SS Warmup?

Couldn't find anything in here about warming up before a workout. It has the workout specific warmup to the working sets but no mobility or dynamic stretches.

Is it necessary to warmup before doing this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Foam roll if you feel your mobility is limited. I usually just smash out 5 minutes on the elliptical and go straight into the warm up sets.

Warm-up only when doing heavy 1-2 rep sets and/or have dealt with an injury specific to the workout your doing.

Only times when necessary.

Stretch at home for mobility.
Warm up with low intensity doing the excercise you are about doing,

Lol. squats ARE the warmup in SS
Just do pyramid sets

Say your working set is 100kg do

As a rule of thumb each interval should be the same, whether it's 20kg or 40kg or 80kg shatever

That looks like a surefire way to exhaust yourself before your working sets.

If you're looking for aesthetics SS is literally one of the worst routines possible, sorry.

If you're looking for T-Rex mode or to have a good squat/deadlift but a shit everything else, go for it.



there's a 90% chance i've been here before you, little shit.

Now listen here you dirty, no good summerfag. I ve been on Veeky Forums for the past 8 years and by god i WILL NOT TOLERATE you treating me with such utter DISREPECT .

You WILL respect me , for i am an OLDFAG , who was shitposting when you were still in high school talking about lord of the rings with your gay little friends.

So YOU can fuck off to reddit, which is much more suitable for filthy newfags like yourself, or you can RESPECT your oldfags and maybe, just MAYBE, we'll let you stay on our website.


nice shitpoem. 8.5/10

too much imo

20x5, 60x4, 85x3 should be fine for warmup

Always know why you do the things that you do. The purpose of a warm-up is to get you ready to perform your work sets. A good warm-up routine will achieve the following:

1) Increased body temperature, for better performanced and reduced injury risk.

2) Amp up your nervous system, to be ready for maximal performance/heavy lifts.

3) Get you into the groove of the ensuing exercises. This includes mobility work, activation drills, and movement pattern practice (all AS NEEDED of course).

In order to accomplish these things, you'll most likely need a general warm-up, consisting of something that gets your heartrate up a bit as well as some drills specific to the exercise that you're supposed to be doing later. This mainly achieve 1) and a bit of 3) - You can choose to do some throws, jumps or other plyometric stuff to adress 2) as well. This is followed by some regular warm-up sets of the first heavy exercise you're going to do, and the purpose of this is mainly 3) and as you approach working weights 2).

Obviously after the first heavy exercise of the day, most of the 3 points are already achieved. 1 and 2 definitely are. Depending on the exercise that comes next you may or may not need to do anything further. It is however always a good idea to perform at least one lighter set before you dive in, just to get a feel for the exercise on the day.

>reddit mod
Is it even necessary? Limber 11 seems like only lower body warming up.


I'm not OP but I've got a question on SS as well.

Following this guide:

are both of the daily accessory exercises to be done each lifting day? Yes I realize this may be a retarded question but I'm obviously new at this.

The point of warming up is not getting injured. If you dont injure yourself youre ok. If youre lifting so much weight so wrong that youre injuring yourself while on SS you either havent read the book or its time to move on to a different program.

chins on power clean day, dips on deadlift day

I get that, but I mean the weighted situps and hyperextensions. Should I do both of them every time I lift?

He is right though

Heavy warmups are ESSENTIAL on SS. You think 15 reps, even heavy ones, are going to induce that much growth? You think you can work on your squat technique if you're always trying to push PRs?

>keep skipping your warmup until you injure yourself. Then you're ready to move onto a different program.

>You think 15 reps, even heavy ones, are going to induce that much growth?
yes, that's the point of the program

>You think you can work on your squat technique if you're always trying to push PRs?
yes, because you're nowhere near your limit for most of SS. the only time you're truly grinding through reps is the last couple of weeks.

youre welcome faggot

>reading comprehension

If you have chronic tight muscles then stretch them out before you do the movement (ie. Hams or hip flexors)

Don't listen to these autists telling you to just fucking jump into heavy squats, you'll have shit form and a one way ticket to snap city

Have you even read the program.
You are just gonna exhaust yourself before your work sets which actually matter.


Is molding mobility enough to warmup?

>listening to trappychan


People are giving you random advice, but your question is specifically what Starting Strength says.
I think it's in the routine chapter, but it says to do about 5 minutes of cardio, ideally the rowing machine, but just jogging and some calisthenics (like deep knee bends) is okay too.

As for the weighted warm ups, they are essential to teaching yourself correct form, and you should do them.

God these are just so wrong.

Mobility and flexibility training should be done after the workout. There's actually a lot of scientific literature on this stuff, check it out.

>stretching tears muscle fibers and fascia tissue
>stretching alone does not trigger anabolic growth
>while flexibility increases, you're doing it by beating the shit out of your body in micro-increments
>stretching after lifting/cardio allows a deeper stretch due to pre-worked muscles
>damage done by stretching is recovered as lifting/cardio has already triggered the anabolic growth process

The best warmup is 5 minutes of LISS cardio to get your body temperature up and performing the lift with less weight on the bar.

So 5 min of jump rope is a good warmup before doing SS and then just do the working set warmups?



Search super training on youtube. They have several example warmups. I use the one from Bryce Lewis.

Been doing starting strength since October last year

>squat 50kg to 110
>dl 80kg to140 (stalled due to old knee injury flaring up)
>BP 20 kg to 60
>ohp 20kg to 45 kg

A few questions

>can I just do this program indefinitely but throw in a few isolation exercises such as curls

>if not when should I stop added what should I do next

>why am I the only one in the gym who ever squats, are squats a meme?

>my forearms are still shit, what should I do?

>>if not when should I stop added what should I do next
Texas Method

does biking 10 mins to the gym count as a warmup

what would you recommend for Æsthetics?

You don't need static stretching to warm up. It is, in fact, counterproductive.

All that's needed for most people is a couple of minutes on a row machine or something before warming up the actual lift, starting with the unloaded bar and ramping up from there.

Haven't been on Veeky Forums or read SS in years. When did he add weighted situps and hyperextensions?

>Not buying Starting Strength 6th edition and doing the Advanced 2nd stage modified microloading phase for 14 months and subscribing to the Wichita Falls Weekly and hiring a milkman to deliver you milk everyday

I just started SS. I'm still intimidated by the compound lifts, so I stretch, light treadmill for 5 minutes, and do a warmup set before trying the weight I think I can manage (while still maintaining form).

>Couldn't find anything in here about warming up before a workout.
Please. Page 365.

>It has the workout specific warmup to the working sets but no mobility or dynamic stretches.
Nice reading comprehension newfriend.