Hey Veeky Forums, I'm a little self conscious about my body so I've had to attach a cartoon version of myself (I'm the guy with the orange fringe). I just want to ask if you guys think I am good looking or not?
Would u bang doe?
Why has the blonde on the right got no tits?
what's this gay fight club parody?
That's my friend in a wig.
Sure I masturbate to hentai all the time
It's not a parody. We meet every Thursday night at 6, get topless and things just happen.
Thank you. You are boosting my self-confidence massively
This is me on a normal day. What is so hard to comprehend?
You're a ginger. Very few people like the way people gingers look. You're fucked.
t. a ginger
w-wat desu
You kinda look like a guy I know but you're probably not him.
You're objectively unattractive. Your skin is far too pale, even for a ginger, your hair is middle school tier, you wear lame band shirts and poor fitting jeans. Not only that but you're overweight.
The good news is literally every single thing I mentioned is fixable
this is like a 12 year old anime fan asked his parents if he could cut his hair however he wanted and they said yes. get it fixed shitter
Jesus fucking Christ I cannot believe I am witnessing this
Do you not understand how much you're embarrassing yourself with this thread lad?
what the fuck is this
a decent haircut might salvage things a bit, but you're never going to be very attractive
Dat jawline tho.
Green eyes m8?
Are you sure this is not shitty Fight Club fanart?
Plebby T-shirt now post the pic of the qt on the far right
maximum w0t
you look like a redneck assclown, and by assclown I mean a reckless person
Obv b8