Are nations without oil doomed to irrelevance?
Are nations without oil doomed to irrelevance?
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Nations with oil will become irrelevant once we switch to alternative energy sources.
*Blocks your path
Are nations with oil?
Seriously, I can only name like six of these, they're not that relevant
Europe, Japan, Australia will be relevant longer than oil
Oil's already being phased out.
No since countries like France and Italy are incredibly more relevant than countries like Algeria and Libya.
>Angola is more relevant than India
Europe has vast coal and natural gas reserves. Australia has lots of resources. East Asia has favorable shipping routes. These countries have resources besides oil.
Australia has shitloads of metals and uranium.
However we didn't bother to introduce a tax on it so mining corporations are raping our country at no benefit to the average Australian.
>no benefit to the average Australian
Do you understand how the economy works?
yemen has oil and colombia too
>Eurozone, India, and Japan irrelevant
Pablo, or Ahmed?
Nations without water are doomed to death
>America, China, Russia & the UK will become irrelevant
China has oil?
Somewhere near the Kazakhstan border, I believe.
giving jobs isn't enough.
You can't build an economy on oil alone, no matter how hard the Saudi's try.
Look at Dubai, they got started on oil but they are expanding to tourism.
Umm no sweetie, the money earned by everyone involved in the mining industry is circulated to everyone else in the country because they actually spend that money on rent, food and commodities :)
and getting tax on metals an uranium would introduce even more and considering uranium is gonna be even more relevant alongside other fuel sources and metals always being relevant. Australia better find a better way to tax companies rather then going fora regressive taxation policy.
No it wouldn't, the government would spend most of that money on things other than social services. Taxing would throw away a lot of money. It's way better for the economy as a whole to have low taxes on industry.
Yes to the last two
t. a fucking retard
Firstly, government spending is independent of where they get that money from. So they would spend some of that money on social services, which increases aggregate demand which has a circulation in the effect that you mentioned.
Also, they would spend that money on infrastructure projects that would improve productivity and hence gdp growth in the future. Things like NBN, more roads and public transport, hospitals and schools, university funding.
The Australian government pissed it away because they're bought and paid for shills for the mining companies. They admit it themselves:
thread my fucking nuts. there's more to the relevance of a nation than oil.
Dawg, I never implied that they would be putting that money back into mining.
And it's also not like the money that's not being taxed straight out of the industry wouldn't be taxed through circulation. The difference is that the economy benefits from monetary growth as well, which creates jobs.
Because the jobs are more localised in who they benefit.
W-we will become a superpower once thorium becomes relevant, y-you will see.
You do know what circulation means, right?
Australia has lots of oil but it's not worth looking for it and drilling for it because there's so much iron, copper, nickel, aluminium and uranium to dig up instead.
Literally the largest country in the world and one of the few that stands to benefit from forecast climate change.
The mark is already so indelible though, maybe when you stop speaking their language on machines they invented we can talk about how irrelevant they are. Regardless the USA is just a perpetuation of Anglo-Saxon geo-political dominance anyway.
>largest country in the world
Yes, with the economy of Mexico or Italy. OR, not and. Owning a snowy wasteland doesn't mean shit.
We're not talking about their relevancy. The discussion was about who would become irrelevant. And just because the 19th century was Britannia doesn't mean jack shit about the modern day. PS, we all speak English because America won the cold war.
>regardless the USA is just a perpetuation of Anglo-Saxon geo-political dominance anyway.
Why the fuck is everything you say so blatantly wrong?
>fight war against your rulers
>win with foreign aid
>200+ years later said rulers get to claim your accomplishments made after winning independence
Can east africa lay claim to the entire world's achievements? No, so fuck off
>being this deluded.
Do you actually believe this meme? Do you know nothing of what it takes to manufacture "le alternative energy"? You think a modern navy is ever going to be green? What about the industrial scale mining required to get the recourses for your Priuses and solar panels? Jesus Christ. Fucking brainlets
>its a retarded drill monkey thinking that nuclear power isn't viable
I love nuclear my nigga, but you can't actually believe it will free you from oil.
>oil is only important for driving cars
no you dumbass. Oil is gonna move on to a more tertiary part of the energy basket while it will still be used as a source of hydrocarbons
I think you're retarded
you clearly are incapable of thinking.