>English is a germanic language
English is a germanic language
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Meds btfo!
>indo-europeon language group
at least the germans have finally accepted that they will never be white
What a shitty bait
it is, you literal nigger
the base of language, the everyday words
things you say with basic words are Germanic
your island is a cesspool of genetic garbage accumulated for millennia of rape by superior people
English people are the ugliest I have ever seen
look at documentaries, they're all white trash ugly cunts and manlets
but the language is germanic
there is no such thing as 'Germanic' languages
English doesn t sound barbarian like ugly germanic languages
English people sent soldiers dressed as pirates to the Caribbean to raid and pillage
and to disrupt trade by ships from other European countries
their colonial """empire""" was them just tricking savages into giving them shit and then oppress them
whenever white people were involve, the British lost
>there is no such thing as 'Germanic' languages
You'll get exactly one (You) from me
that's because Anglos are incapable of saying 'r' like the rest of us
we either use a trilled r (like Spanish) or a uvular throaty r (like French or German)
only English and Faroese chew the R like retards
There is no such thing as 'retarded' posts
Wow, you speak really good English!
>Germanic language
did I say that?
quote me exactly where I say that French is Germanic and I'll anhero on camera, you lying cunt
fuck off nigger
>French is Germanic
right there senpai.
>English doesn't sound barbaric like ugly germanic languages
>blah blah French
Context is king, nigger
It's actually pretty easy to track the origins of words through common roots and relations, like how they the word "hey" or "house" is found in all germanic languages but not in the slavic or romance ones :D
English has its roots in germanic but has been heavily, probably the most of all the germanic we know today by the romance, such as latin and french. Mostly explained due to britain actually being a roman province unlike other germanic countries and heavy influence from having lots of noble ties with France during the middle ages. Hope that helps friend and fellow Veeky Forumstorian :)
French is literally a mix of vulgar latin and frankish.
hahah very clever
I bet you're from WEssex, you useless cocksucker
you live at home and fap to anime and is clever online
what a life you must live
fucking helll
I wish I could be like you
a total loser
a literal nobody with pasty white skin and a superiority complex that borders on the psychotic
England is DEAD
and I celebrate it every day
I hope your female relative is raped by a Pakki
Your mom is a mix of vulgar latin and frankish.
you probably grew up with 1 parent
Your mom probably grew up with 1 parent.
thats pure wishful thinking. If you read the formation of english you'd know it sounded exquisitely latin. In early modern english
proxy fag (the reason it took you so long to respond
wait anglo-saxon sounded french?
English is a people. Their queen is German.
the language of english, if you read my post.
>English is a people
no they're not. The people of Eng are anglo-saxons and welsh et al
Actually she is Reptilian.
Old English is Anglo-Saxon you dumb fuck! en.wikipedia.org
Soon dead. Thank god.
German cunt whore.
English- Mother, father, school
Dutch- Moeder, vader, school
German- Mutter, vater, schule
French- Mère, père, école
No idea what else it should be.
You now realise that George V, Willy and Nicky were cousins
school is a latin word. comes from scola. northcucks didn't about it till they met the medcucks.
>being this triggered over english people
You realize now that Willy spoke better English than George V.
Those all have similar roots, try colours next time. It's not like a language group is defined by their grammar anyway
Wait, what?
Imagine being an obnoxious French cunt, you lost your empire, same like the Brits. But unlike the damn Brits you also lost all cultural relevancy and have to learn their Germanic language in school like everybody else on the planet.
>But unlike the damn Brits you also lost all cultural relevancy
>unlike the Brits
>laughing bald eagle.jpg
dumb frogposter
Offcourse they have similar roots, they're all PIE. The differences between latin and germanic is clearly visible.
Schola means group and usually meant a military unit. It had nothing to do with what we now call school.
>muh latin and greek roots means dat english is a roman
Germanic Old English will always be superior to shitty French-deriving impure Middle English.
What was before Old English?
Keep calm and laugh at them
Nah, Middle English is aesthetic as fuck
meanwhile Old English just attracts LARPers
Proto-West-Germanic, and then Proto-Germanic
Germanic split up pretty late compared to most other branches of Indo-European. As far as I remember only Slavic split up later.
Old English is A E S T H E T I C as fuck m8.
language isnt even a real thing you fucking idiots
>language isnt even a real thing you fucking idiots
- Veeky Forums, 2017
Actually, Lithuanians do that as well
English is written with Latin alphabet
Latin alphabet is a variant of the Greek alphabet
the Greeks got their inspiration from the Phoenician which is a Semitic script
so English is a Semitic language
that isn't science, thats pseudo-scientific dogma and mental masturbation. English is based on latin and greek and so are the rest of the so-called "germanic" languages
read a book you fucking idiot.
We have 40% of our words derived from latin because the Normans brought Old French, but the basis of the language is still Germanic. Look up examples of "anglish" to better understand how this works.
English is an american language fucking yuropoors start sucking ahmeds cock
>English and Germanic languages
theres an artificial version of english out there that only consists of germanic roots and,
>protip, english is germanic
Eh you still have weald and 'the weald' as English place names so although forest is more common the alternative is still a word. Same goes for a lot of the German words like berg, they were still pretty common up until the last couple of centuries, it's more just modern phrasing
Protip you can speak English using only Germanic words
However you can not speak English with only latin words
>Language classification is based on vocabulary and not grammatical structure.
The majority of Japanese vocabulary is derived from Chinese.
Roughly 60% of overall Japanese vocabulary has Chinese origins
Although in daily use it's closer to 20%, in a dictionary it's ~60%
Ergo, Japanese is a Sino-Tibetan language
Do you see how fucking stupid this logic is now?
wood = wald
stream = stroom (dutch)
meer gives us maritime, I presume, plenty of links there
waste = wuste
folk = volk
might = macht
speak = sprache
a lot of the germanic words still exist in english, but in different registers and forms
Most of these words also have Germanic synonyms. Forest -> woods, river -> stream, desert -> wastes, people -> folk, language -> speech
it objectively is
Who gives a shit? I only use these distinctions to help estimate the difficulty of learning a language. Because that's actually a functional usage.
>English people are the ugliest I have ever seen
>look at documentaries, they're all white trash ugly cunts and manlets
Average height of a young English person is about 6ft and all the good looking Hollywood actors are British
>Average height of a young English person is about 6ft
It isn't.
I hate to "ackchyually" you, but language classification isn't based on grammatical structure either (although of course related languages tend to have similar grammars for obvious reasons). Linguistic taxonomy is based on the genetic relationships between the languages in question; whether or not they descended from a common ancestor, and, if so, how recent their common ancestor was.
If English had somehow magically developed a triconsonantal root system it would still be a Germanic language and not a Semitic language.
I realize you probably know this. Some people reading the thread might not, though!
Oh yeah I am aware, it's just that grammatical structure through the comparative method is often used to determine genetic relationships between languages if there's not a readily apparent history behind them. The fact that there are people in this thread using grammar as an absolute baseline for linguistic comparison does make me think that they wouldn't be aware of that though.
I'm 6ft and I can't walk down the street without seeing people taller than me. 16 year old school kids are taller now. 5'10 is the average because of older people, if you're 5'9 you're basically a goblin
>I'm 6ft and I can't walk down the street without seeing people taller than me
because they aren't English lmao