/plg/- Powerlifting general: We lift heavy, eat heavy, and feel heaviest of all.
Some neat stuff: pastebin.com
/plg/- Powerlifting general: We lift heavy, eat heavy, and feel heaviest of all.
Some neat stuff: pastebin.com
first for fuck deadlifts
are power cleans, push press, and farmers walks enough for legs not being shrivelled up and atrophied looking? i don't powerlift and i'm really tired of squatting
Why are you here?
just do some pushups bro
Trip on Joe.
i really dont want to squat today
deads > bench >>>>>>>>>>>>> squat
Can I squat every day and run c6w for upperbody?
Why are deadlifts not suppose to be done frequently? Im doing 3-4x5 2 times a week, is that bad?
this desu
fuck squats with hatred
I'm Skipping eq bench
No you're fucking not
do this and i will kill you
comp bench thrice weekly + one variation
comp squat twice weekly + one variation
comp diddly once weekly + one variation
This is the most arbitrary and retarded training frequency I've ever seen.
You should vary your training frequency and do what benefits you most.
I'm training deadlifts 3x a week fine and without issue because I needed to increase my max for a more proportionate total.
Weights moving easy, it isn't too taxing.
There is no ideal frequency for any lift, do it more if it's weak, do it less if you wish to maintain or progress slower.
Avon is getting a tattoo
>stultus sum et ti narrarundum
Literally who? He's posted so infrequently nobody cares about him.
Why would you do that
So i should just train deadlifts like any other lift?
Fucking hate muslims and fucking hate Ramada
Bring back Lenin and ban practising Muslim beliefs
Any of you do any dynamic stretching to warm up to squats? Specifically warm up and stretch your hammies?
Stretching before lifting isn't the best idea. I mean you can do some band work but I wouldn't really call it stretching, more just limbering.
Hip circle is amazing for squats, but you'll have to give mark smelly Jew some money which isn't a good thing
Stretching and limbering shouldn't be the bulk of your warm up IMHO (asuming it is)
>This is the most arbitrary and retarded training frequency I've ever seen.
That's why sheiko, TSA, gold signature coaching, RTS, john paul cucki and innumerable powerlifting coaches use it, right?
>a more proportionate total.
>do it less if you wish to maintain or progress slower.
>wish to progress slower.
is this Dino by chance?
Who made this?
Stop kicking Joe while hes down! >:(
>That's why sheiko, TSA, gold signature coaching, RTS, john paul cucki and innumerable powerlifting coaches use it, right?
Appeal to authority logical fallacy without any proof
There's more than one "sheiko" program and more than one "TSA" profram, more than one "RTS" program e.t.c
Are you actually implying all these programs follow your arbitrary frequency?
Also nice cherry picked example TEMPLATES
Also muscle imbalances are am leading cause of injury you, enjoy your fucked hips and lumber spine tardosaurus
So how does one drink in the afternoon?
Whenever I try doing it because there is some celebration going on, he alcohol feels very toxic and tires me.
It feels like I'm getting sick from it despite not even being drunk at all and I just want so sleep.
I don't get this shit.
please start tripping as "dino" so I can block you kek
What that means?
Ad hominem logical fallacy and no rebuttal
V. Nice
where THE FUCK is the pinko gommunie suaven?
noun: fallacy; plural noun: fallacies
a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound argument.
>mistaken belief
my belief (that you are a weak fuck (ie dino)) is infact, true and factual, thus i have zero fallacies in my post
In philosophy, a formal fallacy (also called logical fallacy) is a pattern of reasoning rendered invalid by a flaw in its logical structure that can neatly be expressed in a standard logic system, for example propositional logic. An argument that is formally fallacious is always considered wrong.
>An argument that is formally fallacious is always considered wrong.
do you mean formerly, dumb fuck dino?
if so my argument (you're a dumb weak rippetits-tier idiot) that is based on the hypotenusis that you are dino (weak 28 programs spamming idiot) is infact, true and has never been formerly discredited in the past
Who's your favorite polwerlifter? Mine is Pilav, and norsefat after.
Oh my God can you really not spell?
Still appealing to the adhominem formal fallacy?
What were your results at universi so I can laugh pls
>Oh my God can you really not spell?
>What were your results at universi
my sides have been blown into orbit
Missing letters isn't a misspelling of the word, it's just an incomplete word )))))
Hey guys, tangential question
Im pretty far along in my LP and want to start introducing cardio training ( I want to be able to run, as well as not feel like a peice of shit if I exert effort for more than 20 seconds).
How should I go about this? Should I wait until my novice phase is over and I switch into TM style programming? Should I stop being a pussy and just do it, fuck the consequences? I really want that 315x5 squat, and Im only 6 weeks away.
Pls teach me, I adore your abilities.
How do I do it?
History is a useless subject
You got cucked hard
>90 on paper about book I half read
>100 on test I barely studied for
so why is modern american history ez
History is a useless subject
You got cucked hard
I dont drink at all. Its fucking retarded,might as well huff paint.
>Ingesting an organic solvent for fun
it may be useless but its interesting
But it gets you in a solid mood lad.
Sometimes it's just a lot of fun
>>Ingesting an organic solvent
there are many reasonable ways to disagree with drinking
I personally stand against drunkenness because its not only degenerate hedonism, but it often results in self destruction but those around you
if you are that magical person who drinks for a buzz and doesnt get drunk I see no problem with that
is retarded
-t. mad chem major who thinks ur dum
Very true. I take history so I too got cucked hard.
But in terms of job security you may want to look into high skilled labour lol
apparently now taking a general ed class makes you a major in it
Ride out your LP, don't change something if it's working. If you do 3 day TM, some LISS the day after VD might be good.
Enjoy it literally dissolving the myelin in your brain. Its not just 'lol chemicals are bad bro', it acts as a fucking solvent.
>Just take a whiff out of this paper bag lad
>Puts you in a solid mood
Why do people like this 6/10 spic
>Alcohol Binge Drinking
>Alcohol Binge Drinking
>Alcohol Binge Drinking
>Alcohol Binge Drinking
>Alcohol Binge Drinking
what I said was ok=/=that
nice meme
Straw man
Can't stop flexing my pecs one at a time
Just bought some Jim Beam "Devil's Cut" on sale. Sweet, cheap, beautiful swill.
How light do you guys go when you feel overtrained?
k sean
apparently binge drinking is now the same as ~30-60ml of commerical alcohol an hour
Singles at 70%.
>training at all
*ok hand symbol emoji*
if you are concerned about the harmful effects of alcohol you shouldnt be eating ANY foods like saurkraut, yoghurt, sausage, or the likes because those are fermented which contain notable amounts of alcohol and have been linked in peer reviewed studies to increasing the propensity of an individual to develop intestinal cancers
Haven't been able to barbell movements for three years. How much strength have I lost?
W-what paperbag lad?
Who the fuck knows. Go pick up a barbell. There is your answer.
Nice, nice. But how come your squat looks somewhat Finnish, when you're Swedish? Someone dear to you who coached you may not be who they say they are.
Goodnight /plg/
Don't argue and bant too much
Time for a wank
Seen why haven't you killed yourself yet?
Competing for the first time on saturday, any tips for my first meet?
Link the study. I just spent 5 minutes googling "ethyl alcohol content of saurkraut" "ethanol saurkraut" "alcohol levels saurkraut" etc etc and found literally nothing. Just "there might be some" and "not enough sugar in the cabbage for a relevant amount produced".
-t. weeaboo trap lover who lives in a police state
I can't, no gym. But why do you lose strength? You don't forget to read, or the color of blue, or how to walk.
>googleing for peer reviewed papers
>But why do you lose strength?
Google it, you lazy faggot.
The body goes for a use it or lose it mentality when it comes to muscle, since it is energetically expensive to maintain.
Don't be bother about such useless studies.
100 dollar that the study he is talking about was completely uncontrolled and thus meaningless.
Aim for 9/9, not 50 kg PRs.
Futa aren't trap
I have the blues real bad right now and im also about to do 5x5 squats
If lifting isn't a good enough part of your day to cheer you up, then you need to quit and go fix your shit.
>>I'm not seen
Idk I don't drink during the day because I'm not an alcoholic loser
I swear to god
sean brute forced isleys trip till he got it
and now he seanposts
Lol how's your first year of training?
Cool I don't care
>drinking a bottle or two for a slight buzz to make the afternoon/night more fun is retarded
I've been training for 7 years.
>k Sean
It would take 300,000 years to discover this trip exactly
>a bottle or two for a slight buzz
Oh, well, I guess you don't ever participate at any social events.
It's clear that hea never stepped foot inside of a university as he's a fucking loser who try's to act smart and needs to save his little brain therefore can afford losing a couple brain cells drinkin cause the little nigga is already so damn fuckin stupid
>I must protect my trip with utmost security