+threads), is a place to discuss history
the Boomer brainlets and teenagers won the day