This dedicated son of a bitch is reforming your failed central planning clusterfuck and basically...

This dedicated son of a bitch is reforming your failed central planning clusterfuck and basically, Mao IS fucking retarded

Standards of living have already increased by 300%, and coal production quadrupled. How? ...Just implement these economic reforms.

Other urls found in this thread:

>gets purged from the party 4 times
>every single time he just comes back and no one does anything about it
how the fuck did he get away with it bros?

China is #1 by default, but sometimes it falls behind because of extremely retarded leadership. Mao was a cancer and once he was gone it was inevitable that the Chinese economy would skyrocket in productivity.

>when he came into power China was literally worse than most of Sub-Saharan Africa
>his reforms led to it becoming the world's #2 economy by the start of the 20th century
>now in addition to general massive improvements everywhere there's a ring of five close regions in China which if they seceded would have 200 million people living on a GDP PPP per capita of $30,000, similar to the middling parts of Spain and Italy
How the FUCK did he do it?
How did he do it?




by implementing national socialism in a country that didn't have to attack all it's neighbors to make national socialism work

He really was the true hero of China, I don't know why Mao is so beloved and celebrated in China with his image everywhere while Deng made China great again

>by implementing national socialism
Literally the opposite. He instituted free market reforms and massively increased foreign trade. Most of China's remaining problems are directly due to inefficient state-owned businesses.

forgot pic

Chinese autism means they have to pretend the first person to preside over a government change was it's greatest leader, which is why Sun Yat Sen and Mao get absurdly glorified despite being ineffectual and downright awful, respectively

Pretty much he undid all of the bad parts of Mao's ideology and invested hard in modernization while leveraging off of the West's desire to make friends with China to help counter the Soviets.

He made a lot of reforms that seemed common sense - things like making university admission based on ability, de-prioritizing political qualifications over technical qualifications for major positions, and opening up free enterprise at lower levels. But coming out of the Mao era, Maoist philosophy was effectively the state religion, despite not being an effective means of running a country. So Deng really did a lot to justify going completely against Mao's teachings in many places.

If you're looking for some resources about the era, I'd suggest Ezra Vogel's book on Deng. It's 800 pages of autistic Chinese politics and economics that isn't even in chronological order for the "Deng Era" in the '80s, but it'f an excellent look at how drastically Deng changed China.

oh yeah and I forgot to add - that book has a picture of Deng in a swimsuit.

Everyone underestimated him because he looked like a harmless gnome. His diminutive exterior hid the fact that he was a hard motherfucker.

Don't worry, Deng has his own posters during his time (every Chinese leader does).

This one especially triggers the fuck out of Hong Kong Snowflakes.

Deng Xiaoping was in a videogame. A very, very shitty videogame.

where are his eyes? why does he look like he came straight from hell?

He was so god damned effective that even when he got purged, people wanted to keep him around. And whenever a new regime needed competency (because communism is retarded) or needed to shore up their support, they would bring him back.

The only commie (which he was just by party only) I respect besides Tito, Deng saved his nation from Mao's insanity and kept his nation from collapsing under the Gang of Four from behind the shadows.
He and Lee Kuan Yew are my favorite asian leaders of the 20th century.

>Standards of living have already increased by 300%, and coal production quadrupled. How? ...Just implement these economic reforms.

What if that's just what the sparrows want you to think?

>china wages increasing

I can't stand that meme.

How do you explain the huge number of chink tourists and all the degenerate purchasing of meme luxury goods then?

Fuck off reddit

What about unsuccessful revolutionaries like Dubcek and Nagy?

The 1% rich guys, and for the population of China, is almost the Australia standard population.

I wouldn't even really call Dubcek a commie either, a social democrat at worst.
He was a good man too though, shame he lost his power so soon.



Deng ironically did a better job at murdering sparrows than Mao ever managed. And he didn't even try.

Breath that smog, motherfuckers.